Vault!: Prequel.[M25xF999] [part one][fantasy][isekai][Death][slow burn][goddess][blowjob][riding][multiple orgasms]

—-Prequal, Dead Ringer.—-

Ash always felt uncomfortable in hospitals. The sterile, too-clean feeling mixed with the knowledge of how many people have passed away in the very room he sat in.

He tried to stay still, to not let the crushing weight of the silence break him any more than what he felt in that moment. A low, monotonous beep of a heart monitor could be heard in the room next door.

Beep, Beep, Beep. It made Ash’s heart race. “Too many bad memories,” he thought to himself, “What did they need that was so urgent?” Not like he had anything else planned for today.

After a moment, a doctor walked in. The solemn looking man took a seat on a nearby rolling chair. The doctor took a deep breath.

“Ashton Rolland?” he said, looking up from his clipboard.

“Yea, that’s me.” Ash replied nervously.

The doctor took a deep breath. “Mister Rolland, it’s never easy to say this but, Your MRI results came back from a few months ago.” Ash’s heart beat hard against his chest. “We discovered something alarming.” He pulled out a picture that looked like a human spine. “You’ve got a mass of tumors between your T-6 and T-12 vertebrae.”

The confession almost didn’t seem real to Ash, he just sat there, no thoughts, nothing happened inside him. He just felt empty.

“Mister Rolland. I think it may be a good time to make arrangements. If we caught it sooner, maybe we could’ve offered some type of treatment. As it stands, you have three months left. I’m sorry Mister Rolland.”

Three months. Ash couldn’t believe it. He had three months left to live.

The next hour Ash was told everything he would need to make the rest of his life comfortable. After all was said and done he drove home to his small apartment. Ash didn’t have many possessions, other than his computer he kept in the corner.

His mind raced, but all he could do was sit on his computer chair and wait. What was he waiting for? He didn’t know himself. He didn’t have family, or a girlfriend, or anyone. He’s been alone ever since he moved out.

Habits took over and he booted up his PC and started playing some video games. Something to pass the time.

And pass the time he did. Hours went by as he played various games. He just wanted to forget today. More time went by as he played, so much time that it was already morning before he realized what he was doing. His phone rang, breaking him from his stupor.

The screen read out his boss’ name. He put it down and went back to playing. He felt the pangs of hunger, but didn’t feel like getting up.

It had to be days he sat on his computer playing games. Wasting away, while waiting on the inevitable. After a long while, something brought him out of daze.

There was a knock at the door. It wasn’t the first time someone had tried to get Ash’s attention, but something felt different. Ash took his tired body and forced himself to the front door.

He cracked the door open and there wasn’t anyone there. He opened the door fully to a melancholy dusk, the full moon bright in the sky. Ash looked around for whoever bothered him. His eyes eventually found their way to the ground where a small cardboard box with a hastily made fabric bow sat atop.

Ash leaned down and picked up the mysterious package and went back inside. He sat down at his desk and opened it. Inside was a piece of paper and a USB drive. He took the drive out and began reading the note.

“Ash, long time no see. Don’t remember me? Doesn’t matter. I heard about what happened, and I figured I’d do you a solid. On the drive is something I’ve made specially for you. Just plug it in and have fun.”

“Well, why not?” Ash said out loud. He took the small black brick and plugged it into his PC. His screen instantly went black.

“Well, fuck.” Ash said. After a moment and a flash, the screen was lit up with a menu screen.

VAULT! was written in bright crimson lettering over rolling green hills. A simple fantasy melody started playing. It was a simple display with three options.




He clicked the start button. The screen transitioned to a black screen. The UI was made of filigree gold streaks. There was a tab with a small plus symbol. In the right corner. Clicking on it brought up a complex menu for character creation. Ash read over each of the options and began tweaking the character as he went. Under the race tab there was only a human option.

There were your standard options, height, size, hair, and there were hundreds of options under each tab. There was a Sex tab he clicked out of sheer curiosity. There were three options. Male, Female, and Changeling.

Hovering over each option gave a small description. Male and female were pretty simple. Changeling was a different story. Its description read.

“Changeling’s are a strange breed in the land of VAULT! Able to change their physical sex anytime they wish. While useful, changelings are not trusted by the majority of the VAULT! population.”

“Huh. Interesting.” He clicked the option.
A new option appeared that swapped the character model between male and female.

His character came out pretty good in his eyes. A slim man with good muscle definition and well-kept raven hair. His eyes were fierce emerald gems. The models were wearing simple cloth pants and shirts

Switching it to female painted another picture. A short woman with medium-length black hair with similar dull green eyes. Her body was well proportioned with melon-sized orbs hung from her chest. long legs sprouted from her wide hips.

After tweaking it a bit Ash hit confirm. The screen moved to another menu. The gold words read out ‘World Creation”

You could design the world down to the smallest detail. Ash felt like there were nearly a thousand different options that were all far too specific. Luckily there was a random button. Ash hit the random button a few times and began reading what things were changed. It took him almost an hour to read through it all and tweak it how he wanted.

After clicking through to the next menu, Ash was met with a menu labeled “Population personality” and there were only a few menus. The options almost made Ash laugh.

Sexual preference
He moved the slider towards ‘free love’

Sexual freedom
He moved the slider towards ‘Anytime Anyplace’

Sexual depravity.
he moved the slider to ‘No kids or animals’

He clicked to the next menu.

A pop-up appeared. in gold fancy lettering it read.

Are you sure you’re happy with the world you’re making? You cannot change anything once you start?

Ash clicked yes.

The next menu appeared. It was your standard Terms and Conditions blurb. He scrolled through without paying much mind. After clicking the ‘I Agree’ tic-box. He was brought to a much smaller text box with a much more sinister looking text.

—By clicking continue. You Ashton Rolland, Agree to allow us at DeusMachina to transfer your mind, body, and soul to the plain of existence known as VAULT! Agreeing to our terms of service will mean you will forfeit your life here on earth for something much more exciting, magical, and Sexually charged. If you have any reservations about doing this, please close the game now and continue with your life. But if you want to leave your life behind and try something new, click I agree.—

Thoughts rushed through Ash’s head. Why was his name in the game? What did it mean by giving up his life? It had to be a joke right? Someone was messing with him.

But curiosity took hold, besides, he didn’t have much to live for anyway. He took a look around his shabby apartment and breathed a heavy sigh.

What’s the worst that can happen?

He clicked I Agree.

Are you sure?


Enjoy the world of VAULT!

The screen went black.

Ash suddenly felt a tight, sharp pain in his chest. His heartbeat became fast, erratic, and incredibly painful. His muscles burned white-hot with a shot of fiery pain, throwing him to the floor. His lungs burned with need as he stopped breathing, He clutched his heart and simply began to fade. His vision fading to darkness as he slipped into an eternal sleep.

Ash woke up in an endless void, with miles and miles of black emptiness spanning around him.

“Hello?” He yelled into the void. his voice an echo that amplified his loneliness.

He looked down at his body. What should’ve been flesh and bone was nothing more than a cloud of black mist. Ash had no physical form, he wasn’t human anymore. He tried to move. He sluggishly floated around, dragging his incorporeal form through the endless black.

“Hello, Ash.” A pleasant voice spoke through the void. “It’s nice to finally meet you.” Out of the black, a woman appeared, warping in with a shimmer of light.

Ash was struck by her beauty. The woman, a variable goddess, was tall, pale, with long legs that were perfectly curved into wide, child-bearing hips. Her alabaster skin glistened with a sexual glow as her tight stomach leaned into her curvaceous breasts. She moved with a serene grace that seemed almost unnatural, otherworldly even. Her hair fell wonderfully around her motherly face in long swirling pink curls. Her luscious lips raise in a pleasant, warm smile.

“Who are you?” Ash said in his disjointed, unnatural voice.

“I am Phylis, one of the many gods of this realm and you are my newest charge.” she looked over Ash’s ghastly form. “This won’t do, where’s your body?” She raised her thin fingers and snapped.

Ash felt something inside him lurch and morph as his mist body began to shift and morph. His ‘body’ twisted in on itself in a whirlwind of black. After a long and painful moment his body recombined into flesh and bone.

Ash felt sick, but he could finally see his body. It wasn’t his normal body, but the one he created just moments ago. His body was lean, muscular, and well-sculpted, a far departure from his real-world form. He also noticed he was packing quite a bit more than he was used too.

“Much better. Now Ash, are you ready?”

“Ready for what?” Ash’s voice sounded alien. It was silky smooth and dripping with charisma.

“For your gifts. You are my chosen hero, and as such, you will receive my coat of arms, my Regalia.”

The goddess snapped her fingers once more. Ash felt a searing pain on his arm, just below his wrist. Looking down, a marking of a twin-headed, black eagle with gilded wings splayed in either direction, in its red claws it held a blue kite shield, appeared.

Ash knew the symbol, it was the coat of arms of Charlemagne.

“Now call upon my power hero.” the goddess spoke.

Ash focused his mind, drawing power of will through his body. A glow of blue power flashed from the symbol on his arm.

In front of him, in a brilliant flash of gold, a sword appeared. It was a straight sword with a gleaming silver edge. Its crossguard was a thin piece of curved gold leading down to a spiraling leather grip capped with a pure gold pommel.

He took the blade in his hand, It was perfectly balanced, the weight seemed almost custom for him.

He looked at the goddess, who seemed different. Her pale face was flushed red and her body seemed to radiate a sexual need into the void. She was constantly rubbing her shapely thighs together, staring lustfully.

“Ash, I think I forgot to mention something.” She took a step towards the young hero. Ash let the sword go, letting it dissipate in golden light. “I’m not just any goddess.” She was inches away from him, her breasts inches from rubbing against his chest. “I’m known mostly as a sexuality goddess. And siring a new hero makes me really horny.”

She slid a hand against Ash’s smooth chest. “To welcome you to your new life, I shall grace you with a divine consummation.”

Her hand slid up his shoulder as she grabbed his waist and pulled him into a deep and passionate kiss. Their tongues joined in a charged union as they explored each other’s bodies. Ash was a virgin, and it showed in his clumsy movements. He grabbed just a little too hard and lingered in places he shouldn’t have.

Phylis broke the kiss with a smile. “Let me take control, okay?”

Ash was too nervous to do anything other than nod. The goddess fell swiftly to her knees and looked over Ash’s throbbing member. She giggled to herself before hooking her hand around the base of his shaft. Ash whimpered in surprise from the sudden warmth around his flesh. She began slowly moving her hand up and down in a light grip. She placed her thumb against the underside and rolled it in tandem circles with every pass from shaft to head.

Ash was already moaning from the newfound pleasure of the goddess’ hand. He had tried many things before, but this was better than anything he’s ever tried.

The Goddess slipped a hand down to his dangling stones. Slowly massaging them as she jerked him off.

Ash’s brain was scrambled, he was completely absorbed by the newfound pleasure the wonderful woman was giving him.

She licked her lips as she dipped her head down to his trembling cock head, taking it into her mouth. She swirled her tongue around, sending a wave of warmth through him.

Looking down the two locked eyes. The beautiful woman’s gaze pushed Ash over the edge as he moaned, shooting his load down her divine throat. She swallowed it all greedily, never breaking eye contact.

She shivered as the last little salty drops left his still-hard cock. She popped off and gave him a smile. Wordlessly, she raised her hand and snapped a finger.

Ash suddenly found himself on his back, his erection standing proud to the sky. Before he could react, the goddess climbed over him, pressing his throbbing direction against her needy mound.

“It’s been too long since I’ve tasted a mortal.” She lifted her hips until her dripping entrance was just above his head.

Ash was nervous, he had no idea what to expect for his first time, but he was excited nonetheless.

The beautiful woman slowly lowered herself, enveloping his member in her velveteen folds. Ash came immediately from the intense pressure of her softness. His essence shot deep inside her as she lowered herself down to his base.

“Already hun? That’s okay, you’re my scion, you can go as many times as you want.” What she said was true, even after the multiple orgasms, Ash’s cock stood strong and hard.

The Goddess began grinding her hips against him. Her muscles moved independently of her body, meaning the back-and-forth motion of her hips was accompanied by a slow up-and-down pressure. Ash’s brain fired off at a million miles an hour, his single orgasm was being milked from him until a thick stream of sticky residue flooded out of her divine honeypot.

“There’s so much cum, it’s amazing, you really are going to be my hero.” she moaned as she rode him. “You might even be able to win.”

If Ash was able to pay attention, that might’ve set off alarm bells. But as his mind was preoccupied with nothing other than filling the godly pussy with as much semen as he could muster, it seemed to be not too important.

She ramped up her movements as her nether began to tighten even more around his cock. She ran extremely hot as her orgasm rocked her body. She grabbed ash by his shoulders, doubling over. She dug her nails into his skin as her body a hook hard with orgasmic bliss.

She slumped down onto him, his cock popping free, letting the nearly endless river of semen flow free out of her and into the void.

She kissed him on the cheek and whispered in his ear.

“Time to be a hero, Hero.” and she snapped her fingers one last time.


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  1. Hey all, If you enjoyed it, please consider checking out my patreon and
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