Finally Got A Full Day In A Hotel With My New Girlfriend [MF] [Cunnilingus] [Teasing] [Cheating] [Creampie]

We had been talking for over a month. Long text messages through a secret chat app. Intimate chats til 3 in the morning. Frequent short meetups with lots of kissing. Our spouses none the wiser. She was 40 with 3 kids, her looks were stunning. She had the most infectious smile. She had strawberry blonde hair that was long. Blue eyes with a tint of green and brown around the pupils. I could get lost in those eyes. She stood 5’4” and had a petite frame. She was thin but it looked good on her. Most women I’m attracted to are quite a bit thicker. She had great breasts, they jut out perfectly and compliment her slight frame.

We have so many things in common. I’ve never met someone I was so in-tune with, both emotionally and physically. The sexual attraction we had for each other was so heavy. That’s what initially attracted us to each other. As we chatted we found more and more that we were similar. Our musical tastes were practically identical.

Her marriage had gone off the tracks several years back. Mine had slipped off slowly several years back. I didn’t realize just how much I missed the physical contact and intimacy until I met her. We could chat for hours and feel safe with each other. It was almost dream like how good we were together.

We finally had the opportunity to get some real alone time. On Sunday we would both be alone all day. We would rent a hotel room for the entire day. No more driving across town so we wouldn’t be seen, no sneaking quick kisses or the occasional feel of each other. We could spend quality time exploring each other.

Sunday morning came we were to meet at the hotel at 8 am, neither of us needing to be back home until after 6:00 PM. I had gone and checked us in earlier so we could go right up to the room. I sent her a text with the room number and got situated and waited for her. She knocked right at 8 AM. I let her in and pushed her against the wall. Our lips coming together like they always do. I could taste her freely this morning. Feeling her tongue against mine, my body pushed up against hers. She’s always intoxicating but now that I had freedom and time, it was over the top. My hands began to roam down her sides, right as they reached her hips I felt her hand on my chest. She pushed me away with an evil grin and said “down boy, we have all day”. She grabbed her bag and went into the bathroom.

I sat on the bed, my cock already straining against my jeans, my heart beat slowly coming back down to earth. It was weird, I was nervous but in a, I’m about to lose my virginity sort of way. We’d already had sex, granted it was a quickie that left both of us longing for more. But the initial jitters should be gone. I was lost in my own thoughts when she came out. She had on a red 2 piece lingerie set that accentuated her perfect body. It popped against her skin, her blue eyes were out of this world in a sea of red. They shimmered as she approached me. I stood up taking in her form. As she came within reach, I put my hands on her sides and groaned. The feel of the silky material and he soft skin was enough to drive me crazy. She smelled better than any scent I’ve ever had the privilege to experience. Our lips joined again. This time slowly with the perfect blend of passion and sexual desire. She put her arms around my neck. I’m 6’ tall and had quite the height advantage over her. I’ve never felt as safe and sensual as the moment I felt her nails scrape against my shoulders. The kiss continued getting deeper and filled with more need.

I felt her pull her hands back and slide them up the inside of my hoodie. With her in her sexy lingerie I was completely overdressed for the occasion. She helped me pull the hoodie over my head. She then went for my t-shirt, pulling it over my head in one motion. I run to stay in shape but by no means am a model. She always rubs my chest and scrapes her nails on the skin just above my pecs. When she does it on my bare skin it feels amazing. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her into me. My swollen Jean clad cock rubbing against her stomach as we kissed again but now I wanted to taste her neck. Pulling back I moved my lips to her neck, kissing and nibbling as I went. She has a spot on her shoulder that if I hit it correctly will make her moan. Searching for the spot, kissing just above her collar bone I began to trace with my tongue back and forth across her shoulder. I first felt her intake a sharp breath, I knew I found the spot. I clamped my lips on the spot, bit and sucked. I felt her nails dig into chest even more as she exhaled and moaned. Something about the way she moans drive me absolutely wild.

I continued to make out with her neck and shoulder kissing and nibbling as I went. I felt her run her hand along the length of my cock through my jeans. I took my hands and ran them down her sides enjoying the feel of her skin and the silkiness of her lingerie. She has a spot just above her hip bone that’s a little ticklish but also makes her shiver. Sliding my hands slowly over that spot as I pulled my mouth off her neck, making eye contact with her just in time to see her eyes get a little bigger as she gives me the look I love. It’s an intense look filled with lust. It’s hot and makes me yearn to please this gorgeous creature even more.

I slid my hands to her back to unclasp her bra releasing her perfect breasts. Her nipples were already firm. Tracing my hands down her sides to her hips while pulling her to me and kissing her chest. My lips and tongue traveling towards her right nipple as my fingers tease her hip bones. Finally getting to her nipple I tease around it, being careful not to make strong contact. I can feel the sexual tension when I finally clamp my lips over it. She elicited a groan as I sucked while my tongue massaged her nipple.

Continued in comments.



  1. I pushed her back on the hotel bed, her long flowing hair strewn across the white linens, the red of the bottoms she was wearing popped in contrast to her skin and the comforter. I crawled up on the bed and started kissing her ankle. My lips leaving butterfly kisses up her ankle, traveling along the inside of her leg to just below her knee. I’ve been looking forward to exploring her gorgeous body for weeks. The quickies in my office or the backseat of one of our cars didn’t allow for much foreplay other than kissing. I needed to feel and taste the skin on every square inch of her body. Continuing my exploration on the inside of her knee, my lips kissing followed by smooth swipes of my tongue across her salty skin. Every once in a while I could feel her react to my ministrations empowering me to continue on. Finding spots on her body that drive us both wild.

    Once I was in the middle of her thigh my fingers were tracing across her abdomen, sliding back and forth to her hip bones on each side of her torso. There is a spot just below her belly button that makes her writhe when I pass over it. I was try to get close but not actually touch that spot as my lips continued their journey up her leg. My lips were approaching her panty converted center, trailing my tongue along the skin that wasn’t covered by her sexy lingerie. I could smell her arousal as my tongue slid up the ridge just next to her covered pussy. I felt her hands on the back of my head, attempting to pull me to her, I wanted to continue teasing, trailing my tongue up the side of her panties, tasting and smelling her scent as my tongue approached the curve to the top of her thigh. Pulling my head back and moving back down to the other side of her pussy. I kissed and nibbled across the fabric that covered her. Applying enough pressure that the silky/lacey material was pushed against her. I covered the lower half of her pussy with my mouth and first tried to push my tongue through the fabric and inside her. I felt her widen her legs to give me better access, I then I sucked attempting to suck her succulent juices through the lacey fabric. She was wet enough I could taste it through the lace making my mouth water for more. I licked up the seam on the other side next to her pussy, slowly sliding my tongue up the fabric covered ridge, teasing myself just as much as her. I couldn’t wait to actually devour her.

    I slipped my fingers into the waist of her panties and pulled down as she pushed her feet into the mattress and arched her hips giving me room to slide them off. Pulling them down and off her feet, I turned my attention to her gorgeous well maintained vagina. I’ve only been able to sneak a quick glimpse and I knew I loved it but getting a good view of her swollen needy lips, spread and glistening in her arousal put me into overdrive. I moved my mouth to the side of her pussy and with a light pointed tongue I traced just on the outside of her lips. The taste was sweet and perfect. I traced all the way up next to her clit. Moving my tongue to the skin above her clit I kissed. My chin lightly teasing her clit as I kissed the skin. Licking again back down the other side getting more of a taste as I placed my palm on the inside of the thigh opposite where my mouth was. Pushing her open, with a wide firm tongue starting at her opening I slowly licked up the center of her pussy. Between her lips slowly tasting her juices as my tongue traveled from her opening, applying pressure while moving up towards her clit. I can feel the tension in her body ratchet up as I approach the sensitive bud. When my tongue was just under her clit I pulled my tongue into my mouth and kissed her clit. A sloppy kiss with suction ensuring that I hit all her nerve endings, with my lips. My tongue making slight contact with her clit towards the end of the kiss.

    My chin and cheeks are already coated with her juices. She’s tastes sweet making me dive back in for more. This time my tongue goes as deep inside her as I can get it. Attempting to apply pressure to her gspot with the top of my tongue. It’s a hard reach and I couldn’t quite get it, the tease must’ve been enough as I felt her arch her back slightly and grab onto the back of my head. My hand on her thigh moved up to her hip. That sexy bone that juts out on the side of her torso while I reached up with the other hand and pulled slightly on her right nipple. I pulled my tongue out of her, while pulling as much of her lady cum as I could with it. I wish I could bottle her juices, they turn me on more than any other woman I’ve ever tasted.

    Slowly moving my tongue back up between her lips getting over the top of her clit. I heard he intake a sharp breath. Her fingers tensed on the back of my head. I clamped my lips in the shape of an “O” over her clit and sucked like a vacuum on her clit, while simultaneously swiping my tongue back and forth over the top of her clit. Maintaining solid pressure and never losing contact with a portion of her clit, I went to town. Not speeding up, not slowing down. Just maintaining pressure. My fingers were slightly increasing pressure on her right nipple. Looking up her body I couldn’t see much of her face from this angle but I could see she was biting her lower lip. It seemed as though she was holding her breath. With a throaty moan she released the air in her lungs. Her thighs clamped around the sides of my head. I felt a gush of juice run out of her against my chin that was pressed against her opening. My cheeks and tongue were sore but there was no way I was slowing down until she was completely shattered from her orgasm. Her moans were long and slightly muted, she was attempting to be quiet. I felt her legs straighten and tense. Her nipple was as hard as a rock between my fingers. I lost view of her face as her tits were blocking my view with her arched back. She finally released passing over her climax and beginning to come down. She was pushing my mouth off of her, too sensitive to be able to handle more contact. I groaned as I sat up on my knees between her legs.

  2. very amazing story it was very entertaining to listen too. Actually sounds believable as well.

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