Bad Decisions: Part Two 21+ [F36/M44] [Straight Sex] [Cleavage] [Busty] [Huge Boobs] [Oral Sex] [Cleavage] [Curvy Woman]

Chapter Two: Trying to Get Ahead

Another night and another dream, I woke up again to an empty bed. At least I had my son Clayton. I had a big day planned. He wanted to go to the water park.

I got changed, and we headed for the water park. As usual, during the summer, the place was jammed pack, wall to wall people, with kids running around like crazy.

It was fun watching Clayton run around and play with the others. That was the thing about Clayton. He never met a stranger. He was always making friends wherever he went.

It took hours to get Clayton out of the water and into the car so that we could head home. He left with new friends to add to his growing number of friends online and on his video game systems.

‘Crap,’ I thought as I pulled up to the house.

Jesse was waiting for me, leaning against his truck. I had forgotten about him coming over to look over the deck.

“Go inside and get changed,” I told Clayton as I pulled into the driveway.

“I took a look around,” Jesse said as he approached me. “It doesn’t look good.”

I nodded, not wanting to open my mouth and say something I shouldn’t. I knew Jesse was the one that told on me, I knew I shouldn’t be mad at him because I was the one that did the cheating, but I was furious.

“So, there are a couple of options,” Jesse said.

Again, I nodded as he started to go over the options. He, of course, started with the most expensive one, which I turned down immediately. The other two were just as bad. I agreed on the last one, it would take the most time, but it was the cheapest.

Jesse wrote it all up for me and handed me the piece of paper. It was going to be one guy tearing it all down, then rebuilding it by himself. It would take a few weeks as he was going to do it in his spare time, but at least it would get done and cost me a lot less.

As Jesse was leaving, he turned to look at me. “You know,” he said as he approached me again. “You can be mad at me all you want, you can also never talk to me again, but it wasn’t me that sucked Johnny’s cock in front of seven other people, while your best friend was shouting at you to stop, that wasn’t me, that was all you!”

He turned around and headed for his truck. Jesse was right, and I knew it. I watched as his truck pulled away.

After the incident, I never saw Johnny again, although I did hear from him after I got divorced. Johnny messaged me and asked if I wanted to meet him. I knew what he meant when he said he wanted to meet. He wanted more than to meet and talk. A lot of men did as soon as the news got out.

I was the talk of the bar, and I was sure many other places. Guys would look at me with a smile or ask me for my number. Something they didn’t do when I was married or before the incident. Even now, if someone talked about it, I would get looks.

Jesse’s words stung for the rest of the day and into my night shift at the bar. I still remember everything. It wasn’t like I blacked out or anything like that; I remember looking at Johnny with his tight abs and muscular chest. I remember him looking down at my bare chest and admiring the size of my tits.

We were flirting, and that’s when it happened. Johnny just took it out. Instead of pushing him away or saying something, I, well, I did what I did.

I kept going back to that night many times but never came up with a clear-cut reason for doing it.

“Hey!” a voice said, breaking me out of my daydream and returning to the present.

“What?” I asked.

The guy ordered a drink, and I sighed as I made it.

The night was more of the same, guys ordered drinks, and I made them.

“So,” one of the guys said as it was getting close to closing time.

“Nope,” I replied.

“What was I going to say?” he asked.

“You were going to ask if you could take me home, or walk me to my car, or something along those lines,” I said as I cleaned up. “And to all those thoughts, the answer is no.”

“Unless your name is Johnny,” another man said.

“Hank,” I said as I looked at the man. “Haven’t seen you around since.”

“That night,” Hank said as he sat down.

“We are closing,” I said.

“One drink,” Hank smiled.

“Okay,” I nodded. I poured him a beer and set it down in front of him. “Just one.”

“You look the same,” Hank said as he looked at me.

“It hasn’t been that long,” I said, staring at him.

Hank was the friend that brought Johnny to the bar that night. I hadn’t seen or heard from him since. “So, what brings you back?” I asked. “Last I heard you got a nice gig out west somewhere.”

“It was nice,” Hank nodded. “But there is no place like home, right?”

“Uh-huh,” I nodded.

Hank was always up to something. His mind was always working on an angle, something that either made him a decent amount of money or got him laid. I had known him since high school.

“Fine,” Hank said as I kept staring at him. “I heard about your little problem, thought I could help out.”

“My problem,” I laughed. “What problem is that?”

“Your divorce, and I heard you haven’t been with another man since,” Hank smiled.

“That’s none of your business,” I said.

“Oh please, your girl toys must be working overtime,” Hank said as he looked at the other man. “This woman right here, once took three guys and drained their balls, and still wanted more,” Hank smiled.

I shook my head. “I was nineteen,” I said. “That was a long time ago.”

“How about Jason’s party, on your twentieth?” Hank smiled. “Four guys that time,” he nudged the guy. “Including yours truly.”

“A lot of alcohol,” I said, shaking my head. “And I mean a lot!”

“Or how about the night in question, that wasn’t too long ago,” Hank smiled. “Sucked my boys cock, right there in front of everyone,” Hank shook his head. “The way your head just bobbed up and down, it was like looking at a professional, you didn’t even stop to catch your breath.”

“It wasn’t that big,” I said, shaking my head.

“Didn’t stop you from slurping all that cum down, while he held your head down,” Hank said, again looking at the man beside him. “He pushed her head down and held it down with both hands, you should have seen it,” Hank laughed.

“That’s it,” I said. I took the beer back and poured it down the sink. “You can go.”

“I must have hit a nerve,” Hank smiled as he got up. “If you change your mind, I am at the Quality down on fifth, next to the Waffle House,” Hank said as he walked away.

I had no intention of visiting Hank. How dare he bring up the past like that? From high school to now, he had always been a pain in my side.

Hank knew how much I loved the jocks, with their muscular bodies and, ‘Dammit!,’ I thought I was doing it again. “Casey, I am leaving, can you close up?” I said to my helper.

“Absolutely,” Casey chimed as she came around the bar.

I sat in my car in the parking lot, trying to calm myself down. Everything Hank had said was true. The moment I turned eighteen, I turned into a complete slut, a whore, or whatever the guys called me.

For so long, I was cooped up in my house. While stupid and drunk most of the time, my parents kept me in my place. Straight to school and straight back home. I guess they didn’t want me to repeat what had happened with them, they never told me what happened, but I could do the math, and it wasn’t hard to figure out that they had me earlier than they wanted.

Sure, I kissed and made out with guys before, but nothing that pushed passed the boundaries and nothing under the clothes.

The very following night after my eighteenth birthday party. I sucked off four of the football players in the locker room of our school after we broke in to litter the place. After that night, everything was on the table.

I wanted to do it all. No holds barred. I had been face fucked, anal fucked, double and triple penetrated. My tits were fucked daily as most of the guys. Especially Hank couldn’t get enough of them. I was a cock whore, and I loved it.

Even through all of that, Jacob still flirted with me and treated me with high respect. Not once did he make a move on me. Even though he knew what was going on, he knew everything.

After that night in the woods, when I took Jacob’s virginity, I settled down. The past came just that, the past.

I never had a boyfriend before, not someone I would be loyal to, so it was hard at first. Jacob was fine with me flirting, but I never did anything with anyone else. Not until that night.

I always tried to sum up the reason I did it and think of any reason why I would betray Jacob’s trust. Sex with Jacob was always mind-blowing good. He had a thick and long white cock that I loved. He would use toys on me anytime I wanted and always ensured I was satisfied.

I tried to blame it on him travelling a lot, but that wasn’t the reason either. The moment he came home, he made every day he was home about Clayton and me.

The simple reason was I made the wrong decision. Since then, I quit drinking; I wasn’t like some people who drank to take the edge of the day away; no, I was just like my parents. I drank and drank until I was completely and utterly blitzed.

Hank knew my weakness, I would be infatuated with Johnny’s colossal biceps and bulging muscles, and I loved the attention my large breasts brought me. He had set me up.

Hank always picked on Jacob in high school. The two had a rivalry that still carried on to this day. I didn’t know how it started, but I knew it wouldn’t end.

When Hank got the job down at the supermarket, Jacob made sure to visit every day and go down Hank’s aisle and drop or break things so that Hank would have to clean it up.

Then they became adults, and things spiraled out of control. Jacob always flaunted that he made a lot more than Hank. Jacob had the lovely house, the excellent vehicles and the busty wife, while Hank lived paycheck to paycheck and rented a small apartment alone.

I would have blamed Hank for telling Jacob what happened that night, but they didn’t talk to each other.

“I knew you would come by,” Hank said as I knocked on his door.

“Shut up,” I said as I pushed past him and entered the small hotel room.

“You told Jesse to tell Jacob,” I said as I spun around and confronted him.

“Guilty as charged,” Hank said, closing the door and lighting a cigarette.

The small no-smoking sign was on the table as he sat down.

That was Hank. From the day he was born, he never followed the rules, even his parent’s rules.

They were killed in a house fire when Hank was seventeen. Many people thought Hank was the one that set the fire, but he was out on the town with his friends when everything happened, and all evidence pointed to one of his parents having a cigarette in bed.

I remembered that night when they told Hank his parents were dead. He didn’t even shed a tear.

“Why?” I asked.

“Why not?” Hank shrugged.

“It had nothing to do with you,” I shook my head.

“Not the way I see it,” Hank said as he stared at my tits. “Your husband was always pushing the limit of my patience, always flaunting his new truck or how he could come to my shop and buy things I couldn’t dream of buying.”

“So, that’s why you brought your friend,” I nodded.

“I know you like the back of my hand,” Hank shook his head with a smile. “You try and play the good housewife, but deep down, you’re nothing but the same whore that fucked me and my friends for a ride to the concert.”

I shook my head. “I was a damned good wife, and a good mother!”

“A good wife, wouldn’t have jumped in the pool topless, a good mother wouldn’t have been there in the first place, so get off that high horse!” Hank yelled. “A good mother would have gone home after closing and been with her son!”

I reached forward and slapped Hank as hard as I could.

Hank smiled. “A good wife wouldn’t have sucked another man’s cock!” he said as he wiped the blood from his lip.

I rushed for the door, but Hank barred the way. “A good woman wouldn’t come all this way, just to tell me off,” Hank said as he pinned me against the wall.

“Shut up,” I said as he kissed me.

I started kissing him back as he flung me onto the small bed. He tore at my jeans and underwear as he pushed himself into me.

I felt his stiff cock enter me as he thrust deep inside me. “I knew you were still a whore!” Hank said as he started to fuck me.

“Shut up,” I said as I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him onto me.

I wanted to be fucked, to push that memory of that night away, make it go away deep inside of me, just like Hank’s cock was doing now.

“Fuck,” Hank said as he continued to thrust into me. With each thrust, I felt his body quiver on top of me.

I gripped his cock tight. I wanted to feel anything other than the empty feeling I had been having for the past two years.

“Look at me!” Hank said, gripping my neck and twisting my face towards his face.

He loved watching his women as he came inside of them.

I felt his cock throb as he shot his load into me. I pushed him off me as soon as he was done. I gripped my jeans and pulled them up, and buckled the button.

“Come back when you want another fix,” Hank said as he lit another cigarette as he laid out on the bed.

I slammed the door behind me.

“Of course,” I said as I looked out at my car. It had started to rain.

I slowly walked towards my car.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Please tell me you didn’t go with him?” Kate asked.

“Who?” I asked as I watched Clayton and Darold aim and fire their bows at the targets.

We had gone to an outdoor range so they could get used to firing their bows in the elements instead of being at the indoor range all the time.

Darold was Kate’s son. He was ten. Clayton and Darold had been best friends as soon as they could walk. Usually, where you found one, the other wasn’t too far behind.

“Don’t,” Kate said.

I nodded. She must have heard that Hank had been in the bar. “It’s not like that,” I said.

“That man has had you wrapped around his finger since day one,” Kate said.

“I think that goes both ways,” I replied.

“Oh really?” Kate said as she stared at me. “Tell me you didn’t fuck him last night?”

I shook my head and turned my attention back to our kids. “Thought as much,” Kate said as she looked at me.

“It wasn’t anything,” I said. “I just wanted to clear my head and I always think more clearly after having sex.”

“Right,” Kate nodded.

Kate knew me very well. She knew I was telling her the half-truth. Hank had always had a way of getting what he wanted from me when he wanted it.

Except for the few years I was married to Jacob. That was probably the real reason he was back in town.

“You know he is only here to get you,” Kate said.

“Well, that’s not going to happen,” I shook my head. “He’s not that good.”

Hank wasn’t good at all. He was a good fuck, but not anything I would marry or even want to keep around as a long-term fuck buddy.

“It’s still going to the left,” Clayton said as he brought his bow.

I looked at it, took my tools out, and played with the alignment. The only good thing about me sleeping around was I learned a lot of everything.

“Try now,” I said.

There was a time after Clayton was born when Hank told everyone that Clayton was his. I knew from the moment I saw Clayton that he was Jacob’s son, same blue eyes, same cheekbones and the same look when Clayton’s eyes looked at me.

Hank wanted it so badly that he kept asking for a blood test, so we gave it to him. Clayton was Jacob’s son, without a shadow of a doubt.

“Thanks Mom!” Clayton yelled from the range.

I waved back at him.

“What if he comes around?” Kate asked.

“Hank’s slow on the uptake, but he knows when not to push the boundaries,” I nodded. “I already warned him I have no problems shooting him if he comes near Clayton.”

“That I don’t doubt,” Kate smiled.

After we finished at the range, I took both of them to eat at their favorite place and then I had to drop Clayton off. It was always painful when I made the drop.

Clayton ran out and hugged Alyssa, and then they went inside. Jacob walked up to my car. “I heard Hank is back in town.”

“I can handle it,” I nodded.

“What’s he after? “Jacob asked.

“The usual,” I shrugged.

“You’re not going to give in to him, right?” Jacob asked.

“What did you say to me, when I asked about Alyssa moving in with you?” I asked as I looked at him. “That’s right,” I nodded. “The best thing about divorce is you don’t get to ask questions.”

I pulled away and didn’t look back.

‘Maybe having Hank back in town wasn’t a bad thing after all,’ I thought to myself as I drove home.

***Author’s Note: The rest of this story as well as many others of my stories are on my other pages, the links to which can be found*** [***here***](
