[MF] My blessed second marriage to a gorgeous and horny ex-stripper

I posted an earlier version of this under another account. Now that I’m back, here’s an updated version.

So yeah, it’s been a rollercoaster. In 2018 I took a job overseas, in Milan. My wife and I moved out there and it grew on me more quickly than her. Other tensions were present as well, and we decided mutually to split up in early ‘20, it had been coming for a while and we both knew it wouldn’t survive lockdown.

During the same period, I became gym-buddies with a gorgeous, twenty-something, whip-smart (engineering degree!) tattoo-covered stripper with an absolutely obscene body—skinny waist, round ass, huge tits and (I later learned) a penchant for pairing denim jeans with translucent tops. She liked me because I was just about the only guy at the gym who wasn’t either leering at her or hitting on her. We started chatting one day and we hit it off. Of course, I never dreamed a goddess like her would see our friendship as anything more than platonic—I felt she saw me as a “safe” friend, and (being in my forties at the time) I probably reminded her of her dad. (I was right, but that was not the barrier I’d assumed it was.)

[FMF] Waking up to a double blowjob from my wife and her best friend

Short one today…

I woke up a few hours ago to a double blowjob from my wife and her best friend, who stayed over with us the night before.

Not the first time it’s happened, but it never, ever gets old.

It’s a fucking tremendous feeling, practically an out-of-body experience. The sensation, the visual, the sounds. So much slurping and drooling.

Despite cumming twice last night, I didn’t last long, and when I did her friend took my load. Then they swapped my cum back and forth a few times before my wife swallowed it.

Happy Sunday, Reddit :)

[MF] Facefucking my wife during a work call

Happened yesterday. Working from home on an endless work call. I’m on a headset. My wife is parading around in her usually slutty housewear. My impatience with the call is building up. Finally, I snap my fingers. My wife freezes instantly, stands at attention. (Don’t worry, she loves this.) I point sharply at her and then gesture downwards the floor in front of me.

She quickly grabs a pillow off the couch, places it before me, and kneels down on it. She undies my belt, pulls down my pants and boxers, and my already semi-hard cock springs free.

Now, [she gives wonderful blowjobs](https://reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10p6yn7/mf_i_showed_my_wife_my_gonewildstories_post_about/), but that isn’t what I want today. I silently mouth to her: “Face. Fuck.”

She opens her mouth wide, and pulls her arms back and holds her hands behind her. Her eyes are looking up at mine.

I’m hard now, and I start probing her mouth with my cock. Reflex takes over on her part and she’s drooling now. Good. I palm the back of her head and slide my cock down her throat. The sensation is divine. She makes a wet noise but doesn’t gag. She never breaks eye contact. Good girl.

[MF] I showed my wife my gonewildstories post about her. She made herself cum to it, and then she sucked me off.

The post in question is [here](https://reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10o9a5w/fmf_my_wife_seduced_a_stripper_and_brought_her/).

She knew I’d written it but hadn’t yet read it. This morning before we got out of bed I open the post on my phone and hand it to her. She lays her head against my thigh and starts reading it quietly and intently. After a few moments she slips her fingers beneath her thong and starts playing with herself, fingers moving in a slow tight circle, eyes never leaving the screen. I stroke her hair. As she nears the end, her breathing gets heavier and she’s stroking herself faster and faster. Then her eyes roll back, her thighs squeeze together around her hand, and she lets out a little moan. She’s adorable when she cums.

After that, she open my camera app, starts it recording video, and hands it to me. Then she adjusts her head so she’s facing my cock, pulls her arm back behind her, opens her mouth, and slides forward, taking my shaft in. With one hand I’m holding the phone, I put the other behind her head and start gently facefucking her. (I am brutal to her at night but gentle in the morning.) She is drooling like crazy and my cock is getting soaked with saliva. It feels amazing and I don’t last long, pumping my cum down her throat. She keeps holding my cock in her mouth until I’m done, and then licks my shaft up and down until it’s clean.

[FMF] My wife seduced a stripper and brought her back for me to fuck

For background: Over the pandemic I divorced my wife of 20+ years and married an Italian ex-stripper with a brilliant mind and a phenomenal body—big tits, slim waist, round ass, and tight as fuck. Since then my sex life has gone into overdrive. She is bi and is happy for me to date/fuck other women so long as she is involved, and she regularly meets and brings home girlfriends and girls she picks up for threesomes.

And me? I’m a fit, older man who got lucky as hell.

One Friday night on our holiday in Greece we hit the high-end strip clubs. She turns on her “stripper vision” (her words) and quickly locates the girl who is most my type—a stunning blonde with big tits, big ass, skinny waist, and fit as hell.

My wife chats her up on the pole and requests a “couples” lap dance for us. We move a the lap dance booth. First she dances for me. I’m careful to follow the rules (no touching unless she initiates). She bends over me, her hair brushes against my face and she sways her body back in forth, her huge round tits in my face. She smells amazing.