I was teasing my sister’s boyfriend PART 2 [F]

Do You remember my sister’s boyfriend- William, that I was teasing and I really wanted to fuck, but I couldnt do it as I couldnt hurt my sister? If No, then have a look at my First story as this one is gonna be continuation of it.
Since Ive seen my sister giving him blowjob, I was keep thinking about his cock and how I wished it was my mouth. Couple weeks later I was devastated that they broke up!
I never found out the reason, but I had a feeling that William couldnt keep coming to our house, as I was teasing him all the time- he clearly noticed that I was wearing the most sexy lingerie or pj when he was around. They breaking up was a nightmare for me, as it meant that I will not see William anymore! Believe me or not, but I was crying for two days! Now, 10 years later I think that he was my proper First love, so I couldnt Just let him go. I had to try one last time, and perfect opportunity came in couple days later, when my sister announced me that William will come in the next morning to collect his stuff- after that he was meant to leave the Town so it was my one and only opportunity. I had to fully use that chance!
The next morning my Sister as well as my parents were at work.
I was alone and I had to prepare for William’s arrival. I took long bath, I painted my nails and used my best make-up- I really needed to use that opportunity!
When he knocked to the door, I was in heaven. I welcomed him straight away, In thirt and shorts- nothing sexy BUT it was his tshirt and shorts. He noticed it straight away and smiled which was a good Sign.
His stuff were in living room, he went there and grabbed them. .
I followed him there, we were Just talking about random stuff till he looked at my cloths and joked if I want to keep them. I was waiting for that moment! I told him „no, they belong to you so I should give them back now” and I did something he never expected. Without any hesitation I Just took off tshirt and shorts withing second and stood completely naked in front of him! I was 1 meter away from him, my nipples were hard and I could see that his dick was too. There was a lot of sexual tension and I could see that he wasnt sure what to do. He grabbed his stuff and was about to leave. I quickly touched my massive teenage boobs and said „this can belong to you too if You want” and I really hoped that he will Just grab and fuck me there but he didnt. He Just smiled and walked away leaving me naked and alone there!
I was devastated! I was crying out of embarassment for days after it.
It was my personal failure and no my family or friends knew about it. I never told anyone and I was holding it deep inside me.
I was meant to not see him anymore.
3 months later it was my birthday party. I didnt drink much and I wasnt enjoying it as much as I wanted, but I have to admit that people around me made a lot of effort to make me feel happy that day. It was Just, something was missing, You can guess what.
Suddenly one of my friends came in to me and she said that William is asking if I can come out to the car park behing the house. It really hitted me hard, my heart started to beat a lot faster and I wasnt sure what to do. I decided to go there straight away. My friend asked me If she should come with me, I shouted „no!” and left the house. I was wearing Just heels and red dress.
When I showed up in the car park, Ive seen him. Standing there and smilling to me. I came closer and he kissed me straight away. I was waiting for this moment for months and it finally happened! We were kissing for about 2 minutes, without a word, without holding back and without any shyness. He finally stopped and I thought that means the end of our meeting, but he turned me back, putted me against the wall, lifted my shirt up, slide my panties to the side and went inside me- deep and hard. I moanen loud as I didnt expect it. He took my boobs out, holding them and fucking hard.
Anyone could see us, it was public car park when many People are walking around during the day- luckily it was evening time.
He was fucking me, squizziny my boobs and kissing my Neck. We never spoke a word to each other. It was weirdest, most misterious but also one of the best sex I ever had!
When I could feel He was about to explode, I moved back, turned over, went on my knees and on last second I took all lead inside my mouth. It was my birthday present, my proper goodbye hift that I remember till today…
We never said any word which was amazing. I stood up, look into his eyes and then walked away.
I never told anyone about it, but my friends noticed that I was much happier after seeing William. Rumours were spread but I never confirmed any.
Now Im sharing it with You, one of my deepest Secret, finally fucking my sister’s ex.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10zbogf/i_was_teasing_my_sisters_boyfriend_part_2_f

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