Jess’s evening [M/F 20s] [F solo] [Phone sex]

Jess walked in to her home and shut the door. Her hair and clothes were soaking from the heavy rain that had fallen as she walked from the station. She dropped her coat and bag on the table, and kicked off her shoes. She headed for the bedroom and threw her jacket in the direction of the laundry basket. She stopped in front of the mirror. Her white blouse was translucent from the rain and she could see her dark areola through the fabric. Her breasts were small and she went braless on days she could when she felt she could get away with it. She liked her figure, the hours in the gym had paid off. She unbuttoned the blouse and pushed her skirt down to the floor.

She looked in the mirror again, and thought of the video she had recorded of herself masturbating in front of the mirror a few nights ago, and the reactions she had received. She felt a wetness build up between her legs.

She pulled her panties down and spread her pussy open with one hand, while using the other to rub her clit. She continued to stare at herself in the mirror as she began to moan. She took a deep breath and stopped. She had all evening, there was no rush.

Jess showered and washed her hair, she shaved her pussy clean and after drying, moisturised her whole body. Her nipples were hard and her head swam with erotic thoughts. A few times she slowly stroked her clit and slipped a finger into her hole, savouring the feelings but not allowing her arousal to run out of control.

Eventually she lay on the bed naked, her hands on her hips, staring at the ceiling. She was excited and horny as hell. She needed release. She began to stroke her breasts and squeeze her nipples. She slid two fingers inside her pussy, but stopped, it wasn’t enough, her pussy needed more than two fingers.

She stood up, crossed the room to her wardrobe, knelt down to the back corner and pulled out a small box with her sex toys. She didn’t know why she kept it hidden now that she lived alone, but it was likely a case of old habits die hard. She took out her dildo and bullet vibrator and put down the empty box. She returned to the bed, lay down and gently rubbed the thick rubber cock along her pussy, coating it with her wetness. She inserted the toy into her pussy and turned the vibrator on low. With the vibrator buzzing against her clit she began to thrust the dildo in and out of her pussy. She moaned loudly as her orgasm approached. She pulled the vibrator away just before she reached the point of no return. Her breathing was heavy, her chest was flushed red. Jess left the dildo deep inside her and massaged her tits, pinching the nipples and savouring the shocks through her body.

She grabbed a pillow and climbed on top of it, straddling it and pushed down, feeling the rubber cock fill her completely. Her hands were around her waist, grabbing her buttocks and pulling them apart to allow full penetration. She began to ride the rubber dick, grinding back and forth, she pinched her nipples and her face flushed. It felt good, but she wished she could ride a real man. A man who would push back and grab her ass to pull her on to his cock. She slowed down, taking long strokes to prolong the sensation and trying to stay focused on what she did have, not what she didn’t.

Suddenly, her phone rang. She looked at the caller ID. It was Tom, who she had been on a couple of dates with but to that point had not even kissed. She decided to see what he wanted and resolved to end the call quickly if it wasn’t going anywhere.

She answered the call
“Hey”, she said breathlessly. As she did, she lay down and the dildo shifted. It sent a shockwave through her body. She moaned briefly before stopping herself.

“Oh err, hey, did I err catch you with someone else? You didn’t need to answer if you were busy.” Tom had obviously picked up on the arousal in Jess’ voice but was too much of a gentleman to think it was for him.

“No,” she grinned and continued. “I’m on my own.”

“Oh, but umm, you sounded, well, anyway… If I’m not interrupting, I was wondering if you wanted to meet up this evening?”

Jess decided to tease him a little, “Well you did kind of interrupt me. I was in the middle of something, but I guess I could be persuaded to stop.”

“Err, I mean, just to go for a drink or a bite to eat or whatever…”

“Sure, we could do that. But don’t you want to know what I was doing when you interrupted me?”

“Err, only if you want to share.”

Jess grinned again, he was cute, “Are you own your own? Somewhere private?”

“Yes and yes,” Tom replied.

“Ok then, when you interrupted me I was riding my dildo and wishing a real man could fuck me.”

Tom said nothing for a moment, his face pale, “Wait, are you serious?! You were, like, masturbating?”

Jess couldn’t help laughing, “Of course I was silly boy!”

“Oh, ummmm, what are you wearing?” he asked nervously.

“Nothing!” She giggled. “Wait, I have an idea, I’ll call you back.”

Jess ended the call and immediately opened her video call app and called him back. He answered and she saw he was on the sofa in his living room. She told him to stand up and remove his clothes.

“Why?” he asked, sounding nervous.

“Because I want to see what you look you naked.”

Tom propped his phone up on a table and stood in front of. “Whew, I’ve never done this before.” He stood nervously, not sure where to start.

“Do you need some inspiration?” Jess teased and panned the camera down her body, showing off her breasts, erect nipples and tight stomach. She stopped before her waist and returned the camera to her face. “Take your top off.”

She watched him fumbling with the buttons. His hands were shaking slightly as he raised his arms above his head and shrugged the garment over his shoulders until he could pull it free from his torso.

He was in average shape, not particularly muscular but slim and tall. She could see a trail of hair start at his navel and disappear under his waistband. She bit her lip and imagined what his cock would be like. Her hand absent mindedly drifted down to her clit and she stroked it softly.

“Now your jeans,” she requested.

Again Tom fumbled the button and zip, eventually he pushed them down, squatting to remove his socks at the same time. He stood back, naked except for his plain black boxers. Jess studied his body and the bulge contained in his boxers.

It didn’t look that big, she thought to herself, but maybe he was so nervous it was affecting his arousal.

“Stand there and watch me,” she said and set up the phone against the pillow she had been riding, then sat up on the bed such that he could see everything; her face filled with desire, her small breasts with dark areolas and of course her freshly shaven, swollen pussy.

“Wow” he whispered and his eyes widened.

Jess closed her eyes and fingered herself with one hand, her other massaging her breasts. She didn’t intend to cum immediately, just put on a show for him. Her fingers expertly massaged her clit and occasionally dipped inside her hole to bring up more wetness. She moaned as the arousal built and caught herself. She opened her eyes gently and focused on the image of Tom, standing almost naked in his living room. The bulge was definitely bigger, his cock might even be pushing over the waistband, she couldn’t quite tell because his hand was in the way.

“Move your hand please” she asked gently. He did so.


He turned ninety degrees and she could now see the tent his cock was making in his boxers, straining the fabric.

“Watch me cum, you can sit or stand however you like, but don’t touch yourself”

He silently picked up his phone and sat back down on the sofa, as if he didn’t want to break a spell by speaking.

Jess reached for her vibrator, she was hoping that her pussy would be filled with a real cock before the night was over so didn’t want the dildo any more. She rapidly clicked up through the speeds, ready to give herself the orgasm that she had been denying herself. She placed the buzzing toy directly on her clit, the stimulation caused her to gasp and her orgasm began to build once more. It came quickly, crashing though her body, her legs clamped shut and she knocked the phone over. She grunted and moaned as the waves of orgasm shook her. She pulled the vibrator away and was brought back to reality as it knocked against her phone, face down on the bed. She picked it up and centered on her face.

“Sorry” she said bashfully, you missed a bit of the show.” Her face was flushed and her breathing was ragged.

“That was so fucking hot!” Tom replied.

“Did you touch yourself?” Jess asked?


“Is your cock still hard?”

“Fucking yes”

“How long will it take you to come to my place?”

“Ummm, maybe 35 or 40 minutes.”

“Be here in 30, I need your cock.” Jess blew a kiss and ended the call.


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