I used to Uber my IG GF, for her escort dates [MF]

Many years ago, I used to be an Uber driver. It paid the bills, and I personally enjoy driving.

Back then, through some random circumstances, one of my passengers was this model, who was also an escort. She had a date, and I was Ubering her. One thing led to another, and we winded up becoming good friends, and I continued to drive her to her escort dates. Then she introduced me to her girlfriends, who were also ‘in the business’. So that’s how I became this Uber Insta gram model escort driver guy.

Ok, fast forward a bit, and I’m driving one of these Insta escorts. Let’s call her Beth. Blonde, bombshell, killer legs. She’s really outgoing and forward, and I’m a bit more reserved. We’re chatting, and asks me if I get turned on, by her escorting work. Fuck yeah I do. Didn’t hurt that I lurk on her IG, and she’s a smoke show. But it was more the voyeur aspect, the fly on the wall, the hearing the details aspect. Hopefully that makes sense.

So on one of these dates, Beth asks me if I watched to go upstairs into the hotel room, and watch her with one of her dates. For fuck’s sake. I had some apprehension, didn’t want to crash anything, but I did go up. She explained to the guy, that I was her BF, and I was there for her protection. The guy didn’t give a fuck and just wanted to bang. The sex, and fucking – honestly, it was amazing. Watching Beth get her brain’s fucked out. While she was making direct eye contact. She was putting on a show, for sure. Afterwards, I helped her clean up and we walked back down, holding hands, still pretending we’re a couple. That weird intimacy was really appealing for me, in this weird way. We did talk about it afterwards. “You good? I’m good. We’re good here”. Super easy and casual with Beth.

One day, we’re all in the hotel room. The guy just finished, and had to leave early. So he paid and left, and Beth is all disheveled and fucked out on the bed. That’s when she motions me over, and we just start going at it. It was pure lust. It was incredible. We must have fucked all night. Pretty sure the mattress was unusable with the amount of squirting she did. Again, we talk afterwards, we’re all good here.

This driving, watching, intimacy thing continues. Date after date. Guy after guy. I’d pick Beth up, we’d chat. We would go upstairs to the hotel room. I’d get introduced as the BF. She’d get fucked, paid. Then we would fuck at the hotel or back at her apt. Then we would grab a bite to eat or some drinks. And we would just hang and chill together. And it kind of fell into this weird dating relationship.

Whenever we met up, sometimes it was for an escort date. Sometimes it was just a ‘normal’ date. But yeah, we just starting dating each other. And eventually became actual BF/GF. I eventually stopped Ubering and got an office job. But I still drove her, when she needed it. And some of her friends. Less so because of the actual transportation need. And more so, just to make sure she is okay and is safe.

My friends have met Beth, but don’t know about her ‘side gig’. All good, they are still surprised on how ‘a girl like her is with a guy like me’ (no offense taken). To be honest, it’s fucking awesome showing up to your buddies party, in his back yard. Everybody’s hanging by the pool, and having Beth on my arm, wearing this skimpy bikini. Yeah, it’s awesome and surreal at the same time.

So yeah, that’s my story. Probably missed or glossed over many of the details. Happy to answer any questions if there’s interest. Thanks again for reading.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/117ck1b/i_used_to_uber_my_ig_gf_for_her_escort_dates_mf


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