A tale of Two Friends: Part 3 [ff] [college] [blowjob] [ffm] [1/2]

As our freshman year progressed Sarah and I (Olivia) continued not to flirt with anyone else to the point that it stopped all together. It didn’t even occur to us until our friends Kate and Emma asked us about it.

“So are you two just like celibate now? I haven’t seen either of you even flirt with a guy for at least a month,” Emma teased.

“Yeah,” Kate continued, “Don’t get me wrong having less competition is nice but it’s also weird neither of you are getting dick.”

“I don’t know,” I shrugged, “Just been focused on classes I guess. Didn’t even realize to be honest.”

Sarah nodded her agreement. Neither of us wanted to admit it was because we were getting each other off and boys just didn’t seem worth the time. Halfway through our second semester freshman year and we were at the point that we slept in the same bed almost every night and got each other off two or three times a week. Life was great, we never put a label on anything and just lived a life of bliss and multiple orgasms. That night when we got home however we couldn’t stop thinking about what they had said.

“Emma and Kate have a point you know,” Sarah said, “Neither of us have come remotely close to dating a guy since we started fucking.”

I shrugged, “I guess but does it really matter? All were missing is awkward dates and clumsy sex,” I teased.

“Yeah, but I miss dates though. Just getting dressed up and going out. And I don’t know what to say to guys when they ask if I’m single. Don’t get me wrong Liv, you’re my best friend and I love ya to death, but what are we? Just friends with benefits or are we dating or somewhere in between.”

I paused, it was a question I had asked myself hundred of times and didn’t know the answer to. Part of me, somewhere deep in my gut, wanted to answer dating but it felt too easy. She was looking at me for an answer so I spoke, “To be honest I’m not sure. Part of me wants to say dating but that feels like it’s going to add a lot of stress to something that’s been so so good, you know what I mean.”

She was smiling softly and nodded, “Yeah, I kind of feel the same. I don’t want anything to change between us but sometimes I see a cute guy and I just want him in my guts ya know? And honestly I kind of miss sucking dick,” I gave her an odd glance, “what I always had fun with it!”

“I do know what you mean, other than the sucking dick thing,” I cut her off, “so what do we do?”

“I don’t know,” she paused for a few seconds, “I guess we’re dating?”

I took a second, “Yes, I think we are dating. But what if we were more open with it when I came to guys? Like you and I are dating emotionally but if we want to fool around with a guy we let the other person know up front and who?”

She looked shocked for a second before smiling, “Yeah, that’d be good!”

So we went on like that for a few months before she was the first to let me know she was going to fool around with a guy in one of her classes. We talked about it and she said she only wanted to suck his cock and maybe get off herself. We agreed it was okay and that Friday she went over to his place. When she got back she immediately kissed me. Her mouth still tasted a little like cum and I pushed her off me, “You’ve got cock breath!”

“I know, but he couldn’t eat me out to save his life so I faked it. If you go down on me I will make you cum so hard. Oh my god I’m horny.”

I pushed her to the bed and we fucked each other so hard I was sure we woke one of our neighbors. After we were done and had both had some amazing orgasms we both commented that this open thing was a good idea.

It didn’t come up again for a few weeks when a guy in my class started flirting with me. I flirted back and we eventually agreed to a date. I told Sarah and we agreed. She was going out with the girls on Friday and I would go out with Jon for the express purpose of a one night stand.

Jon took me out to dinner at a place on campus that had diner bar seating, so we had to sit next to each other. Now since I still wasn’t fully comfortable with straight up sex with strangers I had planned on trying to have fun giving him head the way Sarah suggested. As dinner went on he kept asking if we wanted to go to a party he knew or go get dessert. However as our plates got cleared and he got ready to pay I leaned in and whispered in his ear, “Or we could go back to your place and I’ll suck your soul out of your dick.”

He looked and me surprised and nodded somewhat embarrassed. He paid and we left the diner. Once outside he explained that his roommate was a mess and probably wouldn’t leave their dorm so we decided to go back to my room instead. On our way there he sheepishly asked, “So are you really going to give me head?”

I tried my best to look seductive and nodded, “Yeah but no promises beyond that.”

He nodded, “No no that’s totally fine I’m lucky I’m getting this far.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/110etvq/a_tale_of_two_friends_part_3_ff_college_blowjob