[FM] F38 (now) – First time shared in college

I definitely exhibited a few of the common tropes or stereotypes about the college years. My boyfriend at the time was somewhat adventurous, and I was open to it even if I didn’t think of it all.

We had a great sexual chemistry. I’ve always had a high libido and at the time, he seemed to be a walking erection. We had sex often, including between classes.

One such time, we were back at his dorm going at it. I was on top and was riding him hard. I was very into it as my orgasm was approaching and I didn’t hear the door open. A moment later, I heard his roommate say, “Oh…sorry”

I turned around and saw he was staring at us, but his hand was reaching back for the door handle. I smiled and said, “You don’t have to go. We’re almost done”

With that, I turned back to my boyfriend and kept going. He was looking up at me with a beaming smile, liking the initiative I took. I heard his roommate’s bed creak as he sat down. Knowing we were being watched but not turning to look made me even hotter. It took about another minute before the pleasure rose to a crescendo and I came. As my pussy spasmed in its joy, it triggered my boyfriend to finally buck beneath me and start pumping his load deep into me. He pulled me in for a kiss, then held me there and whispered, “Help him out?” I glanced across the room and saw his roommate still watching us, his eyes going over my naked body, with a big tent in his sweatpants. I looked my boyfriend in the eyes to see if he was serious. He smiled and nodded at me.

It felt like a long time that I considered this, though it probably was only 15 or 20 seconds. Did I really want to cross this line? Exhibitionism was one thing. This was entirely different. In the end, the naughtiness of it sparked the lust and I nodded at my bf. Turning back to his roommate, I asked, “Want some help with that?” and smiled.

His eyes went wide again in surprise, but he had the wherewithal to nod. I slipped off of my boyfriend and stood up. Naked, with the beginnings of a dribble of cum leaking from my lower lips onto my inner thigh, I crossed the room and knelt down in front of him. He wasted no time in dropping his sweats as I got into position, and so I wasted no time in putting my mouth over his head. Nowadays, I prefer to start lower and work my way up, but at this time, I was still riled up and the man in front of me had a raging erection that looked ready to burst. I closed my lips around his shaft and slid my tongue along the front side of his cockhead. Moments later, I tasted the unmistakable saltiness of precum. Watching us go at it had really gotten his engine started!

Using one hand, I started pumping the lower part of his shaft. I did not take him deep. At the time, I was not good at that. (I’m still not the greatest!). I kept the head of his penis in my mouth and just gently suckled on it, brushing my tongue along the sensitive section. His breathing became louder and more ragged. I remember exactly how much of a sentence he got out. “I’m gonna…” was all the warning. I did not care, though. I was in this to the end. I made sure my lips formed a good seal and kept my hand steady on his shaft. He grunted quietly once and I felt the warm, sticky semen flood into my mouth. I loved this part. That moment when the man is so needy and must cum no matter what… And to be the one that gives him that relief makes me crazy.

I swallowed between pulses of ejaculation. My hand continued to move along his pole, squeezing a bit to try to milk out every drop. Once the penis in my mouth stopped delivering its treat, I let it go. I smiled up at his shocked face, stood, and returned to my boyfriend’s bed. I heard the roommate say a quiet “thanks” My boyfriend was beaming with pride! I crawled back into bed and finally pulled a sheet up over us.

Edited for spacing

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10z16k7/fm_f38_now_first_time_shared_in_college


  1. Wow very nice read! I love it, now if only something like this could happen to me 😂 😝 I was stroking my Hard cock while reading this thanks 😊

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