Another little party time with new friends [MF] [MFM] Part 2

Part 1

Part 2 below

We were in the neighborhood so my wife and I decided to stop by our new friends place just to say hello.

As it turns out we caught them at a good time, their kids had just headed over to their friends house out of town so they were all alone and just chillin. We really hadn’t planned on staying long but Bill brought out a bottle of Tequilla and started making margaritas for us all so we all just hung out for a while. Damn he makes strong drinks.

Well after a couple of those we were all getting a little tipsy and Bill suggested we go outside and sit on the deck to get some air. Sounded like a great idea but it didn’t last long since it was only 40 degrees out and my wife was freezing!

So we all headed back inside and Bill threw some wood on the fireplace. In hindsight I think this might have been planned by Bill all along, the burning wood along with the drinks seemed to have gotten my wife very hot indeed. She asked Bill and his wife if they minded if she took her bra off because it was so hot. They didn’t have a problem with it so she removes her bra and a gave a little titty flash while doing so. This got Bill aroused but his wife looked annoyed.

Bill’s wife said she was going to lay down for a minute, too many margaritas. I followed her to her bedroom and asked if she was alright. She asked me to shut the door and proceeds to take her clothes off and lays on the side of the bed. It seems that she was also getting very hot but didn’t want to show out by the fireplace. So there she is naked and I’m standing there looking at her and she points to her pussy and tells me to “come here”.

I began running my tongue all up and down her slit and tongue fucking her while playing with her tits. She spread her lips for me and pushed my head in deep and then she began to buck and tensed up and then all of a sudden my face was soaked ! She got off so hard. I ran my tongue up onto her clit but she clenched her legs together and pulled me away, her clit was too sensitive from cumming I guess. I got up and wiped my face with bedspread and she told me ” that felt so fucking good! Thanks, I needed that” I told her the pleasure was all mine.

Part 2

After leaving Bill’s wife laying there on the bed feeling good I went across the hall to the bathroom to finished cleaning my face up, she made quite a mess on it!

I walked back out into the living room, but it was empty, but I heard voices in the room with the fireplace, so I head in there expecting to see my wife and Bill but much to my surprise there sat both of Bill’s kids! Holy shit! They were supposed to be gone all night but there they were!

I’m sure the stunned look on face and the fact I couldn’t catch my breath would have given me away had it of not been for the fact they were both so engrossed with their cell phones. But now all I can wonder is how long have they been there, what did they hear and where the hell is Bill and my wife!

Well, I kind of waved hello to them and asked, “Have you seen your Dad”? They said “Oh they went over to the neighbor’s house to feed and water the dogs while they are away.

So, I headed next door and sure enough there’s Bill and my wife by the front door, fully clothed, laughing it up. I had to ask what was so funny because I had just about had a heart attack when I found both of the kids were home and NOBODY warned me! Bill apologized for not warning me but they both went on to tell me that they could laugh now about it but when the kids came home and nearly caught them in front of the fireplace they about died.

My wife tells me that earlier while I was in with Bill’s wife that she snuck outside the bedroom door and could heard moaning, so she went and got Bill to come and listen too. Well, that gave the two of them all the ‘ok’ they needed to play around. So, they went out by the fireplace, and she took off her shirt and Bill was all over her nipples. Eventually they are both nude and my wife is leaning over the small end table and Bill is taking her from behind, she loves that position, when they see headlights in the driveway, then they hear a car door and oh shit, somebodies here! Now it was a scramble to get their clothes back on. As they are both telling me this story my wife pulls her panties and socks out of her pocket, said she didn’t have time to put them on and they both laughed some more.

They don’t think the kids seen anything and neither acted like anything was even odd. They just said hello and that they had decided not to stay the night with their friends and then flopped down on the sofa and started playing on their cell phones.

Needless to say, the fear that hit them when they saw the headlights and heard the car door gave them both quite a rush but now, we can all laugh about it.

We talked for a little bit and then headed back over to Bill’s house, but my wife and I decided we had had enough excitement for one evening, so we said our goodbyes and headed on home.
