Breeding School [M32/F37/M19/F19 ] [Group Sex] [Breeding] [Con]

ALL characters are consenting and 18+

It was Eva’s first day at reproduction school. She’d been looking forward to it for months, but she hadn’t known what to expect. The door had opened and there they were: the two teachers who would instruct her in sexual behavior and procreation. One of them was a man; one was a woman. They both looked so young. And beautiful.

“This is Ms. Watkins,” said the man, gesturing toward the woman with him. “She’s going to be our biology specialist” He looked at her. “And I am Mr. Reed, your counseller”.

Eva blushed. This was turning out to be more than she expected! As she sat down, she saw that all of her teachers were dressed very provocatively. The woman who had greeted them wore a stunning blue skirt. She had dark hair cut short, though it showed streaks of gray. Her face was sharp-featured and attractive, and her brown eyes seemed to take in every detail of the classroom.

Ms. Watkins cleared her throat. “Welcome to reproduction school, class of 2020!” she announced.

A few people chuckled nervously, but others looked worried. Eva couldn’t help staring at the women’s bodies. Their clothes were tight, and their figures were hard to ignore. “Today you’re going to learn how to please your partner,” said Ms. Watkins. She turned to the other two teachers. “Mr. Reed, if you will.”

“Yes, ma’am,” said the man. He began unbuttoning his shirt.

“All right then,” Ms. Watkins continued. “You may begin by removing your clothing.”

Eva gasped. She didn’t think anyone had ever told her or any of the others to undress. “What do you mean?” she asked hesitantly.

“Just follow my lead, dear,” said Ms. Watkins. “Don’t worry. We’ve all been through this before.” She stood up slowly, moving with a grace that made her body seem even more desirable. As the rest of the students watched, she removed her dress and stepped out of it. The light summer shirt she wore underneath was sheer, revealing her breasts. It was easy to see that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Eva felt her nipples stiffen.

“We’ll start with you, Ms. Watkins,” said Mr. Reed.

She smiled. “Come closer,” she murmured to him. Eva noticed that he was only a little taller than she was. His skin was smooth and tanned. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against her breast. He cupped her firm tit with his hand and squeezed gently.

“Oh, that feels good,” Ms. Watkins sighed.

In response, Mr. Reed pinned Ms. Watkins against the desk. Then he lifted her legs, leaving her pussy exposed, and then took hold of her thighs and spread them wide apart. Eva could see that he had a full erection now, too. He rubbed himself against the folds of her pussy until she gasped. Mr. Reed then placed the head of his cock between her wet labia.

“Oohhh,” Ms. Watkins moaned.

She reached down and pulled on Mr. Reed’s cock. “Put it inside me,” she whispered.

As soon as Mr. Reed pushed into Ms. Watkins, she closed her eyes. “Oh yes,” she groaned.

With that, the instructor began fucking the woman over and over again. Each thrust of Mr. Reed’s hips drove Ms. Watkins deeper onto his cock. She squealed each time he hit bottom. “Oh god! I’m coming, baby! Coming!” she cried out.

“Me, too,” Mr. Reed grunted.

Then he began pumping into her faster and harder. He took hold of her ass and started pounding her. Ms. Watkins writhed beneath him, moaning loudly. “Give it to me! Give it to me!” she shrieked.

“Uhhh,” Mr. Reed grunted next to her.

“Yesssss,” she wailed. “Harder, baby! Harder!” Then she grabbed onto Mr. Reed’s shoulders and arched her back as she came hard.

Through his grunts, Mr. Reed said, “Now, I will demonstrate finishing in her”.

“Yes, give me all of your sweet cum” Ms. Watkins moaned.

With an almighty thrust, Mr. Reed slammed his shaft deep inside Ms. Watkins, filling her completely. He held still for a moment, and then Ms. Watkins fell back against the desk, gasping for breath. She opened her eyes and looked over at Eva. “Are you ready to try it?” she asked.

Eva nodded eagerly.

“Good,” said Ms. Watkins. “Take off your clothes, too.”

The rest of the students did so. After everyone had stripped, the three instructors moved around among them, examining their genitals. Some of the boys were embarrassed by being examined, but most were excited. Eva was no exception. Her pussy was dripping wet by the time Mr. Baker finished inspecting her.

Both teachers moved back to the front of the class. “Now,” Ms. Watkins exclaimed, “everyone, find a partner”.

Eva looked around. There were a lot of boys she liked, but she knew which one she wanted. She found him sitting across the room from her. Her heart beat rapidly when she spotted him. He was tall and slim, with dark hair and a handsome face. His erection was massive. Eva loved the way he looked.

He turned when he heard her footsteps. “Hi,” he said.

“Hi,” she replied shyly.

“Is this your first time here?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she said.

“Well, I’m glad we met,” he said.

His voice was soft and sexy. Eva couldn’t resist him. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him. At the same time, he bent forward and picked her up easily. Then he carried her over to one of the desks and laid her on top of it.

“Everyone got a partner?” Mr. Reed asked from the front of the class.

“Yes,” the students responded.

“Good,” he said. “Then let’s get started. It’s time for your first breeding session.”

Eva was so excited that she didn’t care what happened. All she cared about was feeling the man’s cock inside her. She watched as he positioned her, then pushed his dick into her. It was big and thick, filling her like nothing else had.

“Do you like that?” he asked.

“I love it,” she said.

He began thrusting in and out of her. Eva’s pussy was getting wetter and slicker. Soon the man was pounding her hard. Every thrust of his hips sent waves of pleasure throughout her entire body. “Oh, fuck! Fuck me! Oh, god!” she cried out.

After just a few minutes, the woman beside her came, screaming. Eva knew that she herself didnt have long. “Oh god! I’m coming!” she gasped.

“Me, too,” the man grunted. He fucked her harder and faster. Eva’s orgasm exploded in her. She screamed. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” she cried out.

Her orgasm exploded within her, and her pussy squirted all over him. Eva had never felt anything like it before. Almost in unison, her mate groaned loudly, and with one final thrust, buried his seed deep within her.

Eva was exhausted. “That was incredible,” she murmured, lying back on the desk.

Mr. Reed smiled. “Well done, class,” he said. “You did great”.

“Thank you,” she said shyly.

“We’ll move on to the next exercise tomorrow,” said Mr. Reed. “And remember: keep an open mind. You never know what you might enjoy”.

“Right,” said Eva. “I can hardly wait!”.


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