[FM] [oral] [public] [hotwife] The time I [F35] got my pussy eaten in the back of a Tesla

In my quest to become a sexually satisfied hotwife, I felt it was time to get my pussy eaten right and proper.
And then I met Ethan. We mutually swiped on each other the previous week, and in chat he not only bragged about his cunniligus skills, but also his desire to have his mouth used by a “beautiful pussy”. This, along with his good looks intrigued me enough to meet for coffee.

So, we met at a quiet spot of my choice.
I wore a low-cut black top, and a tight green skirt with a zippered slit all the way up the thigh.
He was tall. At 6’4, I had to stand on my tip toes to properly hug him. He had salt and pepper hair with matching facial scruff, hazel eyes, and a deep gravelly voice. Juuust my type, I thought as we sat down with coffee to chat.

It was probably about ten minutes into our conversation that I had decided he would do just fine, and I might as well take his mouth for a ride. I kept imagining how his dark facial scruff would feel against the inside of my thighs.

After a long enough chat about absolutely nothing, we hit a pause in the conversation and he said, “so are you going to show me what’s underneath that skirt?”
I blushed and coyly agreed. He lead me to his Tesla parked around the corner, opened the passenger door for me and said, “it’s a model S,” as if I had any idea what that meant.

We got in, but before he put the car in reverse, he turned to me and asked, “now can I see what’s underneath?” I laughed and pulled my knees apart so he could get a better look. He lifted my skirt up and peeped at my sheer black thong panties, and after a long, low whistle he asked, “do you know of a secluded place we can go?”

I had just the place in mind. He drove us to a forested park I used to frequent for its jogging trails, the entire drive my pussy buzzing in anticipation.
We pulled in and he invited me to join him in the back seat, and I happily obliged.

We hopped in the back and he moved the front seats forwards to make more room. Before I could finish commenting on how spacious the back seat of a Tesla was, his mouth was on my mouth and his hands were removing my coat.

He quickly had me pinned to the back seat with my legs spread open, and him between them. Our tongues began roughly exploring each other, all while he was inching his hands up my my bare thighs, seeking a hold on my ass.

He practically lifted me off the seat as his large hands found firm grips on each of my ass cheeks, and I purred in his ear in response. He gave a light test spank while smiling at me, and I gasped.

“Will you take off your panties?” He growled in my ear.
“Only if you’ll help me,” I said lifting my hips off the seat.

He pushed my skirt up and laughed when he saw the slick wet spot soaking through my black undies.
“Wet already? Eager girl, ” he said, a mischievous smile on his handsome face.

He pulled my thong down my legs and over my boots, tossing them behind his head. He got on his knees, pushed my legs far apart and got a good look before he began.

He looked up at me from between my thighs, smiling one more time, “you have a beautiful pussy” he said with a low voice.

I suddenly had the uncanny feeling that I was out to dinner, a dinner where I was about to be the main course.

I closed my eyes and sighed as I felt his soft kisses and face scruff brushing the inside my thighs, as divine as I had predicted. I gasped when his warm tongue went straight for my wet clit, the first lick is always the most intense.

His tongue was skillfully playing with my clit – I could feel the tongue muscle going soft, folding around my lips and mounds and then going hard again, pushing my lips apart, exploring and intruding deeper. I began to moan quietly and run my fingers roughly through his thick dark hair.

“You are good at that,” I said while bringing my legs up and over his shoulders, but I spoke too soon because now he was introducing his fingers.

Arching my back, I braced my arm against the car door and moaned louder as he put two long fingers inside me, giving a “come hither” gesture, all while sucking on my clit at the same time. I was practically grinding on his face now, saying babble like, “holyfuckingshit” and “don’t stop.”

From time to time I would look down to see his hazel eyes lock with mine. I could feel the heat flooding my cheeks and my heart beginning to pound.

Lost in my own pleasure, I had been moaning loudly in the back seat of this Tesla. At that moment a couple with their young child meandered into the parking lot and stood directly in front of the car.

“There’s people right outside,” I said breathlessly to him, as a sort of a warning for him to slow down, and he laughed at me.

He had no intention of slowing down, instead, he took it as an opportunity to kick things up a notch.

He began doing this humming/vibrating thing with his mouth around my clit, while continuing to fuck me with two strong fingers. Now this was something I have never had the pleasure of experiencing before, and I swear I felt the vibration in my back of my skull.

I tried to hold it together, praying the young family out on a nice walk wouldn’t look through the window and see my flushed face about to cum in the backseat.
My hand reached up for a grab handle, turns out Tesla’s don’t have grab handles, a missed design feature if you ask me.

I covered my mouth with my hand in attempt to muffle my cries, but I have never been very good at being quiet. They finally began to walk away from the car, And thank god because I couldn’t hold back anymore.

The orgasm was blinding, feeling it firing off in my neither regions and traveling up the base of my spine. I was crying out, gripping his hair roughly in my hand, bucking my hips into his jaw. All while his eyes were locked on my face, watching me cum in his mouth.
I sighed as the residual pangs of the orgasm finally faded. He came up for air, his jaw glossed with my wetness, and smiled at me again with that devilish grin. My favorite facial expression, I thought.

He leaned forward and planted a rough tongue kiss on my lips. Licking and sucking on his tongue and lips, I tasted myself, sweet and a little musky, I thought.
He pulled away and with a satisfied smile asked, “Want to smoke a spliff?”

Afterwards, he dropped me off at my car and I thanked him for the lovely time before parting ways. I finished my errands with a naughty grin plastered to my face.
As I was leaving the dry cleaners later that afternoon, the nice young man behind the counter who had been flirting with me gave me a little wink.

When I winked back at him, I wondered what he would think if he knew I still had the taste of my own cum on my lips

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/118nrmj/fm_oral_public_hotwife_the_time_i_f35_got_my


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