[MF] My blessed second marriage to a gorgeous and horny ex-stripper

I posted an earlier version of this under another account. Now that I’m back, here’s an updated version.

So yeah, it’s been a rollercoaster. In 2018 I took a job overseas, in Milan. My wife and I moved out there and it grew on me more quickly than her. Other tensions were present as well, and we decided mutually to split up in early ‘20, it had been coming for a while and we both knew it wouldn’t survive lockdown.

During the same period, I became gym-buddies with a gorgeous, twenty-something, whip-smart (engineering degree!) tattoo-covered stripper with an absolutely obscene body—skinny waist, round ass, huge tits and (I later learned) a penchant for pairing denim jeans with translucent tops. She liked me because I was just about the only guy at the gym who wasn’t either leering at her or hitting on her. We started chatting one day and we hit it off. Of course, I never dreamed a goddess like her would see our friendship as anything more than platonic—I felt she saw me as a “safe” friend, and (being in my forties at the time) I probably reminded her of her dad. (I was right, but that was not the barrier I’d assumed it was.)

Once Covid hit she was out of a job but with free time to spare. I was newly divorced, so we started hanging out watching movies, smoking a little weed, etc. My dick was hard non-stop being around her of course but I never tried to make a move. One night we’re watching an insultingly bad movie and she turns to me and asked, point blank, in her cute Italian accent, “Hey, you wanna fuck instead?” Turns out lockdown was making her horny as hell and she thought I was cute enough to release some sexual tension with, and experienced enough to do it right. Within about five minutes I was balls deep inside her. We filled a lot of Covid time with my cock filling her pussy, ass, and throat. After decades of married, vanilla intercourse I had my own personal porn star. I discovered the joys of rough, noisy sex, anal penetration, tittyfucking, and getting throated so deep my balls were slapping her chin. Everything was on the table now, and I can’t express how life-changing that is.

Surprisingly, it lasted, and developed into a real relationship. After a few months she moved in, and after we installed a stripper pole in the living room (visible through the window) and she started sunbathing nude on the (shared) roof of my condo we became the main gossip item in my neighborhood. Guys looked at me in awe, strolling around with a curvaceous sex-bomb in a see-thru top, their wives with daggers in their eyes. The sex got better and better, I was working from home and taking mid-day fuck breaks, getting quietly blown during Zoom meetings, emptying my balls more often in a week than I had in a typical year of my marriage.

And then, if that wasn’t enough, the threesomes began—first with her best friend (also gorgeous), who she brought home for me to fuck while she cooked dinner for three, and then with other women she knew from stripping, and then with girls she would meet “in the wild” and bring home. In the years since I met her I’ve sex with many, many more women than in the preceding four decades combined. And they’re generally 18-25, with amazing bodies and eager attitudes.

We were having such a non-stop blast that at the beginning of 2021 we decided to get married ourselves. We held the wedding on the roof—a middle aged Joe with a trace of dadbelly (diminished by the constant sex) and a pierced, inked, big-titted sex fantasy.

A month later she was pregnant in her and if anything it made her even hotter and more sexual. She started wearing outfits that flaunted her baby belly, showing the world what we were soon bringing into it. She began experiencing “waves” of extreme horniness, which led to regular instances of improvised sex in taxis, restaurant bathrooms, etc. The threesomes never stopped but when her pregnancy made sex difficult she would watch me unload my balls inside her friend or one of the many other girls she’d recruited. Finally in October of ’22 she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Following that she dedicated herself to being a stay-at-home mom, and getting her body back into shape. (I didn’t encourage the latter but I’m not complaining.) Amazingly, her tummy was flat again within months (bless you, stripper pole) and with her breasts still engorged with baby milk the effect was bordeline obscene. They’ve settled down somewhat since but still remain a size larger than before her pregnancy.

Anyway, some wise early investments on my part have left me able to semi-retire, still working—I enjoy it—but often while vacationing in rental villas and the like. We can afford to bring along help with baby, leaving us time to ourselves for fun. Sometimes we bring one of her friends along, other times we poach the local girls.

It’s a hedonistic life for sure but after a life of “normalcy” I can’t get enough of it. It still blows my mind how different my life is than just a few short years ago. I am beyond blessed.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10xzm8w/mf_my_blessed_second_marriage_to_a_gorgeous_and


  1. Fuck man. So happy and proud of you. Glad to see you’re back and to give us all these great and horny stories! We men of Reddit salute 🫡 you

  2. Living the dream my man! You only live once!

    Also, the pics from Mykonos are very much appreciated, she’s a stunner!

  3. You’re the luckiest man alive! I would like a wife like yours! That’s my dream!

  4. You found a good one, at least. My first marriage was to a stripper I happened to meet while I was doing contract work in Guam however, my experience paled in comparison to yours. Although attractive and shapely, she quickly turned into one of the most insecure and manipulative women I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting. Easily, the worst five years spent of my life.

  5. Something like the movie the wolf of the Wall Street
    She wasn’t a stripper but he did have amazing sex after his divorce with a hot model

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