[M] Package delivery driver experiences.

As a heads up I’d like to say there isn’t any typical porno like experiences I’ve had. Haven’t done anything while I’m on route and haven’t had any women physically ask me to have sex.

Since my last post on here I’ve had three experiences. The first, I was delivering to an apartment complex. Which had stairs that could still see outside from over the railing. I was coming down from the third floor when I saw a girl holding her phone up towards something. As I walked down to the second floor I noticed she was facing an open car door. I got down to the first floor that’s when I saw a girl bent over in the passenger seat with her ass up and thong on display. Once her friend realized I was coming she said “OH” really loud and her friend sat down. She was a thick Caucasian girl with blonde hair and glasses.

Her friend was a brunette with a curvy build. A black shirt and these really small workout shorts where I could see a little bit of her ass hanging out. Her friend in the car looked like she started to pull her pants up while I looked at her friend she asked me how I was doing and apologized. I laughed and told her it was perfectly fine. They both told me to have a good day as I passed by and got in my truck.

The second story happened this past weekend. It was a long day and I was coming to the end of my route. Pretty tired and ready to go home. I was delivering to my richer neighborhood and was on the phone with a friend of mine from work. As we talked I ran up to one of my usual houses dropped the package. Did the normal routine and got back in the truck getting ready to go to the next house. As I buckled in I heard a “Thank you!” and my hand raised towards her direction without initially checking.

I then raised my head towards their front door and that’s when I saw a woman in a white bathrobe. From what I could vaguely remember she had brown hair that was wet. I couldn’t notice anything else other than the front of her robe open down the middle only to her belly button. The outline of her big chest peeking out could be seen even from how far away I was. I was shocked and as she turned the robe perfectly outlined her curvy body and was tight around her ass. She walked back in as I drove out of their neighborhood.

Lastly this is easily the most exciting one. I’ve delivered to this house before and had occasional small talk with the woman that lives there. She has offered to let me inside and get water once. Usually I deliver her weekly grocery boxes and she’s not home when I do. But one day I had a couple large packages that I wanted to confirm with her and make sure she was home first before I took them out. I rang the doorbell and there wasn’t an answer. As I turned to leave, the door opened and I looked back. There she was, she had tan skin, dirty blonde hair with vibrant blue eyes. She looked to be more on the mature side.

She told me she was sorry and that she was just finishing working out and about to shower when she heard the doorbell. I said it wasn’t a problem and that I wanted to make sure she was home before I took out her packages. I asked where she wanted them and she said to just bring them to the door. I went to the truck and I probably should’ve had a second person help. But shrugged it off and brought the first one and set it down right before the entrance to her house. I grabbed the second and she said “Would you by chance be able to help me with taking them in just a little further?”I hesitated and said I’m not suppose to enter houses and that’s when I got a good look at her. She was wearing workout clothes. A tight white crop top and dark green leggings. She had sweat marks on her and her bath towel was already around her neck. She looked a little wet as if she got in the shower but quickly got out. She seemed bummed out and me being a good person I asked “where would you like them ma’am? She told me to follow her and I took the packages into a living room/kitchen area.

As I placed them down she bent over in front of me to read the labels on them after asking if there was one more package. As she bent over I noticed her leggings started to expose the top of her ass. She noticed and said sorry but didn’t fix it, she got down further on all fours at this point to get close the label on the box. She asked me if I happened to see anything as she looked back at me. Luckily after getting a peek I turned my face to the side. With my face to the side I told her I may have accidentally seen a little. She then said “It’s okay if you look”. I told her I shouldn’t and she said why not before arching her back. I looked back at her and could feel myself harden and told her that I should get going. She got up and said “You’re right. You probably have a lot of work.. but you just work so hard. Hopefully you take care of yourself.” The next move she made really caught me off guard. She said all of that before getting up and she brought her hands to her chest and squeezed them together.

I couldn’t say anything due to how surprised I was. That’s when she looked at me from head to toe and noticed my bulge becoming more prominent. “That looks pretty thick”, she said as she bit her lip. “Don’t hesitate to deliver here more often”, as she walked past me gently brushing against me before going towards the way I came in. As a joke I told her continue ordering packages. She laughed and said she would just to hopefully see me.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/111m829/m_package_delivery_driver_experiences

1 comment

  1. Damn, if that wasn’t an open invitation I don’t know what is. I would be tempted to deliver a package when I got off duty. My own. And I’d say her comments qualify as placing an order

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