Her best friend interrupted us and then inserted herself into the equation [FMF]

On a warm summer night, close to a decade ago now, my girlfriend Paige and I went to a concert with her life-long best friend Taylor.

Paige was 24 years old and around 5’8″ tall. She was a voluptuous, tattooed beauty with ear gauges and shoulder length blonde hair. Her breasts were small, paired with a full, supple ass. We had been dating for around two years at this point and shared an apartment together.

Paige’s eternal best friend Taylor was 25 years old and couldn’t have been any taller than 5’5″. Her head was shaved except for bangs and a rat tail of dreadlocks, and her pale skin was adorned with several tattoos, her nose with a septum piercing. Everything about her was petite, except for her tits, which were quite large compared to the rest of her (I had seen them once before, when Taylor had casually changed tops in front of me). Our male friends were all in love with her, and any one of them would have killed to fuck her. Some of them she lead on with sadistic joy, flirting and making out, but rarely going all the way. I’ll never forget the satisfied joy twinkling in one of my buddy’s eyes when he declared to me that Taylor had actually fucked him, riding him on a couch at the end of a party. But I digress.

Cut to the night in question. Taylor, Paige, and I had all gone together to see The Used on an August night. The beer flowed profusely, and throughout the show we all got good and decently drunk. Afterwards we trudged home, stopping at the liquor store to get a small case of beer (on our journey, I caught a peek of Taylor’s bare ass when she couldn’t hold it and popped a squat to pee in a deserted parking lot).

Once back at Paige and I’s apartment, we all hung out for a bit, downing a few more beers and shooting the shit. Eventually, Taylor gathered up her things and departed into the night to head to her own home.

Once alone, I picked up Paige and carried her to the bedroom. I laid her down on the bed and went to work, nibbling on her neck and ears as I pulled her shirt off and unhooked her bra. Discarding it on the floor, I pinched and teased her nipples, kissing her body. I worked my way down, unbuttoning and tugging off her jeans. She was turned on; her panties had a visible wet patch. I peeled them off, freeing her unshaved mound. I parted the dense, black forest and found her clit with my tongue. Paige gasped, grasping my hair tightly in her fists. I slowly worked two fingers into her, her hips rocking to match my tempo. I could tell that she was working up to climax, and I adjusted my pace accordingly. Suddenly she bolted upright, blurting out “What the hell?!”

Startled, I turned to see Taylor standing in our bedroom doorway, grinning like an idiot. Laughing, she explained that after leaving she had just sat on our steps and smoked a couple of cigarettes before deciding that she was drunk and didn’t want to walk all the way home, coming back up to our apartment.

“You guys didn’t waste any time at all, huh?” Taylor said, a lusty inflection in her tone. I sat there dumbfounded, next to the totally nude and very annoyed Paige, who had just been interrupted on the finish line.

“Goddamn, Paige, look at that bush!” Taylor exclaimed, breaking the awkward silence. And with that, she started stripping. Taylor pulled her shirt over her head and snapped her bra off, her red-nippled breasts spilling free. She was laughing, maintaining awkward eye contact with us, amused and visibly aroused by the situation as she unbuttoned her jeans. She kicked off her pants and stepped out of her panties, revealing a petite pussy topped with a landing strip. Hands on her hips, she stood before us completely nude.

“Check that out!” Taylor said proudly, referring to her small patch of pubic hair. “You were my inspiration for that!”

Paige nodded slowly, thoroughly unimpressed. A few seconds of awkward silence went by before Taylor asked us if we wanted to get some beers and skipped off down the hallway, ass bouncing.

“Fuck it, might as well.” Paige grumbled as she climbed out of the bed and followed Taylor.

“Well, I’m not going to be the only one not naked!” I called after them. I stripped down, my mind racing, and left the room.

Both girls were standing in the living room, butt naked, opening beers. As I entered, Taylor turned to face me. Her eyes dropped right to my cock and widened in shock.

“Holy shit, you lucky slut!” She yelled loudly, giving Paige a shove. “His dick is huge!”

I grinned sheepishly, crossing over to the kitchen and grabbing a beer. When I returned, both girls were sitting adjacently on the floor. I sat down cross-legged, facing them. Leaning back on my hands, my cock flopped across my thigh. Taylor was openly staring, not hiding it at all.

“You’re big, dude….” She said with awe, her eyes transfixed. “You have one of the biggest dicks I’ve ever seen.”

“It gets bigger.” I said nervously, chuckling.

“I knooooww…” Taylor moaned. “I wanna see it!”

Placing her hand on my thigh next to my cock, Taylor leaned in and took a closer look, her face hovering over my member. She made a purring noise, squeezing my thigh tightly. Me and Paige exchanged a look of bewilderment. After a few seconds, Taylor released my thigh from her grip and scooted away.

Paige and I kept glancing at each other, unsure of where this was headed. The girls had seen each other naked hundreds of times, and Paige had told me that they had masturbated together once or twice, so I knew the girls weren’t shy. But Taylor and I experiencing each other’s bodies fully nude for the first time, on top of the interrupted cunnilingus, made for an almost unbearable sexual tension permeating the room.

“Are you guys still gonna fuck?” Taylor asked, still staring at my dick. “I wanna watch….”

Paige and I looked at each other, then at Taylor, shrugging awkwardly and throwing our hands up.

“Come on, it wouldn’t be *that* weird.” Taylor said, launching into a story about an escapade of hers where she had been at the center of an MFM threesome. She went on to explain that she had been sexually frustrated lately, in recent months only having recieved one good orgasm (getting head from a random guy she picked up at the bar). Taylor told us that she had been masturbating much more than usual, and had even been watching porn, which she told us was usually rare for her. Throughout this, she was casually playing with herself, teasing her clit.

By now all three of us were lazily groping ourselves, discussing sex, masturbation, and porn. Paige was absentmindedly toying with her clit, and my cock had grown to half-mast as I fondled it. I remember Paige talking about her affinity for lesbian strap-on porn, which led to the girls discussing their respective abilities to cum from penetration alone, leading to Taylor admitting that her favorite toy was a sizable dildo.

“Too bad you don’t have it on you.” I joked. “We could have compared sizes to see which was bigger.”

“It might actually be close.” Taylor responded, her eyes drifting back to my cock.

A moment of silence followed. At this point I was almost fully hard, stroking myself gently. Everyone was masturbating at this point; Taylor was fingering herself now in addition to rubbing her clit.

“Paige….” Taylor asked softly, breaking the silence. “Can I suck his dick? Please?”

“…….Okay.” Paige responded after a moment of quiet deliberation. “But that’s all you’re gonna do, I’m cutting you off there.”

I laid back, scarcely able to contain my nervous excitement, as Taylor crawled over to me, bending down over my loins, her breasts brushing against my hip. She wrapped her hand around my cock, and slowly slid it into the warmth and wetness of her mouth. Paige took hold of Taylor’s dreads, holding them back as Taylor’s head bobbed up and down on my cock, her tongue running up and down the length of my shaft, swirling around the tip.

After a couple minutes of intense sensation, Taylor released me from her mouth and literally handed my dick to Paige. Taylor then sat back into a comfortable position against the couch, spreading her thighs wide, twitching as she touched her swollen, glistening pussy. Paige squatted over me, guiding my cock into her as she lowered herself on to me. She was *so wet*, my cock slicking white with her cream as she rode me tightly, my balls clapping against her ass.

We were all so worked up it didn’t take long for any of us to cum. Paige finished first, announcing her orgasm as she rocked back and forth on my dick. The feeling of her pussy contracting against my cock as she came did it for me, and I came almost immediately after. My cock pulsed against the walls of her pussy as I burst hot cum into her with a groan. Beside us, Taylor brought herself to a writhing, toe-curling orgasm as Paige raised herself off of me and my cum-soaked cock slid out of her.

Taylor had not been kidding about being horny. As Paige and I cuddled together on the carpet afterwards, lightly teasing each other’s genitals, Taylor began masturbating again as she watched us play. As Paige got turned back on, both from my fingers and from being the center of attention, she rolled over onto her stomach and raised her ass to me. She moaned as I reentered her from behind. I could feel her fingertips brushing against my shaft as she masturbated while I fucked her. This time I came first, shooting off inside of her again. I continued to fuck her until her orgasm literally pushed my softening cock out of her. I looked over to Taylor, who was working herself through another orgasm, whimpering and quivering.

“Fuck guys, that was *hot.*” Taylor said breathlessly, still working the last vestiges of pleasure out of her genitals.

“Yeah, yeah, it was alright.” Paige said sarcastically, getting a laugh from everyone. She propped herself up on her elbows to look down at the milky mess of her pussy. Taylor was looking too, biting her lip. I grabbed a couple of towels and the three of us cleaned ourselves up. At this point the sun was rising, everyone was tired, and my dick was sore.

“Well, I guess I better put my clothes back on.” Taylor said nonchalantly as she gazed out the window at the brightening world. She left a while later, and Paige and I retired to our bedroom where we slept late into the afternoon.

Paige and I are still together, and we still see Taylor several times a year. That night has only really come up once or twice since then, usually over drinks and through laughter. It remains one of my most cherished erotic memories, and I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I did recounting it and writing it down.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/110ppcu/her_best_friend_interrupted_us_and_then_inserted


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