[FM] a week with my son-in-law

(i’ve been dying to tell someone about this but i can’t say it to anyone in my personal life, for obvious reasons, so a friend recommended me this page. Hope you all enjoy it)

About a month after my divorce was finished i had to do some renovations on my house, so my daughter and her boyfriend said i could stay with them until they were finished. A couple of days before i went to their place, my daughter’s friend had to go through an emergency surgery and needed someone to take care of her, and since my daughter was on vacation from work, she offered to stay with her, which meant my son-in-law and i would be alone for the first week.

The evening i arrived the two of us had a nice dinner together and opened a bottle of wine. I ended up getting drunker than i intended and told him started telling stories of my dating “adventures” from before marriage. I was quite a slut back then, and he found my stories very entertaining. He even shared some of his “adventures” with me, and at some point i noticed the bulge on his trousers. He did the classic “pillow on the lap” move but i just pretended not to notice and we carried on chatting until we went to bed.

Remembering all those stories left me a little too aroused to fall asleep, so i took off my clothes and began to play with myself. At some point, the image of him naked appeared on my mind, and i fantasized about him grabbing me, turning me around and putting his cock in me. I came so hard i couldn’t even move after i finished and i fell asleep completely naked on the guest-bed.

The next morning i couldn’t stop myself from wondering about that fantasy. I knew that he and my daughter are in an open relationship, so they occasionally have sex with other people, and my libido was going through the roof due to HRT.

After we had breakfast i told him i wanted to sunbathe in the yard, so he took a chair and a small table outside for me. While he was doing it, i took off all my clothes and began to slowly put on sunscreen. When he came back and saw me naked he instantly looked away and asked if i weren’t going to wear a bikini. I told him “i don’t like having tanlines, so i prefer to sunbathe naked” (i should clarify that houses in my country have walls surrounding the property, so people outside can’t see inside, and the neighborhood doesn’t have any buildings either).

He tried his best not to stare, but i noticed he got a semi and couldn’t keep myself from smiling. I took a shower before lunch and put on a bikini for the rest of the day, since i couldn’t come up with a good excuse to be naked inside the house. We didn’t see each other much since he was working in his office, but we had dinner together again, with another bottle of wine, and this time he couldn’t stop himself from staring. (he even forgot to put the pillow on his lap)

The second day i left the guest room wearing only patines. When he asked me about it i said “the day is too hot so i don’t want to get sweaty while eating. Besides, You’ve already seen everything.” After we were finished he took the dishes to the kitchen and i followed him to help. This time he had a full boner from looking at me, and i “accidently” rubbed my ass against it. He immediately pulled away and said “sorry about that”, so i gave him a smile and said “it’s okay, morning wood happens to everyone”.

The rest of the day was pretty much the same as the previous one, except we didn’t drink at dinner and he rushed to his bedroom as soon as we finished. Before my evening shower i took a naked selfie on the bathroom and sent it to him with the caption “is the tan starting to show?”

During the third day i decided to go even bolder than before. I asked him to sunbathe with me, and despite being refused at first i wouldn’t take no for an answer, so i insisted until he accepted and the two of us went to the yard. I told him to get naked too and he didn’t protest, so i pulled down his shorts while he was putting on sunscreen. Needless to say his cock was hard as a rock, and covered in pre-cum. We ley there next to each other and his cock wouldn’t go down, so playfully said “it seems like you can keep it up a lot longer than my ex”. He said “yeah, i’ve had some girls complain that i last too long sometimes.” i gave him a smile and replied “lucky them.”

When we went back inside i asked him to take pictures of me so i could check out my tan, so he grabbed my phone and i began to pose in all provocative manners i could think of. Eventually i just gave up and said “You know… I’ve been trying everything to get you to pounce on me but it seems like you’re not interested…” He was a little surprised by that, and asked “what do you mean?” so i stepped close to him, touched his cock and said “i really want you to fuck me”

He hesitated at first, saying i was his mother-in-law, so i kissed his neck and said “then lets have a good time together. no one else needs to know.” I began stroking his cock and he rubbed his hands all over my body. Then i leaned onto the couch with my ass turned towards him, he grabbed my waist and shoved his cock in my pussy in one go. He fucked me so hard the clapping was louder than the moaning. After we finished my legs were shaking so much i could barely kneel on the couch. Then i told i like to take post-pictures to keep as mementos of my best experiences, so he grabbed my phone and took a photo of my creampied pussy.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/117hecv/fm_a_week_with_my_soninlaw


  1. That’s hot. I allowed my girlfriend’s mother to seduce me years ago, when she was in Basic Training. She found out and during our next phone call, I didn’t deny it when she asked. She was pretty quiet on the phone until she was able to take leave and come home. Instead of repulsing her, it drove her to levels of sexuality I had never seen in her. Mom was terrific but girlfriend was over the top amazing. That is until she had to ship out to Hawaii for her permanent party duty station.

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