I’m always early, which is maybe a terrible thing, but most of the time I’m on time and everyone else is running late. He[M]40 and I used to work together, so our friendship is relaxed. We’ve played D&D together before, and I know his wife 38[F]. She usually attends our sessions (playing sessions, don’t get dirty yet), and if we tell folks to arrive at 7 o’clock, most arrive by 7:30.

Exceptionally, lol.

As a result, I would arrive on time, assist with setup, lay out coasters and glasses, and clean up after myself because, as I mentioned, we are friends and I am comfortable with their home. He was engaged and later married, so I didn’t act on my suspicions of tension or attraction when we were direct employees. Never straying from the rules and always acting professionally.

Several months ago, I arrived promptly, helped set up as usual, and made a joke about how there wasn’t much to do as we waited for everyone else. As I pulled coasters out of their kitchen, I heard him enter from behind me. Again, hardly extraordinary. I need to get the whiskey and water for our game. To my astonishment, while I was choosing the coasters, he rubbed against me and remarked, “We could make it less dull,” while going for the whiskey on the shelf.

Oh boy, sure can. I swirled my hips while pushing my ass back against him. “Yeah?”

But it has to happen quickly since we have to finish setting up.

His pressure on me increased, and the hand reaching for the whiskey wrapped around my neck, sunk all the way down into my shorts, and poked just the tip of his finger inside of me. I was completely saturated in a matter of seconds, but holy sh*t. This guy is older than me, fit, and has troubles with his father.

I threw everything on the counter, closed the drawer, and said, “Fuck the matching coasters,” allowing him to fully push me into the counter and grind his cock on my ass. Once my wrists were free, I pulled down my shorts and he got his cock out before kicking my legs apart and fucking into my pussy so forcefully that if he hadn’t lifted the hand that was resting on my neck, I would have shouted. I was so immensely turned on that I let him use me even though it hurt and I wasn’t ready to accept a cock without an orgasm or fingers.

I had never been so brutally or thoroughly exploited for someone else’s amusement, and I was completely engrossed in it. Because I was being raised and fucked into using my torso as leverage while half on the counter, it cut deeply into my stomach. The hand from my shorts was pinching my nipple so tightly that I feared it could bleed. But my God, it was enjoyable.

It wasn’t more than a few minutes until he completely covered me and made sure I couldn’t move as he entered me.

After a few panting seconds, the doorbell rang, and he and I both stood up straight before he welcomed the first latecomer in. Intoxicated with my DM’s come, blissed out but horny as fuck, I spent the session.

I started wearing skirts and dresses to sessions after that first encounter so he could simply push them up and fuck me over the table we played on. Nobody in our group seems to be aware of it, and I doubt he’ll ever put me to bed with him (or even the couch). I’ve cumped once or twice, but as vile as it is, I’d rather be treated like a doll and stuffed with cum than get off. The majority of the time, as soon as I set my suitcase down, he bends me over the table and mounts me like I’m a bitch in heat. Because we don’t want to be discovered by the other players, there is no kissing or other physical contact. However, in hot whispers, I will ask him to fill or breed me, and he will refer to me as a slut, whore, or his bitch. We’ve had to stop mid-fuck a few times because someone has knocked on the door. In that case, I won’t go with everyone else and take a little longer to tie my shoes. He then shoves me through the door and gives me a load before I head home.

Before anyone gets their own knickers in a bunch, his wife is aware, yes. She has occasionally awakened us. After speaking with her, I suppose I satisfy a desire for roughness that she is unable to satisfy for whatever reason. She didn’t offer, and I didn’t ask.

And sure, I don’t intend to stop; I’ll be his free-use pre-session fuck doll until he calls it off.

The worst aspect, in my opinion, is that he doesn’t even change my character’s roles.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10yxiyt/f_stupid_slut_club


  1. Was this written by AI? It’s difficult to understand the flow of events and the joke about OP wanting to change her character’s role seems to come out of nowhere.

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