College memory I return to often [MF]

Long time lurker, but figured why not become a first time poster and write up a memory from college that I think about a lot, partially because it was hot and partially because it was a little bit strange. My sophomore year, a bunch of my friends (but not me) lived in the “party dorm,” this big, old, kind of decaying building on a hill. The school ended up redoing it my senior year and turning it into something that sort of felt like a hotel, but at the time it was quasi-lawless. The main room we hung out in was on the second floor, where we drank, drank more, smoked weed, played loud music and just generally caused a bunch of ruckus to basically no pushback.

Anyway, in the basement of this dorm was the student music venue, a dark, low-ceilinged room that became jungle-level humid during concerts and dances. You’d go in there, you couldn’t see anything, you couldn’t hear anyone talking over the music and you could drink the air…amazing. One weekend in the winter, there was a dance in there and, as per usual, my friends and I played aggressive drinking games in my friends’ room on the second floor and then went down to the dance. So I was pretty loaded and I ended up dancing with this girl who I kind of knew, Karen. Karen was a pretty tall, strong girl two years ahead of me, on the rugby team; she had blonde hair, a decent body and, to be honest, sort of a plain face. Just a normal looking girl. And, very importantly, she was not just my friends on the second floor’s neighbor, but she was also their RA. Now, granted she had done basically zero RA stuff, but she was still the person whose job it was, nominally at least, to tell us to stop partying.

Karen and I danced (humped?) for a little bit before deciding to go upstairs. On our way up, she made clear that she 100% knew what we were up to and she didn’t care to bust us, but we should attempt to be slightly more discreet. I lamely agreed. We got up to her room and set to making out on her bed. Before long our clothes came off and we were both completely naked. She looked good, honestly–athletic, with smallish, perky tits and a pretty thick ass. I started rubbing her trimmed pussy, running my index finger up and down her slit as she stood in front of me. She enjoyed that, so I kept at it while she lightly stroked my by now very hard cock. After a while, I asked her if she had a condom; she did and I rubbered up. She asked if she could go to the bathroom and I acquiesced.

So she walks off, I’m sitting there in a condom with a hard dick, getting excited to have sex with Karen and it was at this point that her roommate, Klara, opened the door and walked in. I knew Klara a bit better and was pretty attracted to her. She was tall, thin and kind of angular. She was on the swim team and you could tell she had a nice body, with perky tits and a flat stomach. I sort of lamely covered myself with a pillow and mumbled something. Klara sort of giggled at me and said that she should leave. This part is a real regret of mine, one of those moments you go back to where you’d do something completely different if you had another shot. In real life, I sat there in silence with a pillow on my lap and waited for Karen to get back, but I wish I had made a pass at Klara and tried to swing it into a threesome. I don’t really think Klara’s that kind of girl, but I did think she had a mild crush on me and that Karen might’ve been down for it. Karen was on the rugby team and those girls were more or less all crazy (in a fun way, of course). So, who knows? Might’ve worked, might not have, but wish I had given it a shot.

Back in the real world, Karen comes back. She says to me–and I remember this very clearly–“I’m going to give you the best blowjob of your life.” I’m excited and she gets to work on my condom-covered dick. This was the first and to this point only time in my entire life that I’ve gotten a blowjob with a condom on. In retrospect, pretty random, considering her big talk. Anyway, she sucks my dick and she’s pretty good. Not the best I’ve ever had, but pretty good, especially considering I was wearing a condom. Eventually, I come and get out of there (to go next door and smoke weed with my dumb friends).

Another regret at this point is that I didn’t get her phone number or ever make it happen again. It was, bizarre-roommate walk-in aside, the whole vibe was fun and relaxed and I got the sense that Karen would’ve been an amazing fuck. As it was, we more or less never spoke again, she never got me and my friends in trouble and I think she now lives in Australia.



  1. Hilarious story. Def need more real stories like this. So many of the posts on this forum just seem completely made up.

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