SuperBowl Sunday Treat

She came out of the bedroom having changed into the outfit provided. “I know I lost the bet, and a deal is a deal, but is this really what you want me to wear” she said while gesturing to herself.

Stockings and a Football Jersey was all he had laid out for her, the stockings stretched up to almost thigh length and hugged her smooth pale skin tightly. The jersey itself offered a bare illusion of modesty, just barely covering her pussy and trim bush in the front, while exposing just the bottom of her ass cheeks in the back.

She crossed her arms and all it did was push her bust up further; and expose her lower lips to him. “I don’t even watch football, I have no idea who the team is”. She watched him smile as he left from the kitchen and approached her; basking in the look of her. “I know, but its always kind of been a fantasy of mine; and now I get to live it” he closed the last few feet and rested his hands on either side of her neck as he leaned in to kiss her cheek and whisper in her ear “Also the team is the Vikings, known for roughly taking their women, so if you behave and be a good girl, I’ll give you that part of the fantasy as well”

At that moment a chill breeze blew through the apartment, she might allow herself to believe the shiver and peaked nipples caused the chill, but they both knew better.

She followed him back to the couch and sat beside him, tucking her legs up underneath her. He took the blanket off the back of the couch and covered her legs “I wanted a fantasy, not a popsicle” he said.

It was nice. Sitting with him, watching the game. It was cute how excited her got, even though his team wasn’t playing; and he made sure there was plenty of food to choose from, including a vegetable platter that he called ‘obligatory’ even as he took a piece of cauliflower and ran it through the cheesy chicken buffalo dip.

She snuggled deeper into his side as the game wore on, he was so warm and comforting to be with; at some point he had wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close and planting a small kiss on her head. Before she even knew it the game was over, and he was gently nudging her awake.

She looked up at him with sleepy eyes as he leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips. He was being so gentle with her, as if he was afraid he might break her. She reached an arm up and put it on the back of his head pulling him closer and deeper into the kiss. With this he scooped her up and brought her to the bedroom; while he’d allowed the living room to become chill the bedroom was comfortably warm as he laid her on the bed and ended the kiss.

“Lay back for a minute, I know a tried and true method for waking a lady up” he worked the jersey up over her breasts and attended to each in turn, small kissed, licks and the occasional nip eliciting small moans from her. His hand found her wet and ready, he spread the lips found there and began to touch and tease her as he kissed his way down the length of her body.

He stopped briefly to pull her down to the end of the bed and spread her legs wide as he kneeled before her. After the first gentle lick up her folds he locked eyes with her “This is the sweetest treat I’ve had today, Thank You” and he dove back in, spreading her slightly with his fingers as he licked, sucked and pushed his tongue inside of her. At some point he snuck a hand between her and the bed and teased her other hole with his thumb while continuing his oral administrations. She cupped her one breast with her hand, teasing her nipple as the other sought purchase in his hair, fingers digging perhaps not so gently into his scalp as she approached her climax.

She gave no warning to him that she was cumming other than to squeeze her legs tight around he head and force his head deeper in to her folds. Only then did the moan shudder out of her body, loud, deep and throaty. A small tap on her thigh reminded her of his need to breathe and she opened her legs and found him smiling up at her, a soft sheen surrounding his lips. “Thank you, I’d be happy to die that way, but it would ruin your night” at that she pulled the jersey up slightly, hiding momentary embarrassment. He kissed her inner thighs, sending small chills up her body, before standing up, “How do you want me to take you?”

“What?” she said, momentarily not understanding the question. In response he pulled down his jeans in a swift move and stepped out of them. He was hard, he was ready, and with hunger looked up into her eyes and asked again “How do you want me to take you?”



  1. Damn if that doesn’t make me want to watch the Superbowl with someone! Great story!

  2. What an example of erotically wholesome… Or wholesomelly erotic.

    Nicely done.

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