Surprise erotic couples massage [Group] [FM]

**[Bi] [30s/40s] [Choking] [Massage] [Creampie]**

It’s nearly 2pm, I’m on time for once. Barely. I quickly step out of the car, adjusting my dress hurriedly. Is he here already? A quick scan of the overfull carpark and I can’t see him. The sun overhead is blinding, already baking me with summer in full swing. I make my way up the hill to the front of the massage parlour, coming to rest against the rough brick exterior to wait for him.

It’s far too humid and I’m too worked up. Even in my light sundress and thong I’m starting to sweat. The slight breeze isn’t enough to cool my bare skin and I shift uncomfortably. Is it just the heat? The anticipation of seeing him again, lying near naked and just out of reach? I’m anxious, full of desire.

The last two weeks I’d been on edge, nothing able to fully satisfy me. My mind runs wild, remembering what set this off. Him, pressing me up against my car in a basement carpark. His hand tangled in my long hair, grasping the back of my neck as he growled into my ear. Telling me – ordering me – that my pussy was for his tongue alone.

I remembered teasing that he might just have to learn to share it, unwilling to fully hand over control to him and unaware of what was to come. My head thrown back in pleasure as his hands roamed my body, one hand coming to rest gently across my throat.


The mere thought of it made my knees weak. His hand wrapping around my neck, gently squeezing. My whole body submitting to him then and there.

I would’ve let him do anything to me in that moment.

Strip me and fuck me against the car right there in the carpark for anyone to see. I’d been surprised by the effect he’d had on me, and it’d been front and centre of my mind ever since. I’d tried desperately to satisfy the near constant state of arousal I’d been in. Fucking myself with one toy, even two for the first time. One orgasm suddenly not enough, I’d sought seconds and thirds immediately, my body writhing with pleasure and exhaustion by the end.

Yet never satisfied.

Instantly wet at the thought of his hand on my throat again. I had started fantasising about another man licking my clit, tongue diving in and out of my dripping cunt. Telling him how bad I’d been, how I’d disobeyed him.

Just so he could remind me who I belonged to.

The door beside me opens and my thoughts are interrupted as I’m invited inside to wait. The room is small, a single couch nestled in the corner opposite the receptionist. A beautiful young woman sits casually cross legged on the couch. I smile at her, taking a seat next to her and assuring both women he’ll arrive shortly. They both smile, nodding.

I distract myself on my phone, firing off a quick email for work. Remembering to text a colleague with a vague excuse to be absent for the remainder of the day. Despite the air conditioned room my body is still hot, my heart still racing. Conscious of the last time we visited, the lust and hunger for each other from a simple massage. The woman next to me interrupts my thoughts again, asks if I’ve been here before. I reply shakily, just the once. She smiles almost knowingly and nods again.

He arrives, entering the room with that wide smile of his and an apology… Heat rushes between my legs again. My heart pounds and I shift in my seat as the wetness grows in my thong. Is it obvious to everyone in here how horny I am? Can they smell the desire pooling in my underwear? I desperately needed him to fuck me. Plans to do just that had been spoiled with no privacy at home, and this experience judging by the last was going to leave me wanting more. Getting off wasn’t enough. The last few days had been filled with multiple orgasms and yet still, unsatisfied, here I was – unable to keep my mind off his cock inside me, his hand around my throat. I needed him, and it was driving me crazy how desperate I was becoming.

He speaks with the woman at the counter, murmured voices. Gentle laughter. I’m distracted, staring at his ass and preoccupied with the things we had yet to explore. Abruptly I realise the young woman sitting next to me had risen, standing at the hallway entrance grinning and beckoning me. I smile, apologise and rise as he turns to me, greeting me with a smile and a warm kiss. A hand on my ass, a light grab.

I could fuck him right here, be damned anyone else in the room. So fucking horny.

As we walk, he pulls me close and whispers in my ear that he has a surprise for me. My heart skips a beat, my breath catches. He’s grinning. I mumble back, a question so soft I’m not sure I even spoke at all.

What has he planned?

We enter the room, the women show us where to put our things but I’m barely listening. My mind is racing once more. They leave us to undress and in an instant he grabs me, pulls me close. His hand on the back of my neck, fingers nestled in my hair. “Another woman is going to touch your pussy,” he growls softly. A mixture of desire, shock, excitement floods through me. My cunt is throbbing, has a beat of its own. Hot, wet already.

I’m speechless.

I have no idea what to expect now. This is new territory. He’s giving me what I desire, a woman’s touch. I undress, leaving my thong on and eye him in his briefs. He turns to me and pulls me close. Warmth. His body is always so hot to my touch, burns against my skin in a way I can’t resist. His soft mouth crushes against mine, hungry and wanting. Kissing him feels like a dance, our mouths pushing and pulling against each other. Biting and sucking, our tongues deftly exploring each other. I’m moaning softly already, pulling him into me, my breathing heavy. My chest rising and falling rapidly, my nipples hard as they press against his chest. His hand teasing, darting quickly between my legs, cupping my pussy and racing away just as fast.

Fuck the massage I think. Fuck me now.

A short knock interrupts and we break apart, breathless, and both start to lay face down on the tables. They enter, pause and ask us to remove our underwear too, giving us another moment of privacy. Anticipation is thick in the air now. He’s grinning ear to ear. Fuck. What has he done? I slide off my thong and climb onto the table, settling onto my stomach and him just of my reach. I try to relax my body, yet I’m cognisant of the trickling juices running slowly down my lips, over the soft and velvety skin between my thighs.

The room is warm, but still the air is cool dancing across my bare skin. Goosebumps on my thighs. I can faintly hear his breathing next to me. One of the girls returns and drapes the sheet over my whole body, and I’m hyper aware of the threads against my skin. I have no idea what’s to come, what to expect. What has he done? Is he teasing? I strongly suspect he’s not.

Slowly she’s pressing into the soles of my feet, my calves now. Gentle pressure with her thumbs and fingers squeezing. I can feel my breathing quickening already. She folds the sheet back over my bare ass, her hands working up the back of my legs and down again. My head is spinning, anxious for her every touch, every caress of my skin. She brings the sheet back down and uncovers my back. I hear her squeezing the oil into her hands, it’s silkiness spreading across my back as her hands dart quickly over me. She moves to my sides, running her fingertips up and down my skin, over the edges of my breasts. The sensation is electric, shivers running down my spine.

She presses harder into my shoulders, my neck. Grabbing either side and kneading it. I’m swiftly reminded again of his hand on my throat, my own hands now grasping the edge of the table. A soft moan escapes my lips. I can hear him softly too, his breathing alternating between shallow and deep sighs. I wish I could see his body being stroked too. Soon.

She removes the sheet now, leaving me naked and exposed to her. Her hands, small and delicate, run up and down my thighs, cupping my ass and kneading it. A single finger slips between my ass cheeks as her hands race back down my legs. So quickly and gently I can’t be sure if it was deliberate. But as she rubs me again, her finger darts between my thighs, this time mere millimetres from my wet lips.

I can feel the heat of her hands, so close, as she continues to run them over my thighs and ass. There’s no mistaking the purposefulness of her movements now. Carefully calculated, never actually feeling the wetness between my legs, and it’s driving me insane. My body wants to open up to her, spread my legs wide so she can see my cunt dripping, see the effect she’s having on me. Beg her to slide her fingers into me.

I wonder if the other woman is teasing his ass and balls the same way. Judging by his breathing and the soft groans I’d think so. The thought sends another rush of blood through my body. It must be obvious how fucking turned on I am right now. The girls are giggling softly to each other, talking quietly. I wonder what they’re saying. I imagine them and their own desires. Imagine that they want nothing more than to slip their tongues inside my pussy and taste me.

I picture both of us turned onto our backs, a girl astride each of us. One riding him, sliding her tight pussy onto his cock and rubbing her silky skin against his. Her hips rocking back and forth against him slowly, deliberately. His hands on her tits, rolling her tiny hard nipples between his fingers. Pulling her down to him to take them in his mouth as he drives his cock deeper into her… The other girl rubbing her equally wet cunt across my thighs, teasing me with her fingers still. Pressing her soft, wet lips to mine and grinding her clit against me, our juices intertwined. I want to taste her, and I’m so wet with the thought, so fucking distracted, that it takes me a moment to realise she’s stopped and told me to turn over. Lying on my back exposed now, I can feel moisture trailing down my lips again and over my asshole. Her hands are already on me and the sensation of her touch envelopes me completely again.

Running over my shoulders and neck, across my breasts and down my stomach, her hands are warm, silky, pressing, pushing. She pushes the table towards him and giggles, murmurs something I can’t make out. She starts to roll my breasts in her hands, lightly teasing my nipples. Fuck, I wish she’d bend over and take one in her mouth, just for a moment. She kneads and squeezes them as her fingers dance across my hips and thighs… I realise with a soft moan that it’s a third hand on my breasts, his, reaching across to me. Running down my side, cupping me, squeezing my nipple while she plays with my other breast.

Utter delight.

I reach for him, shift closer, needing to feel him. I open my eyes and catch his, gazing straight through mine with a slight smile on his face. Her hand is between my legs now, so damn close to my cunt, teasing me incessantly. Her fingers suddenly dance across my clit and I feel my body jerk with pleasure as they both squeeze my nipples. I’m suddenly aware of another set of hands on my body. My eyes fly open again to see all three of them touching me, exploring every inch of me.

Five hands. Ecstasy.

One of the girls is massaging the inside of my thighs, her fingertips a feathery touch against my skin, tracing the outside of my pussy. My moans are louder now, unable to control them and no longer caring. His hand reaches for my throat and he presses his fingers to it. I feel my body relax, my breath catching, and submit to the three of them. I watch him watching them, watching their hands sliding over my clit, their fingers diving between my legs, tracing the slit of my pussy slowly, deliberately. Their combined touch is overwhelming to my senses, and watching him feast on the sight before him only increases my pleasure.

Every now and then, one girl swaps back to him, taking turns to stroke his cock and sliding their hand underneath mine to pinch his nipple. I feel his body tense and breathe harder, feel his hand falter as he kneads my breast. It turns me on even more, sends a rush of heat throughout my body. I feel their hands on me again, touching me everywhere, no idea whose hand is whose anymore. My cunt is dripping, throbbing with heat and need.

Did I spread my legs further apart or did they?

I can feel my chest rising and falling rapidly under their hands. Someone places their palm over my clit and presses down, massaging it in circles, while I feel two fingers tease the entrance to my pussy before darting away. He’s still watching, smiling. Caressing my cheek, pressing against my throat and catching my breath again. Such a small, precise movement has me utterly powerless. Fingers slipping just inside me, over and over again. Teasing me as they dart in ever-so-slightly and away again. My body desperate for more, to feel their fingers deep inside me, their tongues on my clit. His hand around my throat. His cock in my hands, my mouth, my soaking pussy.

My eyes shut tight in ecstasy, my back arched, my head thrown back against the table. Suddenly, giggling, their hands lift and they start to leave the room, murmuring their return in 10 minutes with hot towels.

The air is thick with the scent of my arousal. I’m completely dazed by what’s just happened. Breathless, dripping, reaching for him. All I can think of is him pressing against me, his cock resting against the entrance of my cunt, teasing me before sliding inside… Finally fucking me.

He comes to me, grinning, and positions his body over mine. He holds himself patiently above me, his shoulders wide and strong and I’m reaching for them. Feeling his warmth, pulling him down to me. He pauses, only briefly, before pushing himself deep inside me, and I moan with pleasure. A release of tension and lust. My hands find his hips, his ass and pull him further into me, spreading my legs and wrapping him in them. My mouth reaches to his, pressing against his lips fiercely, desperate to taste him. Feeling him plunge his cock inside me, my cunt squeezing him, his balls hitting my ass with every thrust is exactly what I wanted, what I needed. My hands run down his body, memorising every curve, every hollow as he fucks me harder. When he cums it’s deep inside me, leaving me breathless and shaking, finally satiated.



  1. This is so unbearably hot to read, really intense. Your writing makes it inevitable to literally feel how much you’ve been craving him 🥵🥵

  2. I’m planning to massage my partner for v day tonight and this is great inspiration. Thanks for sharing!

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