I really need to stop letting strangers cum inside me. [26F]

I went to a concert last night with a friend and it ended earlier than expected. Buzzed from the delicious (and expensive) mixed drinks, and underwhelmed from the performers, I agreed to meet a new guy for the first time for a nightcap. Besides, I looked amazing and the more people who saw me the better.

When I arrived at the bar, I gave myself a pep talk before going in. “One drink max, make sure he has condoms, and don’t be a stupid slut” I muttered, drawing glances from the people smoking outside. I gave them a small, innocent smile and turned away, walking to the entrance. In hindsight, the way I lie to myself about how I’ll make good decisions really is an issue. But it was 1am, I was wearing my favorite boots and I was ready for fun.

The bar wasn’t very crowded so I spotted him right away towards the back. Blonde, bearded, and looking relaxed in a pair of jeans and a red hoodie. After a quick look up and down I decided he looked like his pictures and called his name. “Hey, Jake right?” He looked up, instantly breaking into a smile. “Yeah. Justine?” I nodded, then sat next to him at the bar, turning to face him. ‘Here we go’, I thought.

Within minutes I had a drink in my hand and he was laying it on thick. How he loved the skulls on my shirt and necklace, that I looked like I was up to no good, that he definitely didn’t have any vinyl records I’d like at his place. “No seriously, how do you look so intimidating in all that black but you’re so sweet?” He asked at one point. I don’t know if it was the liquor or he was just that nice but I relaxed and enjoyed his teasing, falling into easy conversation.

One drink turned into two, and by the time Jake finished his beer I was ready to move on. The stool was uncomfortable and his face looked like a way better place to sit. “Are you ready to go?” I asked as sweetly as possible, already gathering my things. “Yeah, I’m right down the block. Let’s go.” We walked quickly to my car, and true to his word, 5 minutes later I was pulling up in front of his house.

The smell of incense hit me when I walked in, instantly setting me at ease. It was warm, cozy and against one wall were rows and rows of vinyl records. “I knew I liked you.” I winked at him and took my boots off, strolling over to look at the records. Jake came and stood behind me, leaning down to say in my ear, “Hopefully you’ll like me a lot more before the end of the night.” I shivered at his closeness and words, pretending to be engrossed in the records.

Walking away, he threw over his shoulder, “Do you want a beer?” Now this is where I should have said no and asked for water. My earlier buzz had worn off but the two drinks at the bar had a new one going and my tolerance wasn’t the best. But instead I called out, ” Sure, whatever is sweetest”, and turned back to the records, pulling out a Rolling Stones record just as he appeared again, two beers in hand.

I took it and sat on the couch, watching as Jake carefully placed it on the player. As music filled the room he sat down and pulled me close. We talked more as we drank, about music, concerts and whatever came to mind. By the time I finished my beer, I was giggly, even hornier, and practically in his lap. “Want to go upstairs?” He asked casually, watching me set the empty can down. His fingers had been making slow circles on my thigh, creeping higher with every pass. I didn’t hesitate. “Yes please!” I replied, practically jumping up.

The moment we made it to his room he wasted no time in gently pushing me on the bed, settling on top of me, and guiding my mouth to his. Our tongues swirled over each other, the kisses deepening, turning rougher. His lips trailed lower, lingering at my neck before pulling up my shirt and bra to free my tits. “Fuck, those look so good.” With a moan, he sucked one pierced nipple and teased the other, switching between them until I was squirming and making small sounds at the attention.

Finally moving on, he pressed kisses down my stomach until he reached my jeans. I eagerly lifted my hips so he could pull them off, revealing my bare, shaved pussy. Before leaving for the concert I had taken them off, deciding panties weren’t needed that night. Jake paused, eyes sweeping up and down my body. “I knew you were trouble but damn…” He trailed off, sliding one finger over my already wet pussy lips and finding my clit. In response I moaned, spreading my legs wide, a silent plea for more.

Taking my cue, Jake moved down and ran his tongue slowly over my slit, tasting me. He gave a quiet “Mmmm” of approval, nuzzling his face deeper between my legs. I threaded my fingers through his hair and gripped it, the other hand finding an anchor on his sheets. Being eaten out is one of my favorite things and luckily he was excellent at it. The sounds of pleasure he made every time his tongue dipped to my flooded entrance drove me crazy, as though I was his favorite dish and he was indulging freely. The steady lapping and sucking on my clit was perfect.

It didn’t take long for me to cum, curses rolling off my tongue at the intensity of the feeling. Going limp, I closed my eyes to bask in the afterglow, feeling him shift to lay beside me. “You are…” I paused, finding it hard to form words. He chuckled, and I turned to look at him. His beard was glistening, and by the satisfied smirk on his face, he didn’t mind a bit. “Awesome. You are awesome. ” I finally managed. He laughed, then kissed me so I could taste myself. “Just as delicious as you look”, he said in return, an edge of satisfaction in his voice.

Determined to return the favor, I straddled him, sliding down to undo his pants. To my delight he was fully hard already. Tugging his boxers down, then off, I went to work, forgoing the teasing I usually did and taking his entire length in my mouth. “Fuck!” His gasp was loud and shocked. I quickly caught a rhythm, barely giving myself air, enjoying the way he felt gliding past my lips too much to do anything but practically face fuck myself while he shook under me.

“How can you look so sweet and be so damn good at that?” I paused and looked up, meeting his eyes, his cock still in my mouth. I didn’t respond, instead taking him down my throat again, my efforts being rewarded with a gasp and his hands in my hair. Men seeing how slutty I was despite how innocent I looked never got old. I pulled away briefly to run my tongue over his balls, earning another moan. I tried to put him back in my mouth but he stopped me, tugging at my hair. “I won’t last if you keep that up”.

It was my turn to laugh. Climbing on top of him, I felt his cock brush my thigh, then the slick lips of my pussy as I settled. My pep talk from earlier in the night was a mere memory, not strong enough to overcome the need to feel him bare inside me. Slowly, agonizingly, I rocked my hips, creating a delicious friction, looking for permission in his eyes to cross that line. “Are you sure?” even as he asked I was whimpering in need, my answer apparent before I even responded. “Yes, please. I’m on the pill.” At his nod I reached down, pausing my rocking to line him up so the next slid him balls deep inside me.

Moaning my pleasure at the feeling, I began to bounce. There’s nothing like bareback sex. Nothing. Acting on instinct, I planted my hands on his chest, leveraging myself into harder, faster movements. He felt amazing, hitting all the right spots every time I slammed my wet pussy down on him. His gasps and hands on my hips let me know it was just as good, if not better for him. Long moments passed in a haze of lust, my world narrowed down to the stranger under and inside me.

Finally he gripped my hips hard, an attempt to slow me down. “I’m going to cum. Where do you want it?” Again, those words a wiser me had said floated back but I pushed them away. The slut in me knew what she needed. “Inside me. Cum inside me.” He didn’t hesitate, using the moments I took to respond to take control. Looping one arm around my waist and shifting the other on my hip, he began fucking me, forcing me to lean back and hold his thighs for purchase.

Wet smacking sounds filled the room as he forced me to take him harder, faster. He was already close but I began to egg him on anyway, struggling to speak from the force of his cock slamming in and out of me. “Yes, use my pussy to cum. Make me your cum slut.” “Give me every fucking drop-” A strangled sound came from his throat, and I stopped, feeling pulse after pulse of hot, thick cum filling me. I smiled, satisfied, as he grew still under me, his gasps as he tried to recover loud in the sudden silence.

The risk of what I’d done and afterglow of sex had me giggling a bit when I finally maneuvered off him, feeling a rush of warmth leak down my thighs. We didn’t speak as I curled up next to him, sighing in contentment. Minutes passed before he murmured, “Free tomorrow?” I nodded, not bothering with words. He didn’t know it yet, but I was more than willing to let him use me as long as he filled me at the end. My creampie kink wouldn’t have it any other way.

I had failed miserably in keeping my slutty side under control but there was always next time. And the next. Endless chances because it seemed there were endless men waiting to have me. The next one I choose would keep his head when I begged for his cum right?

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/114cbvc/i_really_need_to_stop_letting_strangers_cum


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