[MF] Part 2 – Tina takes control & puts our jobs at risk

Part 2 – Tina takes control, our jobs at risk

If you haven’t read Part 1, you’ll find a link here:


A few days passed us all by after my shenanigans with Heidi. Within those few days Heidi would playfully steal kisses and slap my ass. In return and where possible I’d pin her to the wall out of shot of the camera’s and lean in for a quick kiss but stop myself short. Barely a hairs width away from her lips, her hot breath beating down on my own lips. Only to flick her mouth with my tongue and playfully run off leaving her swearing at me with a clenched fist.

SUnday rolled around and it was a quieter day in the hotel, which I relished after a nightmarish first few days. The backlog was 30 A4 pages of work. Tensions with the GM Ned were palpable, when he wasn’t tipsy on vodka he was mean and he protected Bradly against any neysayers. A day or two before he had confronted me in one of the bedrooms while I was repairing the wall around a window – part of my Trade so it was easily done for me. Ned comes bounding into the room, his big 6’5 frame. Ned blew out his knee which is why he retired but he was still an imposing sight and not a man you want to have aggressively come toward you.

He shuts the door loudly and towering over little ole’ 6′ me. “What did you say about Bradly?”

“Sorry, what?”

“I heard you were bad mouthing him. He’s been here for years, I will not tolerate anyone badgering him or his name?”

“Ned, I haven’t said a word about anyone.”

“Yes, you have, don’t fuck with me.” His tone of voice was aggressive and his hangover must’ve been a thousand times worse. “Just do you work and keep your mouth shut, got it?”. He bellowed walking back over to the door.

I turned around to face the window and return to my work. When a bolt of irritation ran right through me. (I’m a nice person but I’m a vicious angry Irish bastard when people step on my toes for no reason).

“Ned.'” I shouted following him to the door.

The big man turned around and took a step back when he seen the look in my eyes.

“Don’t you fucking dare speak to me like that again or I swear to god I’ll knock the shit out of you and that bad knee.” I became hyper-aware of my own Irish accent in this moment and it definitely added to Ned’s hesitancy.

Ned was speechless. I was already in a fighting stance having done martial arts for years as a teenager. He was bigger and stronger but I had speed and knock-out power.

Realising how I spoke to my GM, my boss, I sighed. “Listen, do me a professional courtesy and go down to the maintannce office and I can promise you he’s doing more crosswords. On the way down check the book. There’s 23 A4 pages of work to do and I’m up here by myself. I can’t do all this bloody work by myself, Ned. I need his help and that’s why I haven’t actually said anything.”

Ned would later approach me and apologise for his outburst but never ever got aggressive with me again. And complimented me on the professional finished around the windows. The woodrot was bad in spots but i rebuilt it and repainted it and you’d never have known it was ever there.

Back to the Sunday, Ned was drunk and in his office. He called me in regarding something I can’t quite recall as it was 7+ years ago now. He berated me over something, shouting for no reason but I took it, and decided to take note of these outbursts. Which would later come in handy when I began working with the owners of the hotel and the new GM who was becoming a quick friend of mine.

Ned stormed and stumbled out of his office and out of the hotel leaving me fuming. I made my way up the nearby stairs to the second floor and sat down on one of the couches. Leaned back, closed my eyes and shook my head while exhaling deeply. No one likes to be berated for little to no reason and I was no different.

The sound of the housekeepers trolley wheel squeaked as it rounded the corner to my far left across the second floor lobby.

“You really need to oil this wheel.” Winked Tina before sitting down on the other couch. “I heard him shouting at you. Gods that man is fuckhead.”

“Tell me about it.”

“What did you supposedly not do this time?”

For a moment I thought about answering her and effectively complaining but I decided against it. I shook my head while eyeing her. ‘Fuck it, Tina. Who cares. I’m Irish Tradesman, I’ll have work tomorrow morning if I want it. Ned can kiss my lily white Irish arse.”

Tina simply nodded and stood up, the woman looked tired, really tired. Housekeepers in any hotel in any country are always the hardest worked and the most under-payed. Often criminally so.

My mind was blank at this point, sex was the furthest thought that I had.

“Room 227 is free.”

I looked at Tina with a confused set to my face.

“Room 227 is out for repairs, I think you should bring me down and fuck me.”

My hesitancy remained, not because I didn’t understand what she was saying. I did, of course. But rather the fact that she wasn’t whispering, that the guests in nearby rooms could absolutely hear us talking, even passing us by early in the conversation. Despite Ned’s behaviour and the fact that sex was the last thing on my mind this woman made my cock jump to life as I stood up and walked over to her. Grabbing her by the hand we walked down the long hallway to Room 227. I knew the room had been out for quite sometime, partial renovation (one that I would complete a few months after this encounter).

I opened the room, shut the door and locked it from the inside, leaving my master key firmly stuck in lock. I spun around to face Tina and we began kissing, my hard cock begging to be released from my pants.

As if reading my mind, Tina spun around and pulled her trousers and panties down in one swift quick motion. Her ass was peach shaped, her inny-pussy bald and so wet it was glistening in the dim light of the room. My trousers hit the ground like a boat anchor at port. I placed my right hand on her lower back and bent her over a wooden desk chair. There’s nothing better than entering pussy for the first time. That loud gasp as her warmth and her juices envelope the head of your cock. Seeing Tina’s hands ball into fists as she struggled to grab something to hold onto.

I pushed myself inside her and got stuck half way. “Fuck.” Gasped Tina quietly.

MY breathing was heavy and my hands shakily grabbed at her hips, that I can only describe as “Great birthing hips”. I slowly moved in an out and gave her a chance to adjust to my size. We both instinctively knew that we only had so much time, even if there was no managers on duty. Her other colleagues in housekeeping, 2 Spanish ladies were on duty (Heidi had a day off).

My mind wandered admidst the slow motion of cock leaving and re-entering pussy, my large balls lightly slapping off her mound. I hyper-focused that all encompassing warmth. I bit my lip as my mind wandered further I imagined her becoming pregnant.

“Fuck me hard.” Ordered Tina. “Who gives a shit about the job.”

A switch clicked inside me and my mind refocused. My fingers dug into her hips and we began to fuck. But I wasn’t fucking her to cum inside her, I was hate fucking her. Not because she did anything wrong but because Ned was a constant source of anger and frustration and Tina knew this. Tina had witnessed it. And Tina had given me her pussy to use to decompress and alleviate the stress.

MY left hand wrapped around her long brown hair and i pulled on it, hard. She gasped through moans and looked back at me. Teeth bared, hips and pussy pushing back onto my cock. “FIll me.” She said through grated teeth.

And with that I let go of her hair and I fucked her in those final seconds with every ounce of physical lean power I had. And for those few eternally long seconds she moaned as loud as humanly possible, a guttural, animalistic moan. I too began moaning, growling almost to match her. We were more animal than human in those primal seconds between climax and orgasm.

And then came the release.

I pushed my cock deep inside her, where that small pocket opens for those of us long enough to reach it. Her body instantly froze and tensed up. Rope after rope after rope of cum erupted inside that small pocket. ‘When had I had cum so god damn hard?’ was a question that flashed in my mind for a but a second before my knees gave way and Tina collapsed onto the chair in a somewhat awkward position.

A few seconds passed and my large load of cum was still inside her. Shakey legged, she put back on her panties and trousers and eyed me. “I can’t let it fall out.” Tina dropped to her knees licked the mix of pussy juice and cum off my softening cock and then kissed me passionately. Sharing our taste. Savouring the flavour.


At this point Tina began to struggle in her personal life. It turned out that although she was 2-3 years older than me, she had 3 kids with a guy. We’d fuck a few more times at work but not many. She’ll come back into the story a little later on but our fucking would eventually be reduced to grab assing, kissing and HJ and BJ. Nothing too serious.

Heidi, on the other hand. Well, that brings us to Part 3: A bit of time passed and we were playing at work as usual when one evening at home, I get a phone call. “Hey, you wanna pop round my place for a few beers, maybe a bit of 420?”

“That sounds great, send me on your address.”

“No need Mr. Irish. My husband will call round and collect you.”

“Husband?” I asked incredulously.

“Haha, don’t worry, he has a drug problem, I put with it, so I can have a bit of fun on the side.”

She hung up the phone seconds later and I was left wondering ‘WTF have I gotten myself into.’ He pulled up outside a few minutes later. I walked out the door rolling my sleeves up for a fight. I was going to absolutely smash his head in if he tried anything (even though he had every right).

“Hey bro.” He put his hands up in the air. “We’re cool Mr. Irishman, just get in the car, we live nearby.” My intuition said I could trust him, so I went with it.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/113pysk/mf_part_2_tina_takes_control_puts_our_jobs_at_risk

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