Nora: church leader, business woman, cheating wife Part 1 [FM]

This is a true story. I changed the names of all and many details to disguise identities and locations in this story. The dialogues are to the best of my memory. It has been more than 40 years since this happened so I hope you will cut me some slack.

This story is very long. If you are a follower of my posts, you already know I write a lot of background before I get to the sex parts.

If you want to skip the background, the sex stuff starts after the —— line.

**She was a church wife and business woman**

This story is about Nora, a church wife I had known since I was in junior high school. She was 46 when we finally got together (I was 30). She stood 5′ 9″ with blue eyes and dark brown hair. I suspected Nora had a great body. Though she wore very modest dresses at church it was obvious she had excellent tits (36C as I found out), a trim ass and long legs. She wore her hair up with a mass of curls on top of her head. She had a dynamite smile.

Nora’s husband Burt enjoyed putting down people. He seemed to take special delight in needling me. Nora told me that he had once told her to stay away from me as he thought I ‘lusted’ after her. That asshole was right about that. Burt was older than her, I think about 15 to 20 years older. You can probably figure out what that meant in terms of their sex life.

They owned several businesses and owned a very big home on top of a hill. In fact Nora and I started our serious flirtations at a church holiday party she and Burt hosted at their home when I was a junior in college.

**A taste of things to come?**

At one point during that party Nora asked if I had see the view from their back deck. I told her I had not. She casually lead me directly to the deck closing the curtained French doors behind us. We moved to railing to take in the view. She asked how it liked it. I told her it was beautiful just like her (Yeah, I know that was weak.)

She replied “Thank you. I don’t get many compliments from men any more. And none from Burt”. We stood silently for a few second before she said she was getting cold. I didn’t want this time to end so I gave her my sport coat, wrapping it around her shoulders. She thanked me and kissed me on the cheek. She leaned against me after that innocent (?) peck.

I turned her head to me. I kissed her; she kissed me. We went into a full passionate make out session that involved me playing with her tits and her stroking my cock from outside my slacks. When we heard voices inside we stepped apart and she quietly said “Don’t tell anyone about this”. She gave me my coat and went inside. I waited a few and went inside. No one was the wiser. Not even Burt.

From that time on Nora and I tried to get alone at all church functions. Usually we only had time to exchange a kiss or two and feel our bodies pressed together. I wanted more. She seemed to want more. But our lives were such that we could never safely be together for long.

**The beginning of the beginning**

That changed in February 1981. I decided to drive to my home state and surprise my parents with a visit. I left very early Thursday morning for a four plus hour drive. As I neared my home town I saw Nora’s distinctive car ahead of me. I impulsively followed her when she turned in to their long driveway that lead up to their home.

When we go there I parked behind her car and waved when I saw her looking at me in her rear view mirror. She waved back and popped out of her car flashing that megawatt smile. She looked very stylish in a long white coat over a dress with a rather low cut neckline; she was wearing tall high heels. What a set of wheels! This was not the type of outfit she wore to church.

I got out of my car and when we met we hugged and kissed. No tongue, just an extended kiss on the lips. She asked me what I was doing there and I told her I had taken time off to make a surprise visit home. She insisted I come in for a visit. Inside she directed me to a huge white leather sofa telling me she would be right back.

Nora and Burt were supposedly non-drinkers but she returned with two bottles of wine and a pair of wine glasses. We talked and drank wine for more than an hour. She was very relaxed and clearly a buzzed. I know she caught me looking down her dress a few times but it didn’t seem to faze her at all. She just continued talking; it was as if a man looking down her dress was perfectly natural.

Eventually I asked if Burt would be home for lunch. She told me, with a little smile, he was at their home in Arizona and would not be back for two weeks. We chatted for a few more minutes when Nora told me she was going to change out of her ‘work clothes’ and would be
back shortly.

While she changed I got my travel kit from my car, washed my face, brushed my teeth, combed my hair and swished around some mouth wash. I took a look in the mirror and felt I was as good as I was going to get. I went back to the sitting room and cooled my heels waiting for her.

A few minutes later she called out asking me to pour her another glass and to put some music on. I went to their stereo cabinet and put on some big band dance music. I knew it was her favorite style.

**Dressed for action**

Nora walked back into the room looking fantastic. She was wearing a shiny black robe and red high heels. With her hair piled up on top of her head, red lips and pale skin she looked very much like a pinup girl from the 40s or 50s.

She held out her arms saying “Let’s dance”. We did with her head on my shoulder and our arms around each other. Nora smelled good and her body felt hot against mine. I developed an erection and did not try to hide it; she did not pull away when I pressed it into her. We danced until the record finished and she told me Burt wouldn’t let her dance with other men. She added ‘But what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him’.

**Did I mention she had legs?**

She walked directly to the sofa and sat down crossing her legs. I complimented her on her great legs. She smiled and said “Thank you! Burt never pays any attention to them” and leaned in to kiss me on the lips.

You have got the picture, right? I am a horny mid-20s guy kissing a slightly drunk, sexy married woman in her home. She is dressed for effect and her dick wad husband is 2,000 miles away.


We kissed gently for minutes during which I put one hand behind her head while I snaked the other inside her robe to gently squeeze one her breasts. She stopped kissing me, took hand off her boob, leaned back and said “Whew”. She loosened the robe’s sash and shrugged off the robe.

She had on a lace bra, stockings, garter belt and suspenders all in black with black and red bikini panties. She asked if I liked how she looked. I said “Yes I do”! She gave me another great smile, leaned into me and we resumed kissing. She put a hand under my sweatshirt and ran it up my stomach and across my pecs giving a little ‘um’.

**In her bedroom**

She abruptly stood up and, saying nothing, she took my hand and led me to her bedroom. (Not their bedroom she explained later – she hadn’t slept with him for years.) When we got to her bed I unhooked her bra and let her tits loose. They had some droop, she was 46 after all, but her small nipples were hard.

As I leaned down to suck on those nipples she put a hand behind my head and I moved a hand down inside her panties to slide my middle finger first to her clit and then down and into her hole.

I pulled my finger out of her and ran it across her lips before slowly pushing it into her mouth. She reached up to hold my hand as she licked and sucked it while looking into my eyes. She pulled it out of her mouth and moved my hand back down to the top of her panties. I fingered her and again pulled out my finger and intended to put it to her mouth once more.

But Nora had another idea. She took my hand and turning it toward me. She pushed my hand so my finger was at my mouth and said “Your turn”. I sucked and licked my finger just as she had – my first taste of Nora. When I finished cleaning my finger I pulled her in for a deep tongue kiss. I could taste her wonderful pussy along with the chemical taste of her lipstick and a trace of wine.

After the kiss I gently eased her down onto her bed. I moved between her legs and grabbed her panties. She lifted her hips as I pulled them off keeping her eyes locked on mine. She spread her legs wide and gave a little ‘oh’ when I first kissed her Y.

I teased her by pushing my tongue inside of her and swirling it around. She clearly liked that and pushed herself up to my mouth. I licked her slit and lips; I teased her clit with the tip of my tongue and then sucked it into my mouth. Simultaneously I began to slowly pump her pussy with two fingers. She started saying “Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop”.

After some moans and sheet gripping Nora gave a series of loud “Ohs” intermixed with my name as her body jerked up and down and then stiffened. She grabbed the back of my head to keep my mouth on her cunt. When she finally let go of my head I moved up next to her.

She began kissing my face and told me she hadn’t had that for a long time. When the kisses stopped I got off of the bed telling her I would be right back. I went to my travel kit to get some condoms.

**Ready to be taken**

When I returned Nora had removed her heels. She was playing with her nipples and had let her hair down. She looked sexy. She looked ready to be taken. The room smelled like a woman in heat.

I undressed in front of her. I was fully hard and Nora’s eyes were locked on my dick as I moved to the side of the bed. I told her “Come here now”. She crawled to me on her hands and knees. When she got inches from my hard cock I grabbed her hair and pulled it so she
was looking up at me. I looked into her eyes and said “Open your mouth Mrs. XXXXXX”. She did.

I pushed my cock into her mouth. I fucked her face while holding her thick brown hair. She was totally submissive; her mouth was mine to use. She was slobbering over my cock while making glucking sounds each time my dick went into her mouth. I was both surprised and turned on by her submissive nature.

After a few minutes I pulled out of her mouth and moved to sit with my back against the headboard. She caught her breath and crawled between my legs. She stroked my cock and rubbed my head before bending down to take it fully into her mouth. She held it there for a few seconds and then began to slowly deep throat my cock.

I started to get close; I told her to stop and get on her back. I got up, put a condom on and put a pillow under her ass. I grabbed her legs and put them over my shoulder as I positioned my dick at her hole. I asked her “What do you want Nora”? She whispered “Put it in me”. I knew what she wanted. I wanted to hear her say it.

**Our first time fucking**

As I began to fuck her I told her to play with her tits. She began squeezing them as I fucked her. I started out intending to fuck her slowly and savor this experience. But the animal inside of me took over and I quickly picked up the pace and began to fuck her with every thing I had.

After a few minutes she closed her eyes and started saying ‘ugh’ each time i pushed into her. Her ‘ugh’s got louder and were interspersed with ‘God’ and ‘oh’. I felt and heard my balls slapping her ass.

When I felt myself ready to shoot I forcefully moved her hands away from her boobs and pinched her nipples as hard as I could. She opened her eyes and she grimaced in pain yelling “Oh fuck, fuck fuck”! Her face, neck, shoulders and chest turned bright red and her pelvis began rising and falling in rhythm with my thrusts.

I put a hand around her throat and squeezed with moderate force. She put both of her hands on my arms gripping them tightly. She finally screamed as her body bucked and jerked. I began cumming as well and I yelled “Fuck Nora”. I held my cock in her until my cock stopped pulsing. I let go of her throat and slowly dropped on top of her.

We had a long kiss before I rolled off of her. We cuddled, running our hands over each other saying nothing. Eventually she got up and went to the bathroom. She came back with a towel. She removed the rubber and cleaned my cock. When she finished she spooned with me, her ass tight against my limp cock.

Eventually my stomach rumbled and she asked if I was hungry. I told her I was starved. She directed me to her bathroom and told me to clean up while she ordered some food for us.

After showering and getting dressed she walked me to the front door holding my hand. She opened the door, gave me a deep soul kiss, pressed a wad of bills into my hand and slapped my ass telling me hurry back.

**The end of the beginning**

That was the beginning of our two year affair. Because of our circumstances we did not see each other very often. But when we did we made the most of it. We were able to finagle a few weekends together when Burt was away. And one time she stayed with me for almost a week after staging an argument with him.

Oh yeah. There was also some fornication by their pool one hot summer day. We almost got caught that time.

But those will be for the future.



  1. Great Story! She sounds like a lot of fun. Nothing like banging a married woman

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