[Group] Gangbanged at a campus party

I (19F) had a breakup two weeks ago, my boyfriend dumped me for a fat girl. She was “better” than me in bed he said.
I was at a campus party with a lot of friends, then my ex showed up with his fat girlfriend. I drank more than I should but that is not listed as an excuse. I did everything fully knowing what I was doing and now I am so ashamed.

I let two men strip me in front of anyone and everyone. I then let them lay down a blanket and fuck me on the floor with the party going on all around us. After the two of them both came inside me (something I’d never done before except anally a few times). Then another really hot man started kissing me, soon another and the first one stuck his cock in my mouth the other started fucking me. The one in my mouth was about to cum and pulled out and shot on my tits, the other came in me. Through the night most guys took multiple turns, but I let 11 different guys fuck me, and at least 10 use my mouth.

My ex’s girl was standing there watching disgusted. My ex watched in open jawed amazement as he knows he was only the second cock inside me. They both left the party and he very loudly said he was going back to get some GOOD sex from her. She very loudly said she would fuck him better than he ever had.

I’m so embarrassed after. All my girlfriends were there, they all saw me getting gangbanged and guys come up all the time now thinking they can take me out and fuck me since they either did it already, or saw so many others doing it. I went from a girl with only 2 guys in her past to a gangbanged slut. Everyone knows. Now I’m scared to death that I might have gotten pregnant since they all came in me.

It’s such a horrible thing to endure. I can’t stand it, feeling like I violated myself, and my total upbringing.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/118we15/group_gangbanged_at_a_campus_party


  1. That man is horrible. He’ll get what’s coming to him soon. For now, take a plan b. And if you’re feeling any symptoms of depression, I highly urge you to get some help.

  2. It’s okay, you will be okay just give yourself a minute. It sounds like you had a really tough break up and need some time to heal

  3. I have several friends that have done gangbangs. Look at is as empowering rather than the opposite. You have the say of who enters you. If guys are coming up to you thinking you’re easy, tell them to fuck off and that you don’t remember them because their dick was so tiny and you didn’t feel it. Or that you only could’ve done them when you were drunk.

    Just because you did a gangbang doesn’t mean you’re a dirty whore. You just like sex, like 99.99% of the population does. Congratulations! You’re normal!

  4. funny that everyone looks up to any male or female who has participated in a gangbang or orgy because they are viewed as free, liberated, adventurous and courageous. I have always looked up to such persons because I think they are bold and fearless and courageous. Your story is curious to me. Would you have done this without the prior consumption of alcohol?

  5. Sounds like a fun time – Congratulations on being so brave to do it, and then to tell us about it. You own your sexuality and aren’t afraid of it.

    How big were their dicks and how did their cum taste?

  6. Sweetie, your fine. First off – go get a preg test (like at a clinic) and get that out of your mind. Your a adult and sex is sex. Im sure you know your options and don’t scare yourself with “what if”.

    Second, as for the gangbang – you had alot of sex at once. Hopefully you had a great time at the time. Now those that look down at you are giving you free info that they suck. It hard to know whether people are good to know or not. Someone who stands by a friend that is going thru a breakup is a good friend.

    As for your ex, he has that other girl. If he cheated on you then he is crap. If he ditched you because of sex (without talking to you) then its just a matter of time before he ditches her for something else. You do you, and cut loose the feelings that where about him – he isn’t worth it.

    You did something wild – that is the age you at – enjoy finding out whether this is something you like or not. You can cross off alot of sex bucket list – public sex, striping, gangbang, etc.. Its just sex, not just all of who you are. Personally, it sounded sexy as hell.

  7. Having some wild adventurous fun isn’t anything to feel embarrassed about. The shallow narrow-minded people who look down on you aren’t worth your energy. As long as you are true to yourself, not harming others then hold your head high. IMO there is nothing wrong with being a slut when it is your choice at the time of your choice.

  8. In this story you said your body count was 2 beforehand but you had a previous story saying you had a baseball team gangbang

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