All About Her Part 8 [M18-F41] [Cuckolding]

I must admit I was surprised at her even considering anal play since that had been a non starter for me. Mags could tell something was up, lifted her head and looked at me. She was an expert at reading me. My body had involuntarily reacted and she could feel the tension as she rested on me. “I can stop right here if you are uncomfortable with what I’m sharing with you. You wanted to know everything and I’m willing to describe everything we physically do for each others pleasure, but if it’ too much….” I cut her off. “You know I’ve always been understanding of your needs, it’s just that I thought the rules of penetration that apply to me would apply to everyone you sleep with. In all our time together you have never allowed me to….” Mags sat up and placed a finger over my lips. “You didn’t give me a chance to finish what I was going to say. Shall I continue?” She smiled. I took her hand in mine, returned her smile. “In for a penny. In for a pound. Sorry. Please continue.” Mags’ head returned to my lap as she picked up where she left off.

She was so wet, her own juices mingling with his teenage load seeping down her cheeks that his rimming her anus was pleasurable and her smile and nod was permission to continue doing so, but when Sid inserted a finger she gently told him no. He immediately removed his hand and sheepishly apologized. She smiled up at him and said, “Why did you stop what you’ve been doing? Give me your hand.” He did so and she sensuously licked and sucked his fingers while holding his gaze. As she released his hand he quickly covered her mouth with his, their tongues probing and caressing. His hands slid back underneath her cheeks as he began to grind into her again and again, her deep kisses putting his rutting instinct into overdrive. Mags held her legs high and wide to enhance her being able to accommodate his length. Her moans and grunts grew louder with every thrust as she matched his strokes with her hips. Her practiced vaginal muscles gripped his cock every time he withdrew the shaft. She was completely in his power. She let go of everything. She surrendered to his animal lust, happy to be the object of his unrestrained desire.she came in a shuddering orgasm that took her breath away. Sid, unaware of her cumming, continued to pound down into her. Her physical manifestations of ecstasy only added fuel to his burning need for release. Mags began to buck and arched her back locking her legs around his waist. He never missed a stroke as she dug her heels into him lending additional power to his battering of her sex. It took him another 15 minutes to fill her again. They both lay side by side on the rumpled bed soaked in sweat and exhausted.

Mags had expected a quick shag, followed by a BJ to get him hard again and a good fuck full of youthful exuberance and then back home to give me the opportunity to reclaim her. She hadn’t counted on a marathon nor the fact that he would be able to get her off multiple times. And not just “off”. She had incredible orgasms. Memorable, deep and addictive. They subsequently fell asleep together totally satisfied and completely spent. Mags woke first and began to gather her things. She was heading toward the loo in order to dress when she heard Sid say, “Please don’t go yet, Mrs Sloane. I want to talk to you for a little while if you don’t mind.” She turned to see him sitting up on the bed. “Mags. After tonight when we are alone call me Mags. Ok?” He nodded and smiled. “ Mags…I know it’s late, but if it’s Ok…can we talk about us? She put her things down on a chair and sat next to him on the bed. “What do you want to talk about?” She asked with a smile.



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