Our one-night staycation was a marathon fuck fest [MF]

This one might be a little different. Props to all you adventurous types out there who swing, or whose spouse’s best friend just happens to be freaky in the right way. Sometimes I think that would be cool to experience, but it’s never been our life. There’s a little background, but scroll to the *** to get straight to the action. Sorry if it’s super long; this is my first gonewild story, and it doesn’t make a lot of sense to break into pieces.

My wife J [F47] and I [M47] have been married for 20 years, and together for 30. We met the first day of college, and are each other’s first and only sex partner. Over the years, we’ve run the gamut from fucking multiple times a day (mostly in college, big shock), to long droughts where once a month was ‘frequent.’ We have kids, and she had a high-demand job for 15 years while I was the stay-home parent. I spent a lot of solo time with porn (wish I’d known about gonewild and its sibling subreddits years ago), but of late that hasn’t done much to quell the horniness.

Because here’s a secret, kids; even 30 years on, I’m horny all the fucking time. To such a degree that I worry I annoy J with it. She’s definitely down for a good time, but not at the same rate as me. And while as a younger man I definitely fantasized about and lusted after other women — whether celebrity, fantasy, or people I knew IRL — these days, I pretty much am just horny for her, and when I fantasize, it’s about being with her. It might sound corny, but she’s really all I want, and lately I want her more than ever.

For Christmas last year, she got us an amazing present: a night’s stay in a fancy hotel in our city. We had been reconnecting sexually last year after a change in her work status removed a lot of the stress that had been preoccupying her for literal years, and she wanted us to have a chance to get away, just the two of us.

“Is it just that?” I’d asked her at one point last winter.

“You know,” she said, “I think I spent most of the past fifteen years focused so much on the kids, and now that they’re getting older, I’m focused back on you.”

“Lucky me, then,” I said, and kissed her while I grabbed her ass.

I’m not gonna give you our height and measurements; we’re 47 YO married parents who don’t have a lot of time for the gym. J works with a personal trainer, but has had 2 knee surgeries and still has a janky knee. I’ve been balding since I was 26, and nowadays I shave it with a double-edge razor, but I have a good head for it, and it goes with my dad bod. My wife is shorter than me, and Korean; she has long brown hair, and a body that I find gorgeous and an incredible turn-on. Picture us how you want to, I think it’s better that way.

The hotel stay mentioned above happened this past weekend as an early Valentine’s Day getaway for us. I was getting anxious as hell in the week before, because potential roadblocks were starting to pile up: We had an event we’d committed to that just happened to land on the day of our staycation. Additionally, J was traveling for work most of the week prior, so she was exhausted when she got back to town, plus all of us had gotten sick at some point the previous weekend, and weren’t feeling our best.

The day arrived, and the problems disappeared one by one. We dropped each kid off at their prearranged sleepover, the pet sitter arrived with no problems, and we went to the hotel to check in and change for our event. The hotel managed to put us in the wrong room at first. but to their credit, they got us moved quickly. It wasn’t a suite, but it had a couple of beds, a long low couch, and most importantly, was on a corner where we’d be relatively isolated.

Getting ready for the event, I felt totally on pins and needles, thinking about what would happen when we returned to our room. Was she too tired for any fun? Would it be a quick session and then to sleep? I couldn’t stop worrying, and also desperately wanting to fuck her. She wore a modest dark blue dress to mid-calf, with some simple geometric jewelry. Her hair was freshly done, and her makeup was minimal. She’s truly stunning. I wore slacks with a dark blue patterned shirt, a simple blazer, and color-matched belt and shoes. We called a Lyft and headed to the party fashionably late.

Fast forward: the event was a success. It worked out well, being it was a fancy dinner with drinks, music, and good conversation (although due to our relationship to the attendees, we weren’t able to get into any dance-floor groping shenanigans), and we made it back to our room around 11:00. Thinking maybe we’d go out to the hotel bar and get a drink, we experimented with the remote-control vibrating panties to see if they’d make a wicked fun addition to the festivities. A quick test killed that idea.

“Oh my god, It’s so loud!” J said. “It sounds like a phone buzzing!”

“Yeah, that might work in a loud club, but the bar out there is pretty quiet.” I was also struggling to turn it off, another problem with an over-loud vibrator if you’re in a public place.

“Someone’s gonna be like, ‘are you going to answer that?’” she said, and we broke into giggles. I finally got the vibrator turned off.

“Never mind,” she said, “We’ll stay in.” She shooed me out of the bathroom so she could slip into something more comfortable.


There was a bottle of champagne waiting in an ice bucket — an apology from the hotel for the room mix-up — and I poured us each a glass while I waited. I paired my phone with the clock radio and put on an appropriately sexy playlist.

A short time later, she emerged wearing a satin pink nightie over a pair of white lacy high-waist panties that I had bought her. I felt my heart rate quicken as I handed her a flute of champagne; all the stress and anxiety and worry about being too tired vanishing as she looked me in the eyes.

“Turn the lights off,” she said.

“I want to see you,” I replied, looking her up and down and up again. I turned off the brightest light, and dimmed the other two, setting the mood.

She leaned into me, letting me feel her whole body as we kissed. I gently bit her lips and she flicked her tongue against mine. She ground against me, and I was instantly hard feeling her mound rub on my cock through my thin slacks.

“You’re cold,” I whispered.

“A little,” she said.

“Let’s do something about it.” I wrapped my arms around her and we made out some more. I squeezed her ass and pulled her against my throbbing dick. She exhaled into my ear, and then pushed me gently toward the bed.

“I want to see how well you shaved,” she said, and started fumbling with my belt. I unclipped it and pushed my pants and boxer-briefs down, giving her free access to my cock. I’m not super long, about 7.5”, but I am pretty damn thick. J has small hands, but she can barely make her thumb and forefinger meet around my shaft when I’m fully hard. The “shave” comment was because I try to keep things tidy for her, and I’d shaved every other day up to this morning to remove any stray stubble that might irritate her pussy; I was determined for everything to go as smoothly as possible.

She dropped to her knees and began licking the head enthusiastically, lapping up a drizzle of precum. She took me into her mouth as far as she can, which is not very far; her mouth is too small to handle me without choking. Her head bobbed up and down, and I swept her hair back so I could watch her lips slip up and down on the shaft. She tried forcing it down a little farther, gagging just the tiniest bit.

“Let’s go to the couch,” I whispered. She stood up and we kissed some more, my tongue splitting her lips like I was desperate to do with her pussy. I kicked off my slacks into a pile on the floor. She got on all fours on the couch, and I could see that the nightie laced up in the back, leaving her ass bare in only the panties. I moved up against her.

“Please,” she moaned, “I want you so bad.”

“Not yet,” I said, pushing the panties aside, and slid a finger into her. She groaned again, and I could feel her body shudder with pleasure as I slid in and out of her slippery cunt. I reached forward inside her, fingers swirling on her G-spot while she sucked in air and pushed her ass back against me. I relented and pulled out my finger, then replaced it with my cock, the head squeezing into her wet pussy with just enough friction to make us both exhale.

“Oh god,” I said, pushing all the way in.

“Yes, baby,” she said, “I fucking love your dick.”

I put my hands on her shoulders and pulled her back onto my cock, losing myself in the sensation. I could hear her breath quickening, and I knew she was climbing the mountain toward orgasm, which is why I’m the luckiest man on the planet; once she gets started coming, she does not stop. I know it’s not like this for every woman, but J will come pretty much constantly when we’re in a really good session of lovemaking; the only limit is my stamina.

“I want you to sit on me,” I said, pulling out of her. I sat down on the couch and she got down on her knees again, wanting to taste me again before we got back to it. Her eyes were closed, and I decided to try some things I don’t normally do.

“Open your eyes,” I said, my voice firm, but kind. She kept sucking, glancing up at me, and then back down.

“I said open your eyes and look at me. Look at me while you suck my dick.”

She groaned around a mouthful of my cock. She’s an executive in the tech industry, and an incredibly strong and forceful person in business, and sometimes she wants to be dominated. I’m pretty mild-mannered; I don’t have much of that persona in me, but this night was for us and I wanted to try and give her what she wants too.

“That’s right,” I said, keeping my voice strong and firm, “You look me in the eye while you suck my cock like a good little slut.” She whimpered at this, and sneaked her hand down into her panties to play with her clit. I could hear her breath coming faster and faster.

“I fucking love your dick,” she said between licks.

“That’s right, you do,” I said, “You love it and you worship that cock. Look at me.” She looked up at me from under her lashes, her eyes positively radiating lust, and I could feel her groans of pleasure on my dick while she worked at it.

“I’m not good at this,” I admitted, “but I’m trying for you.” She lifted her head off of me and stood up, shucking her panties off and straddling my legs. I aimed my cock at her slit, and she sat down on it, giving a soft cry as I split her open again. She rode me for a while, grinding her hips over mine, and then I said, “let’s move to the bed.”

“You taste sweet,” she said to me as she lay down in the center of the bed. “I think I’m tasting me.”

“That makes sense,” I said, “your pussy is the sweetest taste to me. Come to the edge,” I added, as I pulled her toward me so that she could suck on me some more. I squeezed some lube onto my hand — we came prepared for this night — and reached over to finger her while she blew me, circling her clit with two fingers and then slipping them down into her wetness to hook into her G-spot.

“Oh my god, what are you doing,” she groaned as I worked my hand faster, slamming into her clit and feeling the clenching of her legs together that meant she was about to come.

“Come for me, baby,” I whispered, “keep coming and don’t fucking stop. I just want you to come forever.” She bucked her hips against my hand, crying out, “Fuck, yes” as she came on my fingers.

“I want you,” she growled at me. I took in the sight of her, the skimpy nightie pushed up above her waist, her legs spread showing me her dripping pussy topped with the small tuft of bush that I leave when she lets me shave her.

“Let me just do this first,” I said, and dove between her thighs with my tongue. I love eating her pussy. It’s the most rewarding act, and legitimately my favorite thing to do with her. I sucked onto her clit with my lips, massaging under it with my tongue, while periodically pushing my tongue deeper into her. I love to lick her until she comes, because what usually follows is the most incredible session of fucking we’ve had since the last one. I stayed focused, reading the signs of her body, listening for the inevitable, “Don’t stop, don’t stop.”

My licking and sucking sent her over the edge. I kept her thighs open, forcing her to feel the sensations as fully as she could. I know some people are turned on by orgasm denial, but that’s never been my thing; I get thoroughly turned on watching her come over and over again.

I kept licking her, but she stopped me. “I want to 69,” she said.

“Okay,” I said, and I lay down on the bed, my head toward the foot. “Climb over me.”

It took a moment for her to understand, but then she did, and I got to watcher her body slide along mine. I squeezed her tits as she went past, and just as I felt her hot breath on my dick, her pussy slid onto my mouth and I engulfed her again, licking and rolling her clit over my tongue. I could feel her body shaking while she tried to focus on returning the favor, and she came again.

She rolled off of me, twitching, and I climbed onto her, holding her legs wide with mine as I drove my cock into her again. I thrust with all the force I could muster, plowing her and splitting her wide open. I hooked my arms over her shoulders to keep her from sliding, to make sure that she could feel every inch of girth inside her. She moaned, exhorting me with a babble of orgasmic joy; “Oh god, oh yes, you’re so deep, oh my god don’t stop, oh fuck” and so on. I stuffed her like I was trying to split her in half, the thickness of my shaft filling her up to the hilt. I pulled free completely and then entered her again, head to pelvis, in one smooth motion, penetrating her for the first time over and over again. She whined through her gritted teeth and I said, “you can scream, it’s just us.” She yelled aloud as she came again.

“I know you love being my little slut,” I said, “you’re a whore for my big fat dick.”

“Oh yeah,” she whimpered, “I’m a whore for your fucking dick, it feels so good when you split my lips open.”

“Take every inch of my cock, you fucking slut,” I growled back at her.

By this time, all the dirty talk would have sent me over the edge, but my stamina this night was insane. I didn’t have that much to drink at the dinner; an Old Fashioned, 2 medium pours of red wine, and some champagne in the room, but I was at no risk of premature anything. I’d also taken a light dose of mushrooms before we left for the event, but they had worn off before we got back to the hotel. But whether it was the alcohol, the shrooms, the combination of the two, or some other thing, I was not coming. My erection was wilting a little, and I pulled out and had her suck on me some more until I was fully hard again. Then I rolled her sideways onto her left hip, her ass in front of me on the edge of the bed, and pushed into her again, this time with the side of my cock grinding against her clit and her g-spot with my thrusts. She came again. At some point during this stretch, she had picked up one of the other vibrators we brought, and was toying her clit, sending herself into cascades of orgasmic bliss while I licked her, while I fucked her, and every one made her more beautiful to me.

I climbed onto the bed next to her, this time entering her wet opening from behind, reaching across her body to fiddle her clit while I worked my hips against her ass. She was in ecstasy; her dose of shrooms had taken forever to hit, and she was floating on the cloud of good feelings while we were fucking. I was a little worried about my erection’s periodic slumps, and I whispered, “Baby, I don’t know if I’m gonna come tonight.”

“That’s okay,” she whispered back, “you don’t have to, we can just fuck all night. You can be my little whore and make me come.” Sometimes she likes to have control too, and that’s just as hot. I rolled my shoulders back and put my core into it, railing her like a porn star.

“I don’t think you understand,” I said, “I want you like this all the time; I’m on fire for you all the time. I would stay inside you forever if I could. I love you so much.” I punctuated every other word with a thrust, and I watched her smile, her eyes fluttering open to look at me. “I love you too, she said,” and then her eyes drifted closed again as the release built up insider her.

I clutched onto her hips and pulled her back into me, trying to figure if we really were going to go all night. I leaned close to her ear, still thrusting deep into her slick-wet pussy, “I think,” I panted, “I want to come on your face. I inhaled the scent of her hair deeply and kissed her neck, biting her earlobe.

“That’s ok,” she whispered, her eyes closed, her body shuddering through yet another orgasm, “you can come wherever you want.”

That should have done it for me, but I could feel my cock shrinking little by little, though by her reactions, she didn’t notice the reduction. After she came that last time, though, we took a break. She went to go use the bathroom and put on a fresh pair of panties. We drank some water — remember to hydrate — and then refilled our champagne, cuddling together on the bed.

“You’re amazing,” I told her. “I love to watch you come like that. I’m so fucking lucky. It’s so hot when you can be loud without worrying about waking up the kids.”

“I love you,” she said back to me, and rested her head on my shoulder. “And I got us a corner room so that we wouldn’t have to worry about being loud.”

We rested for a bit more, and then she got up, setting her champagne glass on the desk, and opened one of the blackout drapes to look out. We were relatively high up, and the streets below were painted in the glow of streetlights, headlights, and the smeary read of taillights.

“I don’t think people can see in,” she said, looking out at the quieting city.

“You’ve never really been an exhibitionist,” I said, standing up to join her. I set my glass next to hers.

“That’s not true,” she said, glancing at the windows, “I kind of like the idea of fucking in front of a big window like this.”

“Oh really?”

You might think she was dropping a big hint, but considering we’d been going at each other for a solid hour, and she’d come I don’t know how many times, I was pretty sure we were done for the evening. I had sat down on the corner of the second bed, which was almost flush against the window we were looking out. But now I stood up and put my arms around her waist. She was still wearing her slinky pink nightie, and I reached up to cup her tits through the satin, kissing her shoulder, her neck, her ear.

J’s breath sighed out through her lips, and I felt myself growing hard with no effort, as though I’d been waiting all night for this moment. I reached down, slipping my fingers into her panties and reaching down between her lips, amazed to find her pussy soaking once again. She pushed back into me with her ass and I pulled her panties down a little.

“I can’t believe you’re still so wet,” I breathed.

“Maybe just a little more,” she said, reaching around to grab at my cock. I pushed it between her thighs, reaching down with my other hand to spread her open and ease the swollen head up against her lips. And then I pushed my cock up inside her, and she cried out again in pure ecstasy. She threw her ass back at me while I drove up into her, my hips slapping up against her ass. She said it’s a fantasy, I thought, and then I wrapped an arm around her waist and pushed us hard up against the window while I fucked her as hard as I had that night. I used my knee to spread her legs farther, but her panties restrained her, and the sweet friction of our sex was the most delicious feeling. I held her breasts, I wrapped my hand in her hair to pull it the way she likes, and she came again, shuddering on my cock, while I held her pressed up against the window, for anyone awake on the street below to see, if they cared to look. I held her gently while she waited for her legs to stop shaking, and then she dropped the panties off and led me back to our bed.

We switched the music to a quieter, sweeter sound, and got into bed under the covers this time. “I’m spent,” she sighed happily, “I am spent.” She rolled onto her side and I slid over to spoon against her, draping my arm over her waist and relishing the smoothness of the nightie she was still wearing. I gave her a drink from my water bottle and took a sip of my own, then left it leaning against my back in case we were still thirsty in a bit.

“Maybe,” J said, her voice a little dreamy with the afterglow and fuzzy with impending sleep, “you could just put yourself inside me and we can go to sleep like that.”

“If you insist,” I said. I hadn’t bothered putting underwear back on, and neither had she; I reached down to guide my once-again hard cock toward her lips from behind. I still hadn’t come. She lifted her right leg up, and I eased into her again — such a sweet return — with a happy sigh.

“Okay, good night,” she said.

“The only problem,” I said, moving my hips ever so slightly back and forth, “Is that I don’t think I can keep still.”

That moment when your partner’s body moves in tune with your own desire is like nothing else in the world; words can’t adequately describe it, but as I made the slightest of thrusting motions, I felt her *come alive* again, her legs sliding against me as the pleasure coursed through her. It had been a ruse; she wanted my cock in her again, sleep be damned. Her body caressed mine, guided by my actions. She reached back to press me into her as our rhythm picked up. And all the while, I kept repeating, “baby, I can’t keep still. I’m still moving, baby, I have to keep fucking you.”

We fucked faster and faster, harder and harder. Sometimes you make love, and sometimes you *fuck*; this was both. It felt hot and dirty and slick and raw, and I couldn’t stop babbling how much my cock loved her pussy, how much I loved her, and how I could die happy inside her right then. I pulled out only long enough to roll her onto her back, and then slipped inside her again. Nothing turns me on like seeing her face twist up in the beautiful agony of our sex together. I pounded at her while she shrieked, “Yes, yes, fuck yes, yes” and clutched at my arms. And then I realized I was not only crossing the plateau, I was heading for the finish line. My rhythm got harder and somehow deeper into her, and I started moaning, “baby, I’m gonna come, here it comes, baby, I’m gonna come so deep in you.”

“Come,” she begged me, “come on, baby, do you wanna come on my-”

I might have, but I was locked in, and exploded in her sweet, wet pussy with a long guttural groan, feeling my cock spasm as I spurted round after round of semen deep into her. She sighed a long blissful sigh, and I collapsed on her, a contented chuckle slipping out of me. It was just after 1 AM, we’d been going like animals for almost 2 solid hours. We cleaned up and went to sleep for real.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/1134l4t/our_onenight_staycation_was_a_marathon_fuck_fest


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