Bad Day/Good Night [M25/F25], [BDSM], [Dom/Sub], [Primal], [Biting/Bondage]

They always say not to go to bed angry, but it can’t always be helped. This wasn’t a particularly big argument. Not even an argument I would say, more just one of those days where you’re irritated with each other for no tangible reason. It was a bad day mentally for me, and I shut him out. I know I shouldn’t, I know it’s something to work on, but I can’t win every day, and I don’t expect him to just accept it and take it with a smile.

As we said good night, we rolled our backs to each other (typical ‘I’m mad at you’ position). But no matter what happened during the day, during the night we would always curl into each other. This night was no different. I, being a light sleeper, woke up with his arms around my stomach, his body pressed flush with my back. As I tried to wiggle back into sleep, I heard him groan, and something prodding my ass. Let me rephrase that; it wasn’t a groan; it was a moan. I giggled, softly trying not to wake him, but it seemed that ship had sailed. My wiggling caused him to hold me tighter, burying his face in my neck, and when I giggled, he began lightly thrusting from behind.

As much as I know some people would fight him off, the thoughts of the day and being upset with one another still relatively fresh, but truth be told I was hornier than he was. However, that didn’t mean I was just going to strip instantly and give it up. I arched my back, grinding my ass into his groin, feeling his member fight against both of our pajama bottoms. This time I did receive a groan. I giggled again, not even trying to be silent in our quiet bedroom.

“Someone wants to tease, huh?” Uh-oh, I’ve activated his Dom voice. I sputtered, trying to make something of an apology or excuse, but it was too late. He pulled and flipped me under him in one swift motion. Even in the mostly dark room, I felt the control in his eyes. He leaned down and kissed my forehead, whispering to me.

“Does someone want to play?”

“Yes, sir,” I whimpered, trying to push my body against him, but he was having none of it. He pinned my wrists above my head and scoffed a bit.

“Well, isn’t that just too bad? Because I’m the only one who gets to play tonight.” With that, he let go of my wrists momentarily, only to reach above our headboard and cuff me to it. Goddammit, sometimes being a brat really sucks.

He swung his leg off me, moving to stand by the bed. He stripped his shirt and shorts, taking extra care to be slow removing his shorts. With the small amount of light in the room, my mouth began to water as he freed himself from his clothes. He then crawled back over to me, straddling my legs and pinning them closed with his knees. I started to whimper as he began stroking himself.

“What’s the matter? What? What’s wrong?” He was antagonizing me. He knew exactly what I wanted. I wanted him to fuck me into oblivion, I wanted to suck his cock until I couldn’t breathe. I wanted every bruise, every welt, every bite that he would give me. But I had to say the magic words. I had to tell him exactly what I wanted, and someone like me doesn’t communicate very well. I could feel all those words pounding against my skull trying to escape, but my mouth wouldn’t, couldn’t, open. He snickered to himself, watching my torture, until something happened that shocked us both. I said it.

“I want you to fuck me senseless, sir.”

Holy shit, I did it. I said it. I could see in the dim light his face of surprise, which I’m sure mirrored my own. We’d been working on being communicative, mostly my communication, not only in normal life but also in the bedroom. He was so shocked he had stopped stroking. I almost burst into tears. He let go of his cock and quickly got on top of me and kissed all over my face.

“Little one I’m so proud of you!” Kisses in between every word. We both took a moment; he leaned his forehead to mine.

“I’m very proud of you, and I hate to ruin the moment, but I’m still hard.”

“I can feel it, how about we fix that?” He smiled, kissed me again, and pushed himself up straight, straddling my pelvis.

“Because that was such a big thing for you to do, I will forgive the teasing you thought you could get away with earlier, but don’t expect this leniency twice.

“Yes sir.”

He began stroking himself again, but this time his other hand travelled down to my clit, where he started making slow circles. I moaned quietly, trying to contain myself.

“God you’re so wet; my little cum slut is so eager.”

I began thrusting my hips up and down on his hand, begging for him to enter.

“Aww, is someone feeling empty? Well, let me fix that for you.” He aligned himself with my hole and slowly entered me. If not for the handcuffs, I’m sure I would’ve tried to slam him into me.

“Easy little one, I don’t want to accidentally hurt.” He filled me, finally entering me fully. He leaned down, whispering in my ear. “However, I would very much like to leave some purposeful marks.” With that, he bit my shoulder while he began thrusting into me.

Feeling his cock in me and his teeth on my skin, I was already ready to burst. He started picking up the pace, thrusts going faster, and he growled into my shoulder, biting harder.

With the confidence from my earlier outburst, I let out a load moan.

“Oh fuck!” He let go of my shoulder and looked down at me.

“That’s my good girl, louder. I want to hear how much you want this.”

“Sir I want to feel you cum inside me, I’m already close.”

He grinned and pulled out of me. I whimpered at the loss.

“Shh, don’t worry, I’m going to make us feel good.” He grabbed my legs and hoisted them onto his shoulders. Once in position he entered me once more, this time not bothering to start slowly. He began slamming into me, quick and hard, driving me to the edge. He growled into my face, grunting with animalistic sounds that made me wetter.

“Oh sir, I’m close!” I no longer tried to contain my voice, I wanted to be vocal, wanted to let him know how much he drove me crazy.

“Then be a good little slut and cum with me.” I didn’t think it was possible, but he started thrusting faster, driving every inch of himself into me.

“Yes… Sir…” I could barely breathe, think, only feel him inside.

A second later he slams one more time into me as I yell out in pure ecstasy, and I hear him give out a long groan. I clench and twitch around him as I feel his cock pulsing inside me, filling me with everything he has.

We both try to catch our breath, and he leans down and kisses my eyelid, whispering “God you feel so good,”.

“So do you.” I giggle as he starts giving me kisses all over my face again. As soon as he regains composure, he pulls out of me and unlocks the handcuffs. We both get some water, and he checks my wrists to make sure the cuffs didn’t do any unwanted damage. After some bathroom breaks, we lay back down, his arm around me and my head on his chest.

“You know we went to bed mad right?” I have problems communicating, yet sometimes I truly feel I can never keep my mouth shut.

“Oh yeah? Why were we mad?” He looks down at me with an antagonizing smirk.

“I don’t remember, but I think it had something to do with you not going for round two.” I giggle as I look up at him and watch as he raises an eyebrow at me.

“Really? Maybe I took those cuffs off too soon.” He lowers his hand around me, and drags his nails up my back, digging deep enough to leave red marks that he knows I love. I shiver at the pain but decide maybe I could still test the limits of my teasing pardon.

I slowly sit up, crawl to the foot of the bed and stretch like an alley cat; face down, arch back, ass up. I expect him to say something, but instead I feel him move, and hear his nightstand open. Before I have time to look behind me, I hear the crack of the paddle on his palm.

“We’ll see who doesn’t like round two after this.” He then promptly pops me on my right ass cheek.

As I yelp, and prepare for the next swat, I think maybe sometimes going to bed angry isn’t so bad after all.
