I (33F), am dating a man (57M) that is 24 years older than me…and is also my ex’s dad [MF]

Condensed TLDR: Rekindled friendship with my ex’s father after several years, and his recent divorce (and me not initially knowing so), and meeting for dinner. Fucked my ex’s dad. Now we are dating.

WARNING: THIS IS A LONGGGG POST!! For those who wish to read the background, and stages of the night, I have provided mini chapters below, so readers and “fast forward” to the part they are most interested in – as I understand that not everyone wants to read about the events prior! Happy Reading.

Please let me know if you would like me to post any additional stories! There are plenty more, and this carried over throughout the night/morning. If there is some interest, I would be more than happy to publish some on here. Happy reading!!









I. BRIEF HISTORY: When I was in my younger 20’s, I dated his son for a brief period of time (5-6 months). I had a post detailing the relationship on a former account that I deleted – wish I had saved it. The post actually started kind of comical where I accidentally saw his dad’s dick on accident the first day I ever met him. I would be lying if I didn’t want to make a move on him at that moment (explanation will be provided later). Plus, he looks like an older, 6’3” version of Rob Brown, in ‘Coach Carter,” except with some salt and peppering in his hair and goatee – so there was plenty to appreciate. Coincidentally and unrelated, I had a close friendship on Twitter with adult entertainer Coach Cardher a couple years back, maybe it was a sign…

While dating his son, I had many fond memories of his father. I would often stop by their home before my boyfriend at the time and I would go on dates, hang out with friends, etc. Of course, I found him attractive, but the relationship was strictly platonic at this point – nothing physical/flirtatious at this point (I mean, he was my boyfriend’s father after all…). I may have said something that his outfit looked handsome, but that would be the extent of it. We would watch the news and share opinions, talk about each other’s’ day (good and bad), and just build rapport basically. I wanted to be viewed favorably by my boyfriend’s parents, so I did as much as I could to be a presence, and be involved. It was much harder to build a relationship with his mother, as she was often out of town visiting family down south. She was often absent during the winter months (as I live in the Midwest), which is when a bulk of my time when me and my boyfriend were dating. She had not family or supports aside from her husband’s family in the state that I live in.

The relationship between myself and my boyfriend at the time eventually ended sour, as he cheated on me. His father contacted me personally following the breakup and apologized for his son’s behavior, and was ashamed of what he had done. His mother was a lovely person as well, I just never heard anything following the breakup. My ex would go on to marry his paramour, and they presently appear to be absolutely happy, and glowing together (even ten years later) – so I am happy for them!

At this point, his father wished to meet me in person to talk about everything, and make sure everything was okay. We met for coffee on a winter evening, before he arrived I ordered his coffee and waited (two cream, three sugar…already knew his order from when we would accompany each other). Admittedly, I was emotionally weak and hurting, and in this moment, I attempted to make a move on him, to which I was shot down (naturally, as he was married). I was embarrassed, and remained so for almost a decade – never attempting to reconcile or mend that bridge in mortification.

II. IN-BETWEEN/REUNIFICATION: I lost touch with the family for several years. I was lonely a few months ago, and then got in contact with him (still had his number) and in an act of sheer bravery, I texted him. I missed him too much at that moment for whatever reason, I to this day do not understand it. To my surprise, a quick response. We carried on, updating him on some of my accomplishments and interests that I have developed over the years. He seemed genuinely interested – never speaking of himself – but inquisitive about my life. Eventually, he wished to meet in person again. I thought this was strange, given the fact that sad/horny me was denied over ten years ago by this man.

I agreed, to which he said that he still lived at the same residence, and that I was more than welcome to stop there first before heading out for dinner. I acknowledged, and was more than excited to see him again.

III. DIVORCE: Unknown to me, as of a few months ago, he and his wife were going through a divorce, and was finalized relatively quickly. It was natural that I never knew about these developments for several months previous, as I was not in contact with anyone in that family. When he invited me over during our correspondence, I just assumed that his wife was off visiting family – as the weather was starting to turn and this was natural for her around this time of the year. I had no idea at this moment that he was actually a bachelor at this moment, and that his wife was now living full-time down south (I believe in Georgia).

IV. NEW MEETING/DATE?: There was actually not that much texting in the interim. The time between my initial reach out, and the time/date established for our rendezvous was approximately two weeks, or so. Although my heart was beating out of my chest with excitement, and was hypervigilant about every decision I was making that day – he and I confirmed plans for that evening with him. My son was with his grandparents, and I had an evening to myself – not matter what happened. I confirmed that I would see him in a couple hours at his residence.

I drove over, and was still thinking “what the actual fuck am I doing here…?” I parked my car, let the rain pitter patter on my windshield for a minute, and walked to the front door. It was actually kind of adorable, I saw his shadow looking through the curtains waiting to see some headlights. I was wearing a nice ¾ length camel wool coat, a black top that was solid on the torso (showing moderate cleavage), but shear on my arms, a pair of snug fitting faux-leather leggings, and my favorite black heels. Modest, but still looked like I had my shit together. Got a pale pink manicure/pedicure as well in order to look complete, as well.

I knocked on the door, and he quickly answered. Opening the door, I could feel the warmth from his presence already. He was handsome as ever still, and felt like nothing about him had changed in his demeanor. He was still familiar, which made me comfortable. Too many times I have met up with people that I have lost touched with over time, and came back and they were entirely different – which is to be expected. Not with him, which I was more than okay with. I almost felt more youthful being around him, because it felt like I was 22 again.

He instantly smiled/grinned and said “I am proud of you, Ess…,” and immediately hugged me. It felt like his arms could wrap around me twice. I am only 5’4” and thin (think of Natasha Lyonne in the show ‘Poker Face’), and he is 6’3”. It was fantastic! I felt myself almost melting into him.

He asked me to sit down so we could catch up, as dinner reservations were not for another 1.5 hours (8:00pm). Offering me a glass of white wine, which I promptly accepted. Removing my shoes, I noticed the soles were a little wet. I inquired if it would be acceptable for me to remove my shoes, to save potential carpet damage. He acknowledged. At this point, I waslked into the living room with my bare feet (this comes in later…). I sit on the couch with him (loveseat), and tuck/fold my feet under my thigh and butt area to face him and keep my feet warm. Glass of wine in my right hand, my left elbow on the back of the couch and hand holding my tilting head falling back into his world.

We laugh and share updates on stories, and I stretch my legs out because one is falling asleep. As I stretch my left leg out (the closest one to him), his grabs my foot with both hands and rests it on his lap, and starts to rub them (and effectively, if I might add). I immediately hesitate, and ask what he was doing, and “what would (wife’s name) think?” He exhaled, and then went into what appeared to be a constructive thinking mode on what he was going to say next. Fucking hell, here we go again…

Quite the contrary to what I was thinking was going to happen, he informed me for the first time that he and his wife were no longer together. I told him that he did not mention it while we were texting, so I was apprehensive to believe so. Been there and done that with other men in my past, and had to deal with MANY angry DMs from alleged ex-girlfriends that were not actually ex-girlfriends at that moment. He told me that they were in fact divorced, and to further substantiate his claims – he said he took down all the pictures that were of him and his wife solely (vacation pictures, wedding pictures, etc.) and only kept ones up of them together if it was with the family, with their son included in them – such as graduation pictures, son’s wedding pictures, etc.

I looked around, and he was right (of course). All the pictures including his wife and him together that I remember being there previously were gone. The rest of the house looked relatively the same, but there were admittedly some missing photos that I did not notice. Looking down at his ring finger was absent the silver ring that he used to wear. Completely embarrassed again, thinking I stumbled and solved a mystery immediately – I simply replied “…oh, that’s wonderful…” like a completed IDIOT. If I ever had a king of Freudian slips, it was that one. I quickly followed up by saying “what I meant was…” to where he stopped me with his laughter and assured me that he knew what I meant.

I then exhaled loudly and said “WOWWWW…” and had nothing else to say after that. Only had my mouth wide open and shaking my head in social discomfort. He continued laughing, tapping and rubbing the top of my feet saying that It was “more than okay.” I had to believe him at that moment, or either die in embarrassment – so I believed him. There was seldom a mention of his wife, or the divorce after this.

He went and got another half-glass of wine for himself (and a healthy pour for me), to which we further got comfortable. As the minutes crept by, I would inch myself closer to him. I put my heels on the far end of his left thigh and pulled myself closer to him until the back of my knees were folded over his lap. Looking back, it was basically the same thing that I would do in early college when I was flirting with a guy or showing interest at a party. This was much more demure, I have to admit. He would rub my thighs, and we would just keep talking about anything and everything. There was no kissing, or anything physical happening – we just enjoyed being close again, and like I said earlier – falling into each other’s world.

We would eventually get dinner, which was wonderful. He walked me to the car, and opened the door and all that good stuff that I really don’t care about – but it was nice. Actually, I cant say I don’t care about it, I just have never been exposed to it previously. It is certainly not what I was used to with the other men that I have dated, or been serious with. The car ride was enjoyable. Where there wasn’t conversation, there was singing of Motown Classics and laughing. When we arrived at the restaurant, again he was gentlemanly and opened my door, would not allow me to walk street-side, and held the restaurant doors open for me. Again, this is entirely different than what I am used to.

At dinner I got a shrimp salad which went well with the white wine I had prior to leaving for dinner (as well as at dinner…). He looked so dignified and striking at dinner. He was wearing black pants/button up shirt, with black loafer-style shoe with a golden buckle. We matched admirably, and looked like we were a unit – to be honest. It was a great feeling. Gentlemanly, he paid the bill despite me offering to pay for myself. I thanked him with a smile, and we left for home.

On the way out, he put his hand on my outside shoulder, pulled me in and simply said “I haven’t had this much fun, or enjoyed someone else’s company like this in a long time, Ess. A long time…” I responded by stating that I enjoyed it as well, and it seemed that no time has passed since we last saw each other several years prior. There was agreement, to which claimed that he was worried that things would have been stale, or conversation would have been burdensome – which was certainly not the case.

The car ride home mirrored the ride to the restaurant, and within ten minutes – we were back at his home. He invited me in for a nightcap, but understood if I wasn’t able to stay later (it was 9:30pm) at this point, and he knows that I have a four-year-old son at home. I told him that my mother and father were watching him for the night (he wanted to watch Star Wars with grandma and grandpa), so I was free for that evening. Explaining this to him, I eagerly accepted his invitation.

He walked me in, unlocked the door, and welcomed me into his home again. This time I kicked off my shoes immediately, and gracefully fell into the couch. My comfort level was through the roof at this point in the evening. He arrived with a glass of whiskey for himself, and a gin and tonic for myself (he remembered my drink of choice). We got to talking, and I was comfortable enough to say I was sorry for coming on to him so foolishly when I was younger, and that I have missed him. He indicated that he missed our relationship as well (even though it was completely platonic at the time). We were on opposite ends of the couch at this moment, further than before we left for dinner.

I put down my glass on the coffee table, and scooted my drink and the coaster next to his as I moved closer to him on the couch. The drinks had a strange resemblance to our physical complexions as well. His drink (whiskey) – strong, smooth, aged, and amber, and mine (gin and tonic) – light, bubbly, and fragrant.

I told myself I was going to make the first move. I drew myself into him – putting my right arm on his torso and pulling myself in close. I moved my right hand to his chest and nudged my nose and chin into his neck area – and stated to lightly kiss him. This continued for about five seconds, to which he responded by pushing my head back lightly by my neck so he would be able to reach my lips. I couldn’t believe it, for the first time ever, I was actually being physical with a man that I had been off and on thinking about for over ten years. After a few cycles of back and forth kissing (15 seconds) we simply laughed in contentment. The bridge of my nose resting on his chin. I could physically feel the vibration of his gentle, yet strong laugh resonating through me.

From this moment, I hear a slight utterance “may we…?” I simply nodded, to which we stood up, with him leading me into his bedroom – leaving our drinks behind. This was happening…

V. FOREPLAY: He led me into his bedroom, which was completely devoid of anything resembling his ex-wife. No clothes, pictures, decoration, or really anything feminine in the room. I remember him turning on the main light, which dimly lit the entire room warmly. He also turned on some side table lamps, which had a similar effect. He pulled me in, kissed me again – with me warpping my arms up and around his neck smiling. His hands started reaching behind me, and climbing up my back. I knew what he was asking for at this moment. I moved my hands down towards his midsection, as if I was lightly pushing him away. He looked down at me, with me returning his gaze. I lifted my shirt gently, as it part shear – and pulled the blouse over my head. Exposing my bra-covered breasts to him (I am a fuller 34C for any reference). The midnight-black pushup bra contrasting my fair skin, and complimenting my blonde-highlighted hair. Out of instinct, I go and shut the bedroom door. If anything, this only hinted to him that I was completed devoted to what was going to happen.

When I returned back to him, admirably he muttered “I love the way your tits bounce when you move with purpose…” Ooooh, he is opening up the sexy dialogue. Looking up I replied “oh yeah…?” placed my left hand on my bra, propping it into my chest – and unclasping with my right hand. Holding my bra there for a moment, I tilted my head playfully and opened my mouth in a faux-surprised manner as my bra tumbled to the floor. I then sensed a shift in mood from him. He was still warm, comforting, and a strong presence – but I was now in a situation that was unfamiliar to me. It was as if everything else melted away and we were primal – if that makes sense?

He sensually grabbed onto my breasts. His strong, deep brown hands contrasting against my pale tits, my light pink nipples dancing in between his fingers. Pushing them up, squeezing them, grazing my nipples. I was letting him take this part of me in. I remember thinking to myself – this man has only seen my tits and seems pretty damn fascinated, what is going to happen if and when we become even more intimate than this? I remember him pushing up my tits and sucking on my nipples, which caused me to breathe heavier (one of my absolute turn ons). In order to hold myself steady as he fondled and massaged my nipples with his soft lips, and dedicated tongue – I held onto his beltline. He kept at this for about 30 seconds to which he separated himself – and I let go of his beltline.

At this moment, I felt my pussy warming and tingling. I backed up about five steps (to give him some full boob bounce, why not?) and turned around way from him – and began to take off my leggings. I got a good handle in between my thumbs and fingers and slowly lowered them, exposing my ass inch, by inch, by inch – the waistline of my leggings expanding to make room for full removal. The lower my leggings go, the more I bend towards my toes. Showing now me fully bent over, my black g-sting (can’t have panty lines…), and my leggings wrapped around my ankles.

I look behind me coyly, to which he simply nods to me. I take that as a sign to remove my panties as well. I slide down my black g-string to meet with my leggings, and one leg at a time fully remove them. My pussy glistening it was so wet. I would not be surprised if he was able to see some light gleaning off my labia and surrounding skin.

I stand up delicately, turn around – and throw my clothing all in one pile and slowly approach him. My body in full sway, and completely natural. No clothing is on me at this point, and I am completely vulnerable to him. The only thing I am wearing is my gold necklace, with a rectangle shaped pendant with my last initial on it. I am solely looking at his face and expressions, which I can feel him exploring every inch of my body with his eyes.

I approach him and simply ask “better, or worse than you expected…?” A simple answer of “couldn’t ask for any better…,” or something kitschy like that. Could have been a little more descriptive and senusal, but I was really horny and ready to fuck – so that will have to do for now!

In reference to him asking permission for consent earlier, I again place my hands on his belt buckle and simply ask “…may I…?,” to which he immediately grants permission. While standing I unbuckle his belt (which was probably the easiest buckle I have undone), and have him unbutton his pants. As I was in the process of unclasping his buckle, I had to use two hands, so my arms were close together, I could see my tits being maneuvered upwards making them perkier, and even more presentable for him.

It was clear they were very nice pants, so I didn’t want to ruin the button (which ended up really being a clasp). Figuring the logistics in my head, I then realized it would be better to take off his shirt first. Before he got to what I assumed was a button, I whisper, “take off your shirt off, please…” He acknowledges and starts to unbutton his shirt, and once enough were undone, he was able to lift it over his head. As quickly as his shirt was removed, I was right behind lifting his a-shirt (tank) off of him, exposing his bare torso. Granted he is in his late 50’s, so he doesn’t look like an NFL/NBA star in his 20’s/30’s, but he always was conscious of taking care of himself – so his body was still beautiful to me. Firm, slightly toned, and virile.

I, like him before me, put my hand on his chest and just took him in. I was completely nude and accessible to him. Looking from an outside perspective, it probably looked like I was under his spell – completely in his possession. I normally would be apprehensive about the amount of restraint a man shows towards me if I am completely nude in front of him, but his restraint was different – it was extremely sexually attractive to me. In another moment of emotion, I simply hugged him, just wanting to feel some skin on skin contact. I leaned into him, and he gave me one pronounced hug. I hear a whisper in my ear “take your time, I want this to feel right for you…” I mean, I knew it was right, I have never been more nude in my entire life…

Not saying anything I undid his clasp and unzipped his pants, feeling a slight trace of his cock. I pulled his black dress pants down to which he lifted one leg at a time to remove them – taking his left leg completely out, and kicking them off to the side with his right leg. He was wearing some boxer briefs, so I saw some natural movement of his cock, which already had me enamored. I couldn’t take this game of checkers, or chess – whatever we were playing – and went directly for it. I descended down to a crouching position, and on my way down I slid his briefs down with me, slowly showing me more and more of his shaft. Lowering them, I thought I would never see the end of it. I was admiring his long cock, with a stately girth as well. There was a network of veins, that I found very pleasing – especially one that started from the base (my left) and ran down the center of his cock.

When it was fully released I covered my mouth shyly and simply with a muted squeak, “oh my god – your cock is giant…” I stroked and inspected it for a couple seconds, and glaring up with one eye sarcastically stated “couldn’t ask for any better” with a wink. Had to throw some shade his was for that. He was a good sport about it.

Aesthetically, he was well trimmed, with some grey amongst his tamed black bush – I would say about 10% grey. His balls were clearly full, and dangled lower than I have noticed other sacks to be – but not too much! I remember seeing his cock several years prior on accident, but it was nothing like this. I would say he had a flaccid length of about 6.5” with a slight curve to my left– but that is only an estimate. It was the longest flaccid cock I had seen in person, I will say that.

His long dark cock dangled and swayed, mere inches from my wanting mouth – just waiting to be nurtured. For the first time, I stomached my emotions, looked up – teasing him with my eyes, and grasped his dick giving him long strokes from the base to estimate his hardness – he was not hard at all! The only thought that was looming through my mind was “looks like I have some work to do!” I held out my hand, as if it was blowing a kiss and placed his cock horizontally on my palm – stroking the top with long changing patterns. I then transferred my weight on my knees – kneeling in front of my man – or what I perceived him to be my man for at least the evening.

I didn’t take him in my mouth immediately – wanted to slowly seduce this cock. I held his cock up on his lower stomach with my left hand, and began licking his scrotum holding his balls up with my right hand. Out of my left ear there is a slight moan, a sign that things are continuing to arouse. I can feel his balls teeming with impulse and yearning – and feel slight flexing of his dick, gradually growing and bouncing, as it its wanting to be freed my grasp.

I let his cock loose, and watch it fall between his legs, about mid-thigh. As I lifted it towards my mouth – still being mostly soft his rich dark cock draped over my thumb, completely dwarfing my small pale hands (I have to admit, my manicure/nails look good wrapped around his dick). Looking up coyly again, I kissed the tip and began sucking, wrapping my pale pink lips around his fat dick. I was getting myself hyped to potentially give this man the best head he has ever had. Due to his size, I had to start with the tip to get my bearings. I usually don’t throat so early while giving head, but with his size – I assumed that he rarely ever got deepthroated. I wanted to give him that. While still relatively soft – I maneuvered my tongue down, loosened my throat, and fit as much of that generous cock in my mouth. I think I did pretty well, as my nose nestled in his pubic hair.

“Ohhhhh, damnnnnn…” is whispered above me. Not even five seconds in, and I have this man moaning profoundly. As I hear this, I keep his dick secured in my mouth and pivot back and forth – feeling his fleshy cock shifting with each movement. He wasn’t getting out… Another moan lets out, and I extend my lips as far down his shaft as I can muster – wrapping and creating as much suction as I can. Following this, I see and feel his left leg camber. He’s done a lot for me this evening, its time for him to relax.

He was a couple steps in front of his bed, so I backed up (still on my knees) and stopping sucking momentarily. I continued to jerk him off with my right hand, and and lightly guide him backwards with my left hand, so he was able to lay and relax on his bed. Following sitting on the bed, he leaned in again, and kissed me. I kissed back, and never stopped jerking his cock – slowly feeling it begin to reach capacity.

Watching him lean back, it was time for me to get surgical with him. I was still jerking him off, and looked at the glistening where my mouth had been on his mast. About half of his cock had moisture from my mouth, and half was still dry – and untouched. Grabbing his dick firmly, I went to work. Again, starting to work his fleshy head to get a rhythm and feel the vibe of the moment. I feel I get in my proper dick sucking posture (ass perched out, back arched), and begin to venture further and further down. To my dismay, due to his increasing size, I am not able to make it halfway down, like when he was softer. If I had to venture to guess, I would estimate he is now around 8”-8.5” inches long. His dick started soft and swaying, but eventually grew to fullness, and had a tremendous curve upwards. Now I am in limerence, my favorite position is on top (cowgirl), and this dick is going to not only fill me up – and more – but also hit my g-spot, a-spot, and any spot that is in me. The curve upwards is not accommodating to the structure of mouth, especially kneeling in front of him. The tip would consistently meet the roof of my mouth – there was no way I was going to throat him unless we were 69ing, or I was sitting parallel to his body facing his feet.

I did what I could for the interim, and glazed his cock with my mouth, tongue, and lips. I pampered that dick, and did my best to prepare it for what was next.

VI. THE SEX: Demanding him to lean re-posture himself on the bed, I rise and maneuver my hair into a tight pony tail. Standing over him, as if I am in control of the situation (when I knew I wasn’t in control of anything) If I was going to be bending down with faces meeting, I cant have my hair smothering him…

As he shifts backwards, his cock dances up and down with each sliding motion back. It would sway forward towards me, and then default back to resting on his stomach. I slowly get on all fours on the bed and approach him, like a leopard – low to the ground and silently. As I pass his groin, I give his hanging sack and his considerable cock a light stroke of tribute. At this point, I am sheltered in between his legs, and as my waist neared his, I straddled him – allowing my craving, soaking pussy to meet his beautiful cock. Never inserting, I arched my back and lowered my pussy, thrusting back and forth on the underside of his cock. Showing him how desiring I am of him.

I lower my back and face down and begin kissing him passionately. It was one of those moments where when you both are kissing – and there is just heavy breathing, pleasuring light moans, and carnality possessing the room. With my movements up and down the bottom of his cock, I can feel my clit start to swell and pleasure start to rise within me. My pace quickens, and I remove my face from his mouth and indicate to him that if I keep this up, I will come soon. Not stopping, I press down harder on his now pulsing dick to increase friction on my now swollen clit. He grabs my tits, and I lift my head towards his headboard and finish myself off. Gyrating at a heightened pace. Mouth open, eyes closed, light-headed – I experience a lasting orgasm and collapse into him, my tits pressing on his chest in exhaustion.

Taking a few moments, I breathe recovering gasps into the area where his clavicle meets his neck. My face bordering towards his, I smile and nudge him. We hadn’t even fucked yet, and he made me cum. I used my left hand and slowly traced his chest, running my fingers through his chest hair, as well as tracing his nipples. We do some pillow talk while I recover – talking about topics that were definitely more sexual oriented – things he like that I did, what his previous experiences were like, and things that he had not experienced before me (I may detail on this later). To ensure that we didn’t lose his erection, I continued to dance my fingers around his cock.

After about five minutes, I lean in for another kiss, tap his nose with my finger and start to straddle him again. I wanted to do cowgirl, because this way I can control how much of him I fit inside of me, and can control the pace if there was any semblance of pain.

My pussy was dripping as much as it was when I was cumming on his cock, just moments ago. This time, reaching behind my back, hoisting his cock upwards for insertion. He looks at me intently and implores, “you want this…?” I bite my top lip, and nod my head up and down, consenting fully. I knew insertion was going to be a struggle due to his immensity. Guiding his cock to the opening of my impatient pussy, I slowly lower onto the head. Immediately, there is stretching – not uncomfortable – but definitely noticeable. In order to assist in getting his dick in me, he spreads my ass cheeks to wrap my lips around his shaft. With my pussy wrapped tightly around him, I slowly start to ride him up and down.

Holy fuck, this dick is big. There was a moment where I thought I had to tap out due to being uncomfortable, but after resting in the same position and making micro movements – I was able to fill myself with his ample member with no further discomfort. Thank goodness I train often with larger dildos…

Eventually we got to the point where I was able to ride, with my pussy whistling songs of moisture as I was being perfectly filled with him. His cock compliments my inner anatomy flawlessly. His upward curve caressing my g-spot, and a-spot – as well as filling me more than I ever have previously with a partner (I do have some dildos that are still longer and girthier).

Just like when I was giving head, I was now in the zone. I placed both hands on his chest and started to selfishly ride. I RARELY (I mean almost never) orgasm from PIV sex. Either the shape of the penis doesn’t match, or he isn’t long enough to match my spots, or just isn’t a considerable fuck. Between us readers, I never came when having sex with his son…but shhhhhh!!

With him, I felt another orgasm quickly approaching. Moving up and down on his cock, my tits are bounding. At this moment, it is apparent that my partner in crime is nearing his climax as well. His hands and arms are moving around my body indiscriminately, I look back and his toes are curling, as one last measure I feel his sack – which is tightly lifted tight towards his body.

I have been selfish up to this point, I wanted him to climax the way he wishes. I raise off his cock, and with him exiting, it sounds as if it takes a breath of air out of my vagina. With his cock removed, I continue to stroke as I move my legs to lift around him. I whisper “take me however you want to, baby…” He rose up, looked me in the eyes (like into my soul), and reached for my ankles, pulling them out so my landed on my back. I look between my legs, and he is approaching me like I was initially – like a jet-black jaguar. I catch a glimpse of him, with his dick dragging on the sheets approaching me. He stilts on his knee and positions my legs apart. He lifts his cock on top of my pussy. Looking down again, I see his cock spanning to just below my belly-button. He glides his cock up and down my pussy lips to lube them him up, and slowly starts to enter me.

I let out a “HOLYYYYY SHIT!!” Due to the way I was laying the pressure was much tighter, but immediately pleasurable. I could not help but look down and seeing his cock slowly disappearing into me – inch by inch. I could feel him enter me fully, expanding me – to which I let out three exhaling breaths, and nodded for him to take control. He is stilting above me at this moment with his arms on either side of me – I take my hands and hold onto his forearms – bracing myself as his pace quickens. I see my pussy lips grip his girth as he strides back and forth. I quickly feel that rush again, I am about to cum…again. I feel the internal tension building in me. My pussy starts involuntarily squeezing on his cock, slowing his strides. Due to the circumstances, this orgasm was DEEP and lasting. With each thrust, it felt as if my orgasm was surging, swelling, and building until one moment, a generous thrust upwards released everything and I came HARD.

Although flustered, I naturally kept going, allowing my partner to reach fruition as well. Just a few moments later, I felt his breath shorten, saw his eyes close, and his body tense up. All signs led to him cumming soon, and I was strangely excited. He looked down at me, and quickly inquired, “Ess, can I cum on you?” to which I first shook my head affirmatively, and softly stating “…absolutely…” His pace continued at a quickened rate, to which I reassured him “you’re already the best I have had (which is 200% true – because two orgasms, you know?) just finish for you…” with a few “come on, baby – cum for me” praise statements sprinkled in there. I felt one pulse inside my pussy – he didn’t pull out in time! There was another pulse that entered me, and he was able to pull out fully – stroking the rest of his warm, thick, and ample cum onto my waiting stomach. Some came very close to my tits. For an older, man – he still has it! I wasn’t even worried about the cum inside of me – I was just happy that we both came.

Like myself prior, he collapsed into the bed – and I immediately nestled into him. Again, stroking his chest I looked up and simply giggled at him – with him return giggling. Running his fingers through my hair he states, “thank you for this, I think we both needed that.”

I sarcastically responded “did I really just fuck my ex-boyfriend’s dad…?”


Never in my life have I ever felt more connected, or had a more streamlined emotion for someone so quickly. Although I knew him before, I now knew him intimately – and naturally felt closer than I ever have to him. The sex was a perfect combination of where we were in life.

We discussed how our energies (again, kitschy, but true) were complimentary. Almost like a yin and yang. Being younger and single for the last few years (with fuck buddies and minor dates), I had more recent experiences with other partners than he had with his wife, with whom he was married to faithfully for decades. He noted that he had only one partner, his wife, so he never knew any other lover. I was his second intimate partner. Additionally, he confided in me that his marriage, his only relationship, was not sexually adventurous – and as a result became stale nearly twenty years ago.

From my experience, he was more reserved in nurturing during lovemaking – something I am not familiar with, and craved whenever I would have sex with someone. As a result of my conditioning in previous relationships, I believe I am more sexually adventurous, and aggressively accommodating to my lover – which he was craving for years while in his marriage. We were completely different, but our styles complimented each other perfectly, in my opinion.

I don’t know if it was pillow-talk, but he said the one night with me, was more varied and distinctive than most of the time with his ex-wife. I like to think it was a culmination of the several days we spent building a friendship, ushered in the potential for such an eye-opening evening.

This was my GoneWild Story.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/114d5fx/i_33f_am_dating_a_man_57m_that_is_24_years_older


  1. Nice story. Like you, mine often have too much back story/build up for some readers. But those are my favorite parts. I appreciate you including them.

  2. To say this is well written is an understatement. What a great job. Could have expanded on what was said a bit more but that’s just me.

    Hope you’ve been able to have more time together!

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