[Group] A Solo Cougar Goes to a Sex Club for the First Time

(Installment 1 of the new Cougar Chronicles series.)

Last Wednesday night was an unseasonably warm night in the Midwest. There was electricity in the air and that hopeful feeling you get when you know Summer is almost here. (Even though it’s really not. Because it’s only February. And then you remember Climate Change.)

The point being this unseasonable weather had me feeling fun and frisky. I was in the mood to get out of my comfort zone and try something new. Plus I needed inspiration for a fresh, non [FM] hotel sex confessional.

The idea first came to me as I was driving into town for my work trip – the idea being that I visit one of the sex clubs, alone.

Frequenting a “lifestyle club” was something I’d talked about doing with a couple FWBs but it had never come to fruition. But that was OK, because I decided that it was an experience I needed to have on my own accord.

I was nervous though. Not about safety. Or having sex with one or more randos. These places operate and exist only because they have very strict consent rules to protect their guests.

I was mostly scared the place would be teeming with with trashy people and potentially even obese Trumpers. I was in a Red State after all. Even though I’m a slut, I’m a slut with educational and BMI criterion.

At one point that evening, I had talked myself out of going all together for this reason.

I thought, “Just go out for a fun dinner and cocktails like you did last night. You’ll probably meet more interesting people doing that.”

I was on the fence about the whole thing when I arrived at the cocktail bar I’d picked out.

“Did I really have the nerve to go through with this?” I thought.

One thing I knew for certain is that if it was gonna happen, I was gonna need some liquid courage.

While at the bar enjoying my first tiki drink I got some unexpected encouragement from the Gen Zer sitting next to me.

I was inquiring about their cocktail and then spontaneously asked “Have you ever been to [club name]? What do you know about it?”

They replied they hadn’t even heard of it but that it sounded like somewhere they and their partner should check out sometime.

They advised that I not overthink and just try it with an open mind. They told me this is sometimes when the best things in life happen.

They were so damn wise for their 25 years!

So I slammed a few delicious rum cocktails and ordered an Uber. At about the same time I’d gotten an additional pep talk from a friend via WhatsApp, so there was no stopping this train now.

I jumped in my Uber and, as we headed south to the industrial part of town, I explained to the driver the adventure I was about to embark on.

He, too, had no idea the “lifestyle club” even existed and was intrigued given the fact that he drove a truck all around that area for his primary job.

He dropped me at a very nondescript looking building surrounded by warehouses and concrete companies. The fact that there were cars in the parking lot was our only tip off this place was a real business.

I thanked him and suggested he check my Reddit handle in a few days for a summary of the evening’s events.

I walked right inside to a holding room area where I was greeted by a chipper female attendant who verified my ID with the photo I provided on the membership “application.”

She happened to look exactly like the type of red state person I was trying to avoid but she was so damn nice I paid the $20 entry fee and agreed to be given a tour of the place.

A friendly, emo type chick with short dyed hair, glasses, multiple nose rings and lots of ink then retrieved me from the entry way for my tour.

She showed me the kitchen, dance floor area and upper two levels of the club where all the hard core stuff happened.

The place was large and bare bones with sticky floors, much like I would expect for a sex club in an industrial park in this part of the country. It did have an outdoor patio though, which I was told was the only Lifestyle club in town that offered that. So, that was something I guess.

But it was 9:30 on a weeknight and the place was fucking dead. Plus on the tour I didn’t see any people I was interested in getting to know so I didn’t expect to stay more than a few minutes.

I hit the ladies for a quick pee, and then decided to do one quick, final lap before I blew this popsicle stand and retreated back to my hotel.

As I was buzzing the tower I noticed several single guys, which I breezed right past. But then in one area off the dance floor I noticed two white collar looking couples standing and chatting with one another.

I walked right up to the group, smiled and said “Hi, I’m E.”

I got all of their names and was immediately drawn to the shorter, sturdy (thicc?) brunette female, A, that, just like me, was in town for work.

She had great energy and a cute All American attractiveness about her. She was there with her friendly, attractive ginger boyfriend, J, who lived in a different city than A, but had traveled to town to join her for her work meeting. Both A and J smiled a lot, it was magnetic.

My connection to A was cemented when I found out she actually lived just a few miles from where I previously lived out West. Boom! I love me a cute, crunchy mountain mama.

The other couple, P and L, were semi-local. P was a handsome fella, probably around 60ish, and looked a lot like The Most Interesting Man in the World. No joke. He was friendly and had a sexy Midwestern drawl.

His partner L seemed a bit younger, maybe early 50’s, and instantly reminded me of Dorinda from RHONY.

The five of us fell into comfortable conversation. We moved to the kitchen area where P made me a tasty rum drink.

These people were really cool. Even though I was most into A, I liked everyone in the group. I couldn’t believe I was lucky to meet them at this strange place on such a dead night.

After 30, maybe 45 minutes, of talking and drinking, they explained that I was the unicorn and as such could have my pick of whomever I wanted.

I replied, “Well, I want all you guys. Who’s down for some ménage a trois? (I realized this was technically incorrect but I didn’t know how to say 5 in French.)

So we made our way up to the second and third levels to select our fuck zone. The rooms on the third level were too small to accommodate all five of us so we settled on the loft area on the second level.

Once there I wasted no time pulling A’s face to mine and kissing her hard. She was a fantastic kisser, not too soft like some of the other submissive females I’d kissed before.

I then moved to L and laid a long wet one on her. She, too, was a good, firm kisser.

Seconds later our clothes were off and the five us were sprawled on the bed. I was positioned in the corner near the wall and another higher, connected loft bed. (I soon realized this was a good location at a more comfortable distance from the voyeurs on the nearby couch.)

A and L started going to town on each other on the opposite corner.

P pulled my legs apart and went to work on me with his mouth. He was very skilled at his craft, which I kind of expected for someone that looked like him.

Meanwhile, J started kissing me and sucking my tits. This was feeling good, as my pelvic floor muscles were starting to contract.

J then moved his cock towards my face and I engaged my core to bend up to start sucking it. It was a really nice dick, above average in length and girth. A thick 6-6.5” I would estimate.

I sincerely enjoyed blowing him. He praised me often which was music to my ears.

Meanwhile P was still doing an amazing job on my pussy with his mouth and fingers.

A then moved over to my corner of the bed towards my face and my mouth moved from J’s cock to her shaved pussy.

Like me she had a high, hidden clit so I used my left hand to move her labia to get my tongue directly on it. I inserted two fingers in her pussy with my right hand.

After a few minutes of eating her, J got A into doggy and started pounding from behind. Her face was really close to mine and it was really fun seeing the pleasure on it and hearing her grunts.

I was giving her deep kisses and sucking her nipples while she was getting railed. I told her how lucky she was that J had such a nice cock.

P and L were playing with each other at that point, although I couldn’t tell you exactly what they were doing since all of my attention was on A.

Around this time the sequence of group sex acts became a bit of a blur. I felt like we were all genuinely enjoying each other and that each of our mouths became acquainted with each of our genitals at some point during our play time.

I do remember that after J fucked A for a bit he started eating my pussy. A then began nibbling on my tits.

As A and I were making out she asked “Can J fuck you?”

J was demonstrating himself to be a good lover so I replied sure, but only if he wore a condom.

J grabbed a condom and within 30 seconds his delicious cock was in my pussy.

He had my legs up over my head in a modified missionary position and fucked me deep. It felt incredible. I knew it won’t be long before I started squirting all over him and my corner of the bed.

J really knew how to lay pipe. We were having fun and smiling at each other a lot. I could tell the feeling of my pussy contracting on his cock was driving him wild. He chuckled in a cute way each time he felt my love juices ejecting from inside me.

At some point while he was drilling me somebody came over and began sucking my nipples.

I warned them “That’s gonna make me squirt so HAARD!”

And that was exactly what happened next.

I dispelled a high volume of squirt all over J, soaking him and my corner of the bed. (Hopefully the club invested in high quality mattress liners. If they didn’t before, they probably will now.)

I wasn’t sure whether J came around the same time (he was moaning pretty loudly) or my squirt simply forced his dick to evict, but it was time for a partner swap.

I looked across the bed at L and told her it was our turn to play now. I crawled over to her, spread her legs wide and started lapping her shaved labia.

She too had a higher positioned clit, and I knew just how to find it.

I applied the same technique I had used with A by spreading L’s labia with my left hand so that my tongue could stimulate the hood and all around it.

I then plunged two fingers deep in her pussy to massage the area directly inside from where my mouth was working. (Was it the G Spot? Or the A Spot? Not sure. Just gave it to her exactly how I like it.)

L was breathing and moaning hard so I felt pretty confident I was on the right track. I even asked her at one point if there was anything she wanted me to do differently and she ordered me not to change a thing.

So I kept applying as much pressure as I could with my tongue, licking her clit aggressively, occasionally alternating it with the thumb of my right hand.

It didn’t take more than maybe 5 minutes before her abdominal area started bucking and her moans intensified. She let out a big bellow and shook a bit.

I then looked up at her, saw her smiling and asked “Did I just get you off?”

She laughed and nodded her head yes, to which I replied “Yessss!”

By that time, the club was emptying out and we were all sexually satisfied.

Before getting up to get dressed I laid back on the bed next to A.

As I looked into her eyes, she asked me, “What are you doing tomorrow night?”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/1186cj8/group_a_solo_cougar_goes_to_a_sex_club_for_the

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