Surprise, babe!!! [cuckold] (m30s f 20s)

After becoming parents for the very first time, our sex life took a big hit. Then came the second child and it all became nonexistent, literally. Things would get a little spicy here and there, but it wasn’t the same. Dead bedroom, as some would call it. Until last night! Last night was a very crazy, but fun night!

The morning started very normal. I woke up to the sound of my husband’s alarm. He was already in the bathroom though, getting ready for work as usual. I got up and started getting his coffee and lunch bag ready! He finished and came out to the kitchen to say goodbye! “Good morning babe, thanks!” he mumbled as he went in for a kiss. “Alright, I’ll see you later. I have a big surprise. Be ready by 6pm. And don’t worry, the kids are staying with my mom!”. I gave him a confused look, but nodded in agreement as he walked out the door. “What does he have in store for me?” I thought. I was a bit frightened. My husband always had crazy things in mind.

The rest of the afternoon went smooth, but I was a bit intrigued. “What did my husband have planned for us?”. I wanted to know! The clock hit 6 o’clock. I was past the deadline and still had no idea what was happening! Luckily he was running late so i had extra time to finish my makeup. I had on a very cute lingerie set! One of those sparkling ones you see the Angels wear on the runway! I loved it! It was a burgundy colored bra with matching panties. The panties were bright white thought, just how my husbands likes them. I was putting on my first heel, when the door opened! “Hey cutie, I’m home. Let me just get ready and we’ll get going!” he said. I don’t know what it was, but I was getting turned on.

Babe came back out twenty minutes later. He was all ready, from head to toe! I was a bit shocked! “Are we getting married again or something?”, I joked. He laughed it out and just smiled. It was time to go! We got inside the car, and he started searched up an address. I tried to peak, but didn’t have much luck! All I could see was that it was an hour drive. On the way there, we started talking about what was about to happen. “Remember all those times we talked during sex about a certain fantasy we have?” he asked. My eyes opened wide. “I do babe, what about them?” I said while holding down some laughter. “Well today is your lucky day!”, he shouted! I froze like a deer and gave him a stare. “Really?”, I responded as I got a bit soaked down there. I didn’t know how to feel. So many things were crossing my mind at this point.

About an hour later, we arrived. We drove into a parking lot & lucky for us, got the first parking spot closest to the building. From what I could tell, we were at a some kind of store! I just couldn’t tell good because the windows were tinted. We got out the car and grabbed each others’ hand. “Surprise babe!”, shouted hubby as he gave me one last kiss before making our way inside.

‘THE PLUG: AdultStore’ read the sign outside. “What was about to happen?”, I asked myself once again. Babe would always take me to adult stores whenever we would plan some sexy fun, but the issue this time was that I was left out. I didn’t know what he had in store. So many things kept crossing my head, but I was clueless. Very, very clueless.

We browsed around for some time. Aisle by aisle. It definitely was a long lost hobby of ours, but tonight we were back! So many things to choose from. All the sexy toys any women could wish for! I can’t lie, it was getting me a bit hot. We checkout out at all the sexy clothes, but like always, they never had my size. Thankfully, as y’all already know, I had a cute set underneath. We continue looking. Dildos of all shapes and sizes. From the biggest ones to the tiniest ones. Brown, white, black, and even rainbow colored! I got more wet.

We circled the whole store, when babe told me to stay put. It was that time….. He looked at his phone and then glanced over at me. “We need to walk on over to the back now!!”, babe whispered! I stayed there, looking confused, but did as he said. We made our way over to the back. And there, was a little room, hidden from the rest of the place. There was some sort of bed on one side of it, with a hole on a wall. I’m not a porn fanatic, but i had seen this before! “Is this what i think it is?”, I asked myself. From here, babe gave me directions, and directions ONLY! “Undress and come lay down here!”, he shouted! I was a bit scared, but did as he said. His eyes lit up as soon as I dropped my skirt and saw his favorite white panties. I don’t know what it was, but seeing my husband give me commands was getting me very horny now.

The bed was very comfortable. It was about 6ft long x 3ft wide! Just enough for me to fit in! It was almost perfect to be completely honest! There was two pillows. One was soft and normal. I’m guessing that one was for your head. The other pillow was much bigger and harder. Not sure what that was for, but I quickly found out. “Alright, I need you to get close to that hole right there. Here, use this pillow under you to help out”, he instructed me. I obeyed. I got as close as I could to the hole! Idk what it was, but I know I needed to be as close as can be! I lifted my legs and waited. I got a rush. Idk what I was getting myself into, but I was all in now.

Suddenly, I felt something. Something new. It gave my pussy a peck. This was it. Gently, they penetrated. “Holy fuck”, I moaned. It was certainly something I had never felt before. It was a new sensation. And for sure, not my husband! It felt bigger. It felt good. It felt amazing. Slowly, it went in and out. My pussy was tingling with every stroke. I didn’t know who this person was, but I was really enjoying it. I could smell the sex in the air. A unique smell, but in a very good way. It was nothing I’ve ever smelled before. Thus, I had only been with my husband to this point. We have had a threesome before, but it was with another woman. “Awh fuck”, I cried! “Yes, yes, yes”! This person knew exactly what he was doing and I was loving every part of it.

To be continued…..


1 comment

  1. Great story, but if I can make a suggestion – back off on the exclamation points. The build up to the story is exciting enough, but the EP’s lose their exclamatory value after a while.

    Looking forward to reading part 2!

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