[FM] The first time I was fired

I’m in a weird position because I am supposed to inherit a business that I am not allowed to go to, you see my dad made a mistake when he listened to me and my mother when we said it would be a good idea to let me walk away from university and work for him. Two years and eighteen thousand pounds wasted, consider the fact he funded my life in London and I got to keep everything I made from opening my legs then whoops… that’s closer to eighty thousand pounds that went *poof!* Gone. I’m probably not the best investment he made!

So he gave me a shot, reluctantly, to join the family enterprise. And it was the most boring day of my life because I sat had to sit down in the reception next to someone who I thought at the time was to simply smile and say *Hello!*, *Good morning!*, *Welcome back!* and *How was your weekend?!* to everyone who came through the door!

This was around the time that the world decided that we get back to normal saying “Yes Alexis, you can now, legally, go back outside and fuck everyone you want too once again!” *How exciting*!. I didn’t expect my dad to fucking punish me for turning his cash into smoke by sitting me down next to Miss Moneypenny and forcing me to work my way up the corporate ladder.

I’m the fucking daughter who bullseye’d the first two years of what he wanted me to dominate and to put my business acumen into perspective I syphoned the cost of a DB9 out of his ass whilst I made twenty grand bouncing on dicks in a rich guy’s family for a whole weekend in Rublyovka. I still got back in time for class and a few lines of coke off my roommates ass made sure made I absorbed the droning coming out from my professor’s mouth whilst I absorbed the sperm of Putin’s pal in my tummy that came out of their balls. That was a crazy seventy two hours and I would love to do it again but you know… Bang Bang Something Something War!

I went from that to sitting down and watching Doralee Rhodes stare at a computer screen and not even an hour had passed when I was thinking *What the fuck have I done?* But then 9AM happened and I saw him for the first time and if there are any ladies reading this I will tell you now he was fiiiiiiiiiiine!

Suddenly I was a receptionist because who was the one who enthusiastically said *Good morning!*? That’s right it was me! Oh and he noticed that my interest was peaked and this wasn’t just professional courtesy, I was interested the moment I saw him through the glass of the fucking door let alone when he stopped to ask who the new girl was. I’m sure my eyes and smile gave away that I was predator on the hunt and I found some prey to sink my teeth into.

Which brings me to whole *You’re fired!* thing. I can be a swinger and I can be an escort, I can take it the next level and be prostitute and I can get gangbanged when dogging, I can do one night stands, friends with benefits, hookups, affairs and dare I say it a glory hole if I wanted to. I can use whips, chains, cuffs, gags, hooks, clamps, spreader bars, sex machines, crotch rope, tape, crops, knives and return with more bruises, dried blood from my nose and a split lip but *there is one thing I am not allowed to do*!

Fuck my dad’s employees. I failed. I found every excuse I could to get away from the front desk and I found two opportunities to strike up a conversation with that guy and each time I let him think that I was captivated, smitten, with my finger in my hair and pushing back over my shoulder to expose my neck, laughing at his jokes and keeping his eyes locked on to mine! He thought he was winning me but I’m telling you now I was sinking my teeth into his jugular and tightening my grip to suffocate!

Come the end of the day everyone was leaving and I kept him at the front desk for one last talk for a goodbye that was never going to happen, when that area was empty I came out and said it. *Are we going to fuck?* I love it when you guys go from being oh so super confident and boom(!) you are a dear caught in headlights because you know now that I am the one in the driving seat!

I told him to go to his car and follow mine, and there was only one place I was going to go and that is the hotel about forty seconds down the road. He followed me into the car park and brought his car up next to mine, we got out and I went to hold his hand to take him in through the door and I told him *Calm down, I don’t bite hard!* Ha! That’s a lie!

When the receptionist asked how long we would like the room I said one night would do *if he can make it to end!* and I grabbed his ass, oh that receptionist knew right there and right then that I was going there to fuck! The guy next to me thought he was a playa and right then he was out of his comfort zone, he had no idea what was going on because I had metaphorically pulled him out to sea and he was being drowned by a siren!

It started the moment the elevator doors closed, I leant back up against the mirrored walls and lifted my skirt up to my hips so he could see my black lace panties. With one hand I was unbuttoning my blouse to show my tits trapped behind my bra and my other hand was reaching out to grab his tie so I could pull him into me! I hooked my leg up and around his waist and then we started making out until the doors opened on our floor!

I pushed him off and walked out into the hallway, with a quick glance without stopping I saw it was empty so off the blazer came and I dropped it on the floor behind me. I made my way towards our room and held out my blouse at arms length and I just let gravity pull it down, then I unhooked my bra to slide it off. I didn’t even look back at him to see if he was following or even picking them up off the floor, I let go of my bra!

Now I was exposed wearing my just a skirt like it’s a belt on my hips, my ass cheeks swallowing the thong and the only fabric below that were the straps of my garter belt holding up my black stockings accentuated by stilettos. I have done this routine so fucking many times and now I was doing it for free, all I had to do now was lean back against the wall next to our door for the man with keycard to catch up with eyes locked on to his and my hand down my panties playing with my pussy!

The reaction from men who know what they are paying for is out of this world, the reaction from a man who thought he was going home to his girlfriend was simply mind-blowing! I could have told him to leave her right then and he would have! He looked terrified!

He went to open the door like it had a normal key, he fumbled not knowing what to do because I was blocking the card reader! I told him *It’s behind me!* so he had come closer, I grabbed his shirt and pull him in and we made out again right there with me almost naked! Anybody could have come out of their room, it was only 5PM so I mean anybody! But still I slid my hands down to unbuckle his belt, unzip his trousers and pull out his dick!

Then I slid down on to my haunches so he could do something he would never have done in his whole fucking life he had not met me, the game begun before we got into our room and I had my mouth wrapped around his dick! I sucked his cock there in the hallway and it did not take long before I felt sperm flooding me!

I made sure my hands were caressing his dick and I wouldn’t have dared take them off, this was just the beginning so when I stood back up I asked something like *Can you keep it up?* and all he could do was shudder and nod whilst looking downward at my tits and defeated! I asked to him look me in the eyes and then reassured him it was all going to be okay.

**It was not okay! I lost control! I lost control the moment we got out of our cars!**

He knew if he followed my through that door there was no turning back. I told him to text her and tell her he wasn’t coming home that night, and I took the keycard off him and waited to see what he was going to do. I still had a hand on his dick and he was still standing in front me so I got to see what he wrote to her, when he sent it I told him *Turn it off!* and put the keycard behind my back to get that lock moving and the sound of click was the last chance he had resist and run away!

What happened next was fucking depraved! It bordered sexual assault! I took advantage of him, wound him up, encouraged him to get violent and there were moments he turned into near rage and hate fucked his sperm into my pussy on more than one occasion! He went rogue after I told him I was not on birth control but he was already so close to a fucking orgasm again he couldn’t stop me doing squats until he blew inside of me!

I let him slap me around right there in the god damn hotel room and he was discovering a whole new world of kinks that he didn’t know he could endure, I taught him on that night how to choke me out until my pussy fucking bit him as I rode one orgasm on top of the other!

I dragged his conscience through the mud and down into fiery pits of hell because the only thing shaking more than him was me when I was wiping the blood from my nose and exhaustedly and euphorically giggling like a crack addict who just got her hit! It was abusive, not the best I have endured and not by a wide margin but I worked him up enough to make him think about jail time!

And almost none of you will realise just how important it is that I get my aftercare after these sessions and he was in need of it too, I don’t remember how long we spent just cuddling up. He took longer than I did to reach that zen when you come out of the come down and I don’t remember anything after that, suddenly there was daylight again.

I got home just after 8AM, I was supposed to start my second day at 8AM. I walked through that front door and was met with eyes that had nothing but disappointment in them. All I could do was feel myself smirk before laughing but the black eye growing on my face told him all he needed to know about what happened, he fired me the moment I told him it was one of his staff. I was on birth control, and I know there is something very wrong with me. What came next was an affair and I did my best to fix him before letting his girlfriend be the only one in his life, I had to make sure he wasn’t going to do something bad. I had awoken a sadist and I had to put it back to sleep before an innocent girl got hurt.

So, if you don’t like it, you don’t like me or you don’t like what I do? I don’t give a fuck. Everyone is fair game!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/116r1h9/fm_the_first_time_i_was_fired


  1. Totally Wild. I imagine that the guy/s lurking behind the cctv camera had a good glimpse of this wildness in the hallway. 😁

  2. This is somewhere between one of the hottest and scariest things I’ve read.

    The whole seduction thing was great, but the thought of something going wrong with his first time being aggressive like that always worries me. Certainly leaving visible marks the next day that can’t be easily covered is a level I always worry about going to!

    However, I must commend you on stressing the aftercare, it truly is such an underappreciated park of these sorts of scenarios.

  3. I’ve hinted at it before, but you should – one day – think of publishing some of these.

  4. Wow, that was an amazing story. I would love to experience something similar one day because that must have been a lot of fun.

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