My [NB18] first time with a friend [F18] who I met on Discord [NB] [F]

Alright, so to preface this, I’m 18, nonbinary (I was assigned male at birth) and this story begins on Discord. If you wanna skip to the spice, you can use the search tool and type in “——–”, but I don’t recommend it. I think the backstory really adds a lot to the actual sex. If you guys like this, I’ll post a second part as well.

So, I had recently joined a discord server about a game I really liked (Life is Strange, A+ game for sure.) and I decided to join one of the active voice calls with 3 people. I introduced myself, and they all introduced themselves to me. I told them about myself, my age, my hobbies, why I love the game and where I’m from. They all basically said the same. One guy introduced himself as David (Fake name, obviously), 23, lives in Ohio, US. One of the girls said her name is Sarah, said she’s 19 and that she lives in Manitoba. And the other girl there introduced herself as Leonie, 18 and lives in the same country as me. I said hey, that’s crazy, but we didn’t think much of it and just went on with talking.

A few weeks went by and we made a group chat and became pretty close friends, with relatively regular group calls. One day, Leonie asks me if I wanna call with her while the others are away (timezones make communication pretty annoying). I said sure and we just talked for a bit. It was a bit awkward, but she eventually asked where in our country I was from, and it turned out we were from the same state/province (which makes sense since it’s the most populous). It turned out that she lived in a village close to a city which was only a 1 hour train drive away from my city, so we set out to meet over the weekend.

Now, I live with my mother and sister, but my sister had recently gone to our home country to stay with her boyfriend, and my mother usually stays at her boyfriend’s apartment anyway, so most of the time I have the house to myself. Regardless, the day of the day we were meant to meet looked through my wardrobe to wear something that looked like I had put on at least a little effort. In the end, I put on black jeans with a long-sleeved, purple undershirt and a black band tee on top, as well as my fancy boots, which I used when doing a Peaky Blinders costume. They weren’t comfortable to walk in, but they looked awesome, and that’s the sacrifice we make.

We met at the central trains station of the city close to her village, and we walked around a little and talked. It was awkward, sure, but it was also very cool because we had broken down a lot of barriers anyway when talking as friends. She looked like the pictures she’d shared in the group chat, but in real life she looked a lot more attractive. She was pale, probably purposefully so since she had a very goth-y vibe. She had short, neck-length sort of hair in a bob sort of cut, and her hair was dyed black with some red and green streaks. Very emo. She was wearing a white dress shirt with a red tie, which I thought looked very cute, and a little out of place, which was probably part of her style, and she wore some ripped baggy black jeans with a studded belt. On paper, it sounds weird, but in real life she looked awesome.

Now, the fact that she was so attractive did make me sweat a little bit, but thankfully the weather also gave me good reason to sweat. Once the sun began sinking and the moon slowly rose, we were sat at a playground which had emptied out a while ago, each sat on some swings as we talked about some of our problems. She talked about how she felt like an utter outcast at school, and had to go through one more year before graduating, which she hated. Her school was pretty rural, so a lot of the people at the school were very rude to her and catcalled her, harassed her and generally just pissed her off, even though she was very smart and dedicated in most classes. I cheered her up a little, and brought her into a hug as she began crying softly into my shoulder. I felt frozen, at this point. I didn’t move an inch, I wouldn’t move an inch. I could just sit her, with her head next to mine for the rest of my life and be content.

After a while, she had stopped crying and she looked up, wiped her lower face with her wrist and put her lips on mine. If I was frozen earlier, I had been put into a carbon-freezing chamber at this point. I didn’t move my hands from the small of her back, I didn’t move my lips from hers. I just let her kiss me for what felt like an infinity, but was more likely 5 seconds. Once she broke the kiss, she sat back next to me and apologized. Now, I was tripping over my words trying to tell her that it was fine, which she clearly found very funny as she giggled lightly. She told me that we should get going, as we walked back to the central station and each waited for our trams. Once hers arrived, she said that we’d talk later, and blew me a kiss as she entered. I was so clumsy at this point that I had almost missed my own train, but once I arrived at my city I basically sprinted home to see that the group was on voice call, and still out of breath jumped in.

Now while the group was talking ultra casually, teasing us slightly, she had sent me a private message. She said “We’re meeting at your place ASAP, alright?”, and I audibly coughed out my water, to which she giggled on voice chat. I responded yes and told her I’d be free Monday.

This was the first time I was excited while waking up on a Monday. I messaged her my address and said that I’d wait for her at the central station around 4pm. She had school, but I didn’t work on Monday’s luckily, and school was off for me as well. So, once the clock hit 3, I made my way to the central train station in my best “casual” clothes and waited at the bench.

She arrived looking stunning. She was wearing platformed shoes which had made her much taller than me (normally we were around the same height, I’m pretty short, 5’7.), and most notably, she wore a light blue sundress, which contrasted magnificently against the fishnet stockings she wore on her bare legs. Once she arrived, she told me how she’d been looking forward to today and couldn’t wait. I asked her what she wanted to do, and she said that she was pretty hungry, to which I asked “how hungry”. We made our way to my home and first things first I turned on the stove. I loved cooking, and she knew that. I decided to make some cream pasta with broccoli. I have always had a deep love for broccoli, and luckily she did too.

We ate in the living room while watching Avatar: The Last Airbender in the background. It was our mutual favorite show, which was one of the many things I liked about her. We had a lot of common interests in nerdy stuff.

“So, are you gonna invite me to your room?” she remarked as the clock hit 6pm.

“Well, what do you wanna do there? It’s a pretty boring room.” I said as I watched her eyes focus on me.

“You have a bed, right?” She asked.

“Yeah, I-” I said, being cut off by her yanking my arm as I walked her upstairs into my room.


“Your room is not boring, you liar!” She said accusatorily as she threw me on my bed forwardly.

“That matter is up to opinion, is it not?” I said as I leaned on my elbows as she looked around my room.

She noted a lot of stuff. My wardrobe mirror was covered up by a big pride flag, a piece of decoration which she also had displayed in her room, and above my desk there was a big poster of My Chemical Romance, my favorite-ish band. She chuckled at it as she picked up my ukulele.

“You have a lot of instruments here. Two guitars, a bass, a keyboard, a drum set. Like sure, it’s small, but you’d have a lot more walking room if you had them in another room.”

“Have you come here to criticize how I have decorated my room?” I asked in a teasing tone.

“Shut up.” She said as she put my ukulele down climbed on top of me on my bed.

I put my hands around her waist as she held her hands on the back of my neck, kissing me slowly. We made out for a little while as she took off my shirt and threw it on top of my monitor, to which I chuckled. She crawled down further, kissing my chest and biting on my nipples as she arrived at my belly button. Now, I was not fit, or skinny, and being of Greek origin meant I have a LOT of body hair. I had prayed that she wouldn’t be turned off by it, but she hadn’t remarked it. Of course, I had recently shaved down there, but shaving my entire body would be an impossible task. Or at least not one I could complete on a Sunday.

She began unbuttoning my pants as she slowly slid them off me, leaving me in my boxers. She climbed back up and as we continued making out, she rubbed her crotch against mine. It was then that I’d noticed that she wasn’t wearing panties. The only items she was wearing were her socks, her fishnets and her sundress. That was so hot. Eventually, I’d turned her around as to be on top of her and moved down to her crotch myself to inspect if I was actually correct. And I was.

I lifted the flowy part of her dress up and went right at work, ripping the fishnets with as little aggression as possible as I slid my tongue onto her vulva. I was not very sexually experienced with others, but I had spent the last two years truly discovering what I am into and what I love. And I love pleasing others. And this was what I was going to do. I sat back up, looking around my room as I opened the drawer on my desk and took out a little box. In it, was a teeth guard. I had used it while performing blowjobs to not hurt others, and I thought it’d prove useful here as well. I continued eating her out as my tongue played with her clit and I fingered into her lightly. I wanted to tease her slowly. I wanted it to feel slow and amazing. After like fifteen minutes, she wrapped her hands around my hair, pushing me into her as I added another finger and she orgasmed. She squeaked cutely, not being very

loud. I went up and cuddled with her.

“Fuck dude. Oh my god. I don’t know what to say.” she said.

“Oh, you can just say how I’m the best ever and how you don’t think anyone ever is going to compare to me.” I said in a sarcastic tone. My sense of humor usually involved playing my egotistic side up.

“What was that shit you put in your mouth? Is that like a dentist tooth guard?” she asked curiously.

“Yeah, it’s officially for if you crack your teeth together. I use it for when I give oral and I don’t wanna hurt them. I’ve only used for guys up until now.“

“How does it work? Does it like, mold to your teeth?” she asked.

“Yeah. I think I have a spare mold in the bathroom. Want me to go get it?” I asked teasingly, thinking nothing of it.

“Yes. I want you to fuck my mouth.” she said. And I’d never gotten up to run to the bathroom as fast as I had now.

I grabbed the mold and as she bit into it and put it into her teeth, I slowly lowered my boxers and laid down. I put a towel underneath my ass and the general area to avoid spit getting into the sheets. It’s one of the many tricks I’d learned on my journey to give as many blowjobs as possible.

Leonie climbed between my legs and grabbed my penis. I was semi hard at this point, but my size wasn’t very impressive as is. It’s why I’d usually bottomed, as I’d usually have more luck with men than women. Either way, I didn’t feel insecure about it. She put it in her mouth with her hand holding it at it’s base.

“By the way, are you left or right handed?” I asked.

She put her mouth away from my dick. “Right. Why?”

“Well, I don’t know how your gag reflex is, but I found out that if you squeeze your left thumb under the other fingers in your left hand, sort of like a fist, your gag reflex doesn’t affect you as much.” I said.

“Wow, you really know a lot of shit about giving blowjobs.” She said.

I pointed at the pride flag over my wardrobe mirror, and she chuckled and went back on my dick. She had taken my tip to heart, and as I was getting harder, she took me down as deep as she could, which wasn’t very deep, but it felt amazing. It felt warm and sticky, but in a comforting way, and she eventually took my hands and put them on her head. I didn’t want to be overly aggressive, so I slowly fucked her mouth, going faster and faster as I went on. She eventually took a second to spit out some spit but went right back on it. At this point I was fucked her pretty hard, and I could feel that I was about to cum, so I slowed down and told her, to which she responded by going faster and deeper, as my dick went into her throat and the sensation took over and I came hard, holding her head down as she swallowed every drop.

She took off her tooth guard and crawled up to me as I hugged her tightly, kissing her face and neck while rubbing my hand over her back. She was out of breath at this point, so I sat up and grabbed the towel under me and walked out the room, coming back with a few more towels and some water. I gave her the water, and after she drank I cleaned her face off and gave her a kiss.

“You’re really good at aftercare. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more cared for during sex, or like, at all to be honest.” she admitted, still in my arms.

“Well, I care about you a lot. I really like you, and I want you to feel good.” I said, caressing her back.

“Can I sleep here for tonight? I’ll call in sick tomorrow. I wanna spend more time with you.”

“Of course. Any time. I’ll set an alarm for seven, alright?” I asked.

“Yeah, that’s fine, just don’t go while I’m here.” she said.



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