My partner and I went to a nudist beach for the first time and I loved being watched [F] [M] [FM25]

Last year my partner and I island hopped to find a beach we could go nude on! It was on our bucket list. We got a boat that took about 45 minutes.

We walked around the town and relaxed at a cafe and then decided it was time to find the beach. We got a taxi and arrived. We had read that only a certain part of the beach was nudist so we walked a little way to find it.

After a while we started to notice bodies in nooks and crannies of sand dunes hiding but naked. My partner and I were slightly nervous but we put our towels by some long grass and a mound of sand and got settled.

I was ready to strip off and thought I might take the reins in getting it started. My partner was feeling a little nervous. I stood up and took off my all of my clothes and smiled at my partner. He then copied. We sunbathed for a few hours and read books. It was so freeing and relaxing. But. I couldn’t help but notice a few men that would be walking around taking a look at their ‘surroundings’.

I was surprised of the fact that I did not find this off putting. I caught myself peeping over my sunglasses at who might be having a peep. I also would occasionally stretch my body and open my legs wide for maybe a lucky wonderer that might be walking past. I loved the feeling of no matter who was staring they could not have me. Only my partner which is also a turn on of his.

I read my book on my stomach with my legs wide open. Loving the feeling of the sun on my pussy. I decided to get up and wonder to the waves. The feeling of the water on me was amazing. My partner and I decided to take some photos and pose modestly covering our parts. He started to get hard so quickly put the camera away incase we were seen. An hour later we decide to pack up and go back to our hotel. I can’t wait to feel the sun on my naked pussy again and will hopefully be able to do it again (this is a true story x)
