Breeding School [M32/F37/M19/F19 ] [Group Sex] [Breeding] [Con]

ALL characters are consenting and 18+

It was Eva’s first day at reproduction school. She’d been looking forward to it for months, but she hadn’t known what to expect. The door had opened and there they were: the two teachers who would instruct her in sexual behavior and procreation. One of them was a man; one was a woman. They both looked so young. And beautiful.

“This is Ms. Watkins,” said the man, gesturing toward the woman with him. “She’s going to be our biology specialist” He looked at her. “And I am Mr. Reed, your counseller”.

Eva blushed. This was turning out to be more than she expected! As she sat down, she saw that all of her teachers were dressed very provocatively. The woman who had greeted them wore a stunning blue skirt. She had dark hair cut short, though it showed streaks of gray. Her face was sharp-featured and attractive, and her brown eyes seemed to take in every detail of the classroom.

Ms. Watkins cleared her throat. “Welcome to reproduction school, class of 2020!” she announced.

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