(32)[F] – (22)[M] Intern at work – The Punishment

Apologies (again) for the long delay between the posts!

These are the continuation of the events that happened more than a couple of months ago.

This picks up from where the previous part left off. You can read Part 42 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10vwyhr/32f_22m_intern_at_work_sunday_funday/)

**Part 43 is below**

I just laid there on the bed with my wrists and ankles cuffed to the spreader bar; blindfolded and with a vibrator in my pussy and a big dildo in my asshole. The only sounds in the room were the soft, slow vibrations of the nipple clamps. I started to relax, enjoying those slow vibrations.

As the seconds ticked by, I wondered where my hubby had disappeared off. I thought I heard some distant clattering noises, but I could not focus on the source due to my state of extreme arousal. After what felt like an eternity I finally heard the sound of the door being opened. My senses were on full alert, eagerly waiting to see what my hubby would do next.  

I shuddered as I could sense him walking very silently around me. I finally felt a hand on my bare ass cheek. Just by the touch I instantly knew it was not my hubby. The hand was too big and the fingers were simply just not his. I could recognize his touch anywhere. I froze in total shock, unable to comprehend what was going on. The hand was now gently squeezing and kneading my ass. As you may be aware that I am a huge fan of crime TV shows and my mind was already racing a million miles with the possibilities. My shock turned to fear when I came to the conclusion this was probably an intruder and we were having a home invasion.

I was gripped with a sudden terror when the thought of what he/they may have done to my hubby crossed my mind.  I was extremely worried about the condition of the hubby. Maybe they hit him with something and that was the source of the loud clattering noise. Suddenly the noise I seemingly pushed to the background made perfect sense. I started to hyperventilate, but I tried to stay calm, trying to think my way out of this seemingly hopeless situation. Here I was bound, gagged and blindfolded and at the mercy of the intruder. The hand was now rubbing my pussy lips and then proceeded to insert a couple of fingers into it pushing the vibrator further in, making me grunt.

*Me – (Voice breaking) – “I do not know who you are. Take whatever you want…..Including me if that is what you want, but please..please do not hurt my husband. I beg you.”*

The hand suddenly stopped almost like the person was in a bit of shock at my statement and fingers immediately went away. There was total silence in the room, except the vibrating nipple clamps which suddenly felt deafening. I started struggling violently against my restraints and calling out my hubby’s name. I felt another hand on my back and this one was definitely my hubby’s as I could recognize his touch anywhere.

*Hubby – “Relax baby. I am fine. I am here. We are not having a home invasion.”*

A wave of relief swept through me on hearing those words. He then proceeded to hug me and plant soft kisses on the back of my neck as I started to calm down.

*Hubby – “I am really sorry baby for putting you through that. I did not think it through.”*

*Me (Still hyperventilating) – “Oh, but who else is here?”*

*Hubby – “That is a surprise. How about you take a guess.”*

My first thought was it has to be Eric. Then I wavered, as his message about not being able to make it seemed kind of decisive. Could it be Jim, the real estate agent guy I met at the park that I was attracted to? I was after all checking him out on the computer just a few hours ago which my hubby noticed and he may have reached out to him. Heaven forbid, could it be someone else altogether?

*Me – “Err….I am not sure…”*

*Hubby – “Let me get you off these cuffs and remove the blindfold. You can see for yourself who it is.”*

It felt totally arousing being in this helpless, vulnerable position with a stranger in the room. I wanted to feel more of this strange hand and did not want my hubby to remove the cuffs and free me.

*Me – “Ummm..Is it ok if I remain like this? I do not want you to free me. It is more exciting to not know and to see what the hand will do next.”*

*Hubby (could literally hear him grinning) – “You asked for it slut.”*

The other hand was back softly caressing my ass cheeks and rubbing with pussy lips, before inserting a couple of fingers into my wet pussy. I tried to guess who it was and based on the thicker fingers I was inclining towards Jim. I remembered noticing his hands when I took the cigarette from him and he did have pretty thick fingers. Then I recalled that even Eric had reasonably thick fingers. My thoughts were interrupted by another hand which started moving that huge dildo in and out of my stretched asshole, while the other mystery fingers worked their magic inside my pussy,  making me moan and squirm.   I could sense the hand was picking up the pace and was sawing the dildo in and out rapidly while the fingers in my pussy were using that vibrator like a dildo pressing against my gspot and the other hand was rapidly flicking across my clit. My moans turned into loud screams by this time. The feeling of so many hands on me and the thought of two guys working on me was so hot. My orgasm came out of nowhere without any warning. 

*Me (moaning) – “God…… I am coming again.”*

I shuddered and struggled against my cuffs as I rode out that orgasm as my pussy squeezed down on those fingers. The fingers continued to rapidly flick against my now extremely sensitive clit and fingers inside pressed and prodded even harder against sensitive walls of my pussy. 

*Me – “Fuuuucck. (Begging) Please stop. It is toooooooo (Voice trailing off to a scream)”*

There was literally nothing I could do to escape those fingers in my cuffed position. My arms and legs were cuffed tight on a spreader bar and legs were spread wide apart giving easy access to my engorged clit. The second orgasm hit me like a runaway freight train as I screamed like a banshee and I repeatedly slammed my head into the pillow; my whole body shaking uncontrollably as I helplessly struggled against my restraints trying to squeeze my legs shut and my pussy clamped down those fingers as I rode it out. 

*Me (Heaving) – “Stop….Please.I…I can’t take it anymore.”*

Thankfully the hand pulled away followed by the fingers that were inside my pussy. I could hear loud appreciative sucking noises from which I knew those fingers were inside that person’s mouth licking away at my womanly grool that was on their fingers.

The respite barely lasted a few seconds as the hand was now replaced by a soft fleshy tongue. I moaned softly as that mouth started planting feather light kisses on my sopping wet pussy. I was in a complete daze after so much stimulation that I had given up trying to guess if this mouth belonged to my hubby or the mysterious stranger. The tongue started gently licking around my pussy lips making me shudder and groan with pleasure. The intensity of the licking gradually increased causing me to moan uncontrollably as I pushed back against that hot errant fleshy tongue. The mouth eventually found its way to my quivering clit and gently wrapped its lips around it eliciting a gentle scream from my lips. The tongue started flicking at my clit gently at first almost like it was afraid of it. The flicking rapidly increased in intensity making my gentle moans into loud screams.

I could feel a couple of hands on tits which turned the intensity of the vibrations of the nipple clamps all the way to the maximum. My screams got even louder and I had barely gotten used to it when there was a loud buzzing noise and the thing inside my pussy started vibrating rapidly. I was panting and screaming like a crazed slut  unable to bear being stimulated at so many spots at once. My sweaty body was shuddering and shaking with pleasure. I completely lost it when the mouth pleasuring me took my engorged clit between the teeth and gently bit down on it. I let out a blood curling wail as another powerful earth shattering orgasm racked my body with pleasure. I pushed back hard desperately trying to grind my pussy against that mouth. I completely lost control of my bladder as I squirted (maybe even peed) copiously on the person’s face. I felt dizzy and probably blacked out for a few seconds. When I came back to my senses the vibrator in my pussy as well as those nipple clamps were thankfully switched off. My skin was flushed and bathed in sweat and my body felt extremely sensitive like I could feel every nerve ending.

I heard the familiar whizzing sound and  thunderous, stinging slap landed hard on my ass cheek. I screamed loudly as the pain felt extremely intense in my sensitive state. I immediately knew that was my hubby and waited for the second slap on the other cheek. Instead the seconds ticked by and nothing happened. I heard some shuffling noises and finally a weak slap landed on my other cheek. This definitely was not my hubby, but the other stranger in the room. The hand felt big and heavy, but the slap itself was weak, almost like he was holding himself back. A couple of seconds later  it was followed by a stinging well aimed slap on my first cheek which I knew was from my hubby, making me wince in pain and scream loudly. I heard a little murmuring in the room and it sounded like my hubby was actually coaching this stranger on how to spank my butt.

I shuddered at the thought of being their little spanking toy as I felt another blow land on my other cheek by the stranger. It was better aimed and a little more forceful, making me wince and moan slightly. What followed next was a master class in spanking with my hubby being the teacher and the stranger being the student and me, specifically my butt being their canvas. My hubby would forcefully spank one cheek and the stranger would try to imitate the same. The student was a very quick learner and with each passing spank he was getting better and better. I was screaming nonstop with tears freely running down my cheeks as I felt a constant searing pain emanating from my ass. The spanking felt even more intense as with each spank my ass cheek would quiver and grip the giant dildo which was still stuffed deep inside my asshole. Soon they both had a rhythm going with the blows landing in a quick steady pace and it is safe to say that my ass cheeks were glowing bright red. They would mix it up – Sometimes quickly pulling away after each spank whole at other times letting the fingers rest on my quivering ass cheek heightening the sensations. Even though the stranger had improved by leaps and bounds in a short period of time, I could still sense that he was holding back. I really wanted to feel power behind the heavy hand and the thick fingers.  

*Me – (Moaning) – “Harder…..”*

The spanking stopped and there was silence in the room.

*Hubby (Softly) – “What did you say slut?”*

*Me – (Shuddering) – “Spank me harder….Master..”*

I just lay there on my fours still blindfolded and cuffed to the spreader bar waiting, wincing, tightening my butt. Nothing happened as the seconds ticked slowly almost painfully slowly. I could sense someone come close to me and put their arms around my neck and gently whisper in my ear. 

*Hubby – “Well, you asked for it slut”*

In a split second, there was a thunderous slap that landed squarely on my butt.  My hubby pressed my face into the pillows muffling my loud scream. I literally saw stars and had never experienced this level of pain . It was so intense that I was unable to control myself and I struggled violently against my restraints. Sweet, sweet pain! I had barely recovered when there was another equally thunderous blow on my other ass cheek making me shudder in shock. It was just the beginning as the stranger went total ape shit on me. My hubby  held me down, pressing my face into the pillows as the stranger delivered an extremely brutal spanking on my ass. The combination of pleasure and pain that I was experiencing was at a completely new level. He seemed to have endless energy as there was no flagging and every blow was as hard as the first one. 

*Me – (Screaming) – “Fuck, Fuck, I am coming.”*

The stranger had literally spanked me to an orgasm. My whole body shuddered violently as I rode out that orgasm, helplessly clawing at my quivering thighs with my cuffed hands. 

*Hubby (Awe in his voice) – “Holy Fuck !! Wow! That was something….I cannot believe the level of punishment you just endured. “*

He softly touched my butt making me wince and scream in pain. 

*Hubby (Gulping) – “Your butt… Just wow…I don’t think you can sit down like ever….”*

To be continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/118uahc/32f_22m_intern_at_work_the_punishment

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