My Landlord’s Daughter [M34/F29] [Pussy Licking] [Vanilla]

After I exchanged contact information with my landlord’s daughter on my landlords party, after I had promised my landlord to call her daughter it took me until Monday to send her a first message. It just was a casual “Hi, how are you? Do you even remember me?” one. Luckily she remembered me. And luckily she got back to me.

We kept on texting back and forth for a day or two. We still got along and had something to talk about. So that thing we had up and running at her mother’s party wasn’t just a one time lucky hit. So I asked her for a date. She said yes. We agreed on Friday night, in one of the fanciest Italian restaurants in town. She chose the location. She insisted on it.

Her insisting on it gave me a minor heart attack. I clearly couldn’t afford it. And getting a reservation in one of the most popular restaurants in town for a Friday night on a Wednesday afternoon, it gave me more than just a headache.

After some time thinking, trying to come up with a solution to my problem I called my landlord. To my surprise she picked up immediately. Then she asked me what was up? No, she wasn’t mad, stressed out or something like that, she just was one that loved the direct approach.

I told her that I was planing to date her daughter. I also told her that she insisted on having dinner in the best Italian restaurant in town. My landlord probably nodded with her head while listening to me. There might have even been a smile on her face as soon as she heard what her daughter was up too: “Yes, that is my daughter. She is testing you. She want’s to see if you can do the impossible. I will arrange the impossible for you. And I know how much you earn, do you need some money too?”

Yes, I handed her some of my payslips when I moved into her place to show her that I was in theory able to be the rent she was asking. So she knew about my financial situation. So I went down the honest path: “Yes, some funding would be nice too.”

Her answer was a quick one: “No problem. I got your bank data. And I will send you a message with your reservation details. Enjoy your evening with daughter.”

And the phone call was over. My landlord just had helped me to set up a date with her own daughter. She really seemed to like me, and she really seemed to be convinced of the fact that her daughter and I would do more than just get along.

My landlord kept her word. About two hours later she sent me a reservation confirmation. She got a table for the two of us at eight o’clock in the evening with an open end. And she also sent me the necessary funds. She declared it a refund on the rent I previously had paid her. She just lowered my rent for about twenty five percent. She stated that she made an error back then when setting up the contract. Yes, my landlord, or maybe someone working for her knew what they were doing.

When I texted my landlords daughter that I had a reservation, and that we would meet up at the place at eight in the evening the following message came back: Really, you were able to get a reservation? How? But I am impressed. See you on Friday.

My landlord was right. Her daughter was testing me. I passed the test. So it was time for me to get some fancy clothes for Friday night: Expensive, decent with style was the goal I was heading for. And again, I was able to pull the stunt. On a budget.

On Friday night I was more than just nervous when I boarded a tramway that would bring me more or less straight to the Italian restaurant. I decided to get off the train one station earlier – I still had plenty of time left because I didn’t want her to have to wait a single minute for – so I walked the last couple of hundred meters towards the restaurant.

I took my time while walking, I enjoyed the views, I was a little bit daydreaming, I was in no hurry at all while walking toward my destination. But even though I arrived early. I was ten minutes early. Luckily the table was already prepared and ready to go. And to my surprise it was one, if not the best table the restaurant had to offer.

Then the waiting began. The waiter poured me a glass of water, he served me some snacks and then I sat there. Watching the restaurant stuff doing their work, watching the rich and famous townsfolk walking by, engaging in small talk while they were pretending that they actually could stand each others presence.

Despite the fact that I was more than just nervous about the evening, the time went by. About forty five minutes went by until she showed up. She was dressed to impress. She caught my eye the moment she entered the restaurant and began to talk hostess. Then the hostess guided her over to me.

When she was close I got up. She gave me a welcoming hug and then I offered her a seat. Then I sat down and the talking began. Luckily it didn’t took long and the initial ice was broken. We had more than just one laugh, we had something to talk about while we enjoyed the delicious food, we had a blast. And yes, something was happening between the two of us.

After we had finished eating, after we had dessert and a drink or two we left the restaurant. She told me that she wanted to go to a different place. A place with a marvelous view over the whole city. And this time it would be on her tab. I nodded with my head and followed her.

We boarded a taxi that was conveniently waiting in front of the restaurant when we came out of it. She told the driver an address and off we drove. The ride took about ten minutes. Ten minutes with my landlord’s daughter cuddled against me. It felt good being so close to her.

The taxi stopped next to one of the few skyscrapers in town. We got out, she paid and then we went inside the tall building. Inside the elevator she pressed the highest floor. And up we went. It took us over minute to arrive at our destination.

Once we were out of the elevator, she rang at the only door at the end of a very narrow, very short and totally generic corridor. It didn’t took long and a men wearing a fancy suit opened up the door. He greeted the woman next to me and asked us in.

By the looks of it I just had entered a more than just exclusive looking private club. The place was more than just crowded. People were dancing, people were hanging out, people were watching other people, it just was a more than lively place.

The music was loud, the bass was humming, people were loosing it. We got two drinks and mixed with the crowd. We were dancing, having fun, we got touchy, flirty and in the end my landlord’s daughter ended up kissing in the lounge area. Kissing while enjoying the view over the dark city.

It didn’t took long and our gentle kisses turned into passionate ones. Horny was taking over inside us. We had to fight to stop us from tearing the clothes of each others bodies. It was a tough fight, a fight that couldn’t be one. So we decided to leave the place and head over to her apartment.

We kept on kissing during the elevator ride. We put up show for the cab driver. We hurried up the stairs to her apartment. And once we were inside my landlord’s daughter’s place – that was owned by my landlord too as I should find out later – we were all over each other. We just let go. No more holding back. Out with our inner animals.

Clothes were flying to the room. Two kissing bodies were falling, stumbling towards the sofa in the living room. Our hands were all over each other. Our lips constantly touching, sharing one passionate kiss after the other.

We both were naked when we landed on the sofa. Still kissing while our bodies were rubbing against each other. More and more tension was building up. Our moaning began to fill the room. I wanted her and she wanted me.

Then I kissed my way down on her. Down towards her pussy. I took my time with her boobs. I sucked on her hard nipples. I squeezed them. I adored them. Then I moved further South. I kissed her belly, then I opened up her legs, I exposed her more than just tasty looking pussy.

Moments later my tongue was playing with her clit. Her moaning got more and more intense the longer I was playing with her, the longer I was teasing her. Then my tongue went inside her pussy. As deep as I could. I needed to taste her. And she tasted more than just good.

Then my tongue moved onto her clit again. While my first finger slid inside her pussy. Her moaning got more intense the moment it happened. Her hands grabbed my head, she began to press my head against her cunt.

Then another finger went inside her. And there was even place for a third one. In the end three of my fingers were sliding in and out of her pussy while my tongue was on her clit. I kept on going for some time. My rock hard dick began to spit out pre-cum while I was going down on my landlord’s daughter.

And then, all of a sudden, her hands fell off my head. Her moaning stopped. Her legs trembled a little bit. She had an orgasm. I gently pulled my fingers out. Then I went back up. I looked at her satisfied face. I gave her a break. Then I began to kiss her again. We shared some passionate kisses while her hand went up and down on my rock hard dick. It felt nothing but good. I enjoyed every stroke she gave me. Then she squeezed my balls. She looked me in the eyes while one of her hands was crushing my balls: “Fuck me. Fuck me good.”

I went in position. I pressed my dick against her dripping wet pussy. Then my rock hard dick went inside her needy hole. Her pussy wrapping herself around my dick, it felt nothing but good. I went in gentle, I gave her a few gentle thrusts before I turned up the pace.

I fucked her hard and deep. I gave her one thrust after the other. It didn’t took long and our moaning was filling the room. My dick sliding in and out of her, it felt nothing but good. It didn’t took long and we lost ourselves. We lost track of everything, all that mattered for the two of us was the sensation of my dick sliding in and out of her pussy. We both were in heaven.

I gave her one thrust after the other. Her hands began to grab the skin on my back. Her fingernails opened up my back. The pain was a welcome distraction. It helped me keeping on going. It helped me to keep my cum inside her while I gave her one thrust after the other.

But nothing lasts forever. I was close to an orgasm and luckily so was she. Just a couple of thrusts left in me. One followed the other. Then one last hard and deep one. Boom, my balls unloaded themselves. She came shortly after me. Our bodies were trembling. Two fireworks went of in two heads. Two sweaty bodies were collapsing next to each other. Enjoying the hormone cocktail in their bloodstream while regaining their breaths. Yes, it was an awesome fuck. And probably one of the best first times I ever had in my whole damn life so far.

Once we were ourselves again we cuddled next to each other on her sofa. Just feeling the other one next to you wile looking each other in the eyes. While sharing a few gentle kisses. While gently touching each others bodies.

Meanwhile it got late. And to be honest I got tired. As soon as the sexual tension had left my body I began to feel sleepy. It was the same for her. So we decided to call it a day. She handed me a fresh toothbrush then she took a quick shower. She was done showering when I was done brushing my teeth. Now I took a shower while she was brushing hers. We finished in about the same moment and then we went to bed together.

Not bother to put on any clothes at all. We kissed each other goodnight. I spooned her and we both vanished into dreamland.


1 comment

  1. Yay! you changed it up and left out “bringing your fingers into the game” !

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