Visiting Fred [F22/M40] [Blackmail]

Well, if you read [This bit of now blackmail on me]( basically last night was kind of a mind fuck. The rest of the day was casual and a lot of conflicting feelings. I had cleaned up and was reading when Ted came home first in good spirits. I pushed it down and sucked him off with what little time we had before Don came home as well.

I didn’t pay much attention. Just cleaned then tried to get my mind off Fred in my book.

After making breakfast for Don and Ted then hopping in the shower to try and relax a bit, Don said the two were going to go out for a bit to pick up some books for a game and they’ll be back in a few hours.

Good, I thought. I can sort whatever bullshit with Fred while they are out and hopefully that’ll be the end of it.

What the hell do you wear in a situation like this? The porno version in my head would be sneaking on over in a cute little sundress acting dumb about the whole ordeal. So I tried to hide my body as much as I could with a snug bra, boring blue panties, sweats, a hoodie that zips up that was by far too big for me, socks and shoes. Looking at myself in the mirror, no makeup, dull, plain, I hoped this would calm the fucker down.

Knocking on his door was nerve wracking. I really did not want to be seen entering this guys apartment like this. What I didn’t expect was a different guy to open the door, confused, then called out Fred that some chick is at the door.

The man was in better shape than Fred, about the same age I think, wearing a sports jersey with an eagle head on it. Had his own beard and seemed well kept with a ring on his finger. He was married.

Fred called out it’s probably Amanda, his neighbor, and called for me to come in.

Walking in, Fred was sitting on the couch, watching me walk in and spoke far louder than I was comfortable with, especially since the man still had the door open. “Ohhh hey Amanda! John, this is my neighbor I told you about. Spin around for us sweetheart.”

My heart fell in my stomach, to be honest it was kind of thrilling in the moment. I didn’t want to, hesitating.

John closed the door and walked by me slapping my ass, “Oh yeah? sugar tits that sucked your balls dry yesterday?”

“That’s the one!” Fred laughed. “Don’t be shy girl show us what you got.”

I had imagined myself just straight up telling him no, coming over here and threatening him, something, anything but this. This was the last thing I wanted. Staring at them. “I don’t have much time…” was the only excuse I could manage.

Fred shrugged like it was nothing, “Then hurry up or John here will give you a spanking.”

Jesus fuck what!? John was just towering over me, sizing me up. I couldn’t look him in the eye and I think he figured that was the go ahead because the man just put his hand on the back of my neck and moved me to the couch. I couldn’t believe this was happening, like a blur I went from standing to bent over this mans knee, facing Fred, hand pulling my hair back and getting my ass spanked.

The first one shocked me. The second did too. The third felt like a rush through my body, I was trying to fight it but I couldn’t find the words. Fred was telling me I need to behave sooner next time and gave my face a light slap. None of it was hard, but it was enough to feel the growing sting on my ass.

I said I would and with that, I felt my sweats get pulled down, then Fred grabbed my hoodie and pulled it up, taking my shirt with it, when he felt my bra, he didn’t give a shit, he took that too. In the process of getting my ass spanked a few more times he had all my tops and tossed them away like trash.

My keys were in that hoodie, and my phone.

I pleaded for them to stop and that I needed to get back in a momentary break. John was moving around, I said I was sorry and please to delete the videos and I’ll visit more and be a good girl. John had worked his belt off, grabbed my hands and bound my wrists behind my back.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck… I could feel him move the leather, I don’t know what he was doing but suddenly I was so damn turned on from this I let out a damned moan as he did whatever the hell he was doing and spanked me again, moving his hand between my legs, laughing about how wet I was.

I didn’t find them at all attractive, it was a combination of my body reacting and getting tied up like this. Soon all I was wearing was socks and his fingers worked in me with devilish skill. Any time I tightened around those fingers he told Fred about it, as if telling him how to handle a women. A lesson. I was a lesson for him.

Fred pulled out his phone and did whatever. Videos, pictures, I don’t know. John was pressing in all the right spots and I was trying to fight it. I didn’t want to cum for them, not like this, not this bullshit, I tried to keep my senses, fighting that urge. John told Fred to play with and pinch my nipples and that was it for me. I couldn’t hold it back, I felt so filthy and wrong as I came so God damn hard.

John kept talking as he moved me, on my knees, between his, I hadn’t quiet recovered when I felt his massive fucking Johnson push in my mouth. I tried to gag, feeling breakfast churning in my stomach, it was too much, too fast, I used all I had to back off and cough.

John let me go up, hand on my hair, a firm grip and looked at me, “You okay baby girl?” The words just, felt wrong for the situation. How soft he said it, like he actually cared.

I nodded, knowing full well I was not leaving until they had their way with me. “Too much, unless you want breakfast on your dick just let me do it.”

Both men laughed, John let go and Fred kept his phone out, jacking himself off as I sucked John off with no hands. A first for me. Every time I would try to get into it and move them I found them firmly stuck behind my back in some kind of criss cross. I also realized he tasted like another women. So now I was not only trying to suck this bastard off, but he might have already blown his load and who the hell knows when he’d be ready to shoot again.

I managed.

After proving to him I swallowed and cleaned off his cock he patted me on the head and told me how I was a good girl and told me to finish off Fred. Who was much, must faster.

Fred wanted to give fingering me a go after, bending over his lap, his clumsy fingers pushing in. It felt dirty, filthy, but John told him what to feel for and how to work his hand and soon he was hitting the right spots. Too much and unskilled, but he was figuring it out.

I acted like he was though, after a few moments I pretended to cum and squeezed. It worked.

I told them again I needed to get back. So John helped me up, picked up my stuff, and pushed me out the door. The fucking gentleman he was.

I had to kick my cloths to my door, blindly feel for my keys then open my fucking door like that. In full view of anyone in the hall. I couldn’t move my hands either and the lock was too tall for them to reach.

I was going to cry. I had gotten the keys in my mouth to try that but the damn thing wouldn’t go in. I couldn’t see very well what was going on and I kept fucking it up. In my frantic desperation I heard a mans voice behind me ask if I needed help.

I didn’t know him. Good looking, happy with the view, short blond hair and green eyes wearing jeans, shirt and a jacket. I dropped the keys and just said, “Please.”

He grabbed the keys, unlocked the door and helped me open it. I rushed inside, he picked up my things and helped himself. All I was wearing was socks and he got a great view of everything as I turned and asked him to untie me.

He didn’t say anything. I turned around, felt him work the leather and soon my hands were free, asking if I was okay.

Soon as they were off I asked him to go and that was that.

I was shaking so hard after that. Took another shower, dressed, got back in bed and figured I’d write this out and try to sleep or something.
