[MF] Eating Out on the First Date

My attitude entering first dates has always been one of low expectations. Sure after matching with Molly a few weeks prior we’d established a fun and flirty relationship over text, but I’d been to enough of these to know everything can change when you meet in person.

On this particular occasion my pessimism was very misplaced. Molly was even more fun in person and our chemistry was apparent immediately.

She was also gorgeous, wearing a cute pink sundress that accentuated her hourglass curves with a deep enough cut to show off just enough of her ample bust to make a man’s imagination run wild. Long blonde hair framed a pretty face replete with stunning blue eyes that seemed to snatch your soul. I was smitten from the jump.

We had picked a bar near her place to meet up for some late afternoon drinks on a sunny, warm, summer, Saturday. We were both into craft beer and quickly worked our way through a few rounds of local suds while the conversation flowed just as easily.

As the sun got lower in the sky and we finished off yet another round Molly asked if I wanted to check out another of her favorite spots, only a few blocks away. I happily obliged and followed her to her favorite dive.

When we arrived she led us straight to the bar and introduced me to one of the bartenders she’d befriended. Molly looked at me with a playful smile before asking if I’d be in for a shot? Why of course, I wasn’t going to say no and I liked where things were heading.

Molly ripped hers like a champion and I followed suit, becoming more enraptured with this woman by the minute. We ordered beers and sat at the bar, legs intertwined as suddenly personal space was becoming communal between us.

We drank more and the flirting grew heavier and more graphic. My hand found her knee, which she then moved just a bit up her thigh before turning with a devilish grin back to her beer. More shots were ordered and soon we were in fact that couple making out at the bar.

She was a great kisser and our tongues danced well together. I was having a great time but didn’t want to push my luck with it still being the very first time we met. That was until the topic of blowjobs and oral came up.

The bartender must have liked me for Molly because after we made out she not so subtly suggested we order Blowjob shots for our next round. I made a self deprecating joke about never asking for such a thing on a first date which earned a laugh and that devilish grin once more.

“Plus,” I added, “it should always be the lady who gets served first.” Now this got Molly’s full attention and is where things really started to ratchet up.

“Oh do we have a gentleman on our hands here?” Molly asked rhetorically as she sipped her beer. “I must say yours is a dying breed as that is quite the rare offer. And even rarer is the man who can actually deliver.” I almost choked on my beer as she said the last part, not expecting my half-joke to land with such effect.

“Well my dear, it just so happens that you have a rare and dying breed sitting right here next to you. And though I’d never be so forward as to ask to prove it to you, I remain confident you would not be disappointed.”

“Sir, if you really are as talented as you say, these blowjobs won’t be the last one you earn tonight….”

Our eyes were locked on each other as we watched the seductive words flow from each other’s lips. I could feel my pulse quickening as the round of blowjob shots was placed in front of us. I lifted mine in the air, facing Molly to toast.

“To the ladies, shall they *always* come first.…”

The next thing I knew we were on the couch at her apartment furiously making out, her grinding in my lap as our hands roamed each other’s still clothed bodies.

Those clothes didn’t stay on much longer as we manically undressed each other until I was down to just my boxers, her to just her lacy black lingerie. She leaned back to tease me as she seductively removed her bra, revealing her beautiful, perky, big tits.

I immediately buried myself in them, taking care to gently lick and then suck on her pale nipples while I caressed her body, her light gasps and moans telling me she was enjoying it as much as I was.

Gently but firmly I began to switch our positioning, leaning her back on the couch as I kissed back up to her neck before returning to her incredible chest. I was ready to devour her but I knew the build up would only sweeten the prize for us both.

I massaged her legs and thighs as I began to kiss down her chest, making my way down her abdomen with light kisses all the way until I was eye level with the Garden of Eden.

Instead of going to remove her panties right away I kissed her pussy right over them, before making my way down her thighs with more kisses. Her little whimpers and wriggles just confirmed I was having the desired effect and I spent the next few minutes teasing her as much as possible with my lips, tongue, and even just my breath.

By the time I removed her panties her pussy was glistening with desire and I was not willing to deny either of us any longer.

I dove in with a long, slow lick, followed by a deep but gentle kiss right on her clit. I’d found my target and I was going to spend as long as she’d let me worshipping her beautiful pussy. I made my tongue flat and licked slow up and around her lips before coming back to her clit, licking, kissing, sucking until she was moaning wildly for me.

I took my cues from her writhing and her moans as I found the patterns and movements that pleased her the most. When she told me she was going to cum that only made me speed up my motions and grip her more tightly as I ate her through her first orgasm of the evening.

Her grip on my scalp was ironclad and her hips moved with power and speed as she fucked my face right through her climax. She was so wet I could feel her all over my face and I fucking loved it.

When she came that first time it seemed to open the literal and figurative flood gates and she became insatiable. I’m not sure who enjoyed her fucking my face more but I do know I would have let her do it indefinitely.

She tasted divine and her orgasms were just so incredible sexy, neither of us could get enough.

I have no idea how much time passed but afterwards she told me she’d had 4 orgasms that first session. When I finally leaned back and collapsed a bit on the floor we both just looked at each other with astonishment.

“That was fucking incredible,” Molly told me through gasps as her chest still heaved up and down from the excitement.

“You’re incredible,” was all I could muster as I looked back up at her with puppy dog eyes.

“Just wait until I’m done with that blowjob you’ve earned, then you’ll tell me I’m incredible. Now stand up and lose those boxers, I want to see what the man with the golden tongue is packing.”

I got to my feet with speed that surprised even me and stood in front of Molly, a bit flushed in the face, and dropped my boxer briefs to the floor. My rock hard cock jumped out to freedom and I watched as Molly bit her lip while she sized me up.

“Fuck. You are way too good at eating out to have this pretty of a cock.” Before I could even respond her hand was on my base and her lips were wrapping around my fat, throbbing head…..
Part 2 cumming soon!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10zut9j/mf_eating_out_on_the_first_date


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