Boyfriend encouraged me [F] to tease his friend a little bit more.

I previously wrote about how my boyfriend encouraged me to tease his friends. That was the first time doing it, and since then, had lead to some other scenarios. This situation was one that really turned me on, and turns me on to think about now.

This happened only a few months ago. Prior to this, I did have a few chances to mildly tease with encouragement of course. However, this was really taking it to the next level.

One of our friends, we’ll call him Justin, was someone we didn’t see as often as the others, as the result he traveled all the time for work. When we did see him it was always out somewhere in a group setting. Justin was a real catch and I’ve always felt attracted to him, and enjoyed the mild flirting and stolen glances I’d catch from him.

This was a Saturday night and my boyfriend was going to watch a UFC fight. We were originally going to have a few people over, including Justin, but there was a Covid outbreak in our group so we decided to cancel and just stay in. Justin let us know he was going to hang out with his brother but he may stop by sometime later in the evening.

It had been a pretty standard Saturday for us, we went out, had dinner, and did some grocery shopping. We didn’t really discuss Justin coming over that evening. I was wearing a tank top, and pajama shorts as we weren’t really planning on company. My boyfriend started off rubbing my feet and soon after I was just in my tank top and panties as my boyfriend and I were starting to fool around. It was around 10:30 when my boyfriends phone rang that interrupted us. I heard him and it sounded like Justin wanted to stop by after all.

I remained on the couch hoping it wouldn’t be for a little bit so my boyfriend and I could at least have some fun. Justin was already on the way and would be here in 10 minutes. I stood up to go get changed and my boyfriend held me up. He suggested it would be hot it I stayed dressed as is in my tank top and panties. I immediately shot him down at first because there was really nothing left to the imagination. The tank top was loose and my nipples were solid. I had boy shorts on that were a little snug and I had a little spot from being wet.

However my boyfriend pulled me into him and started kissing and touching me telling me how hot it would and insisted that I wanted to do
it too. He mustn’t have been wrong because I quickly started loving the sound of it. I told myself it was the wine combined with being extremely turned on and my boyfriend being so into it, but I suddenly couldn’t wait for him to show up.

My boyfriend and I continued to make out and he fingered me up until we heard his car in the driveway. At my boyfriend insistence because he had a raging hard on, he said I should answer the door. I quickly adjusted myself as best as I could and answered the door. As soon as Justin stepped in for a hug I could tell
he was slightly taken back and awkwardly hugged me trying to maintain eye contact. I made a forced comment apologizing but I felt too comfortable to change

I lead him to the living room and he grabbed a seat on the couch next to my boyfriend. I saw on the chair perpendicular to the couch “Indian style” and pretended to play on my phone while watching both Justin and my boyfriend unable to stop looking at me. This went on all night with the few times I offered to get them a few drinks. I knew he was checking out my ass every time I got up.

I couldn’t believe how horny this was making me just sitting there in front of his friend like that. I also couldn’t believe how comfortable o got with it the whole thing. I found myself adjusting frequently so my tits would be poking out of my tank and my panties were visible while sitting.

It was a little after 12 when he finally announced he was leaving and I knew my boyfriend and I were going to have sex as soon as the door closed. I volunteered to walk Justin to the door and made sure I was in front of him so he can look at my ass. I went to hug him goodbye and lingered for a minute and kissed his check. I felt his hands on my lower back and graze against my ass as he dropped them.

Although it was minor and possibly accidental it sent a shock through me and I stood there somewhat frozen and leaned in to hug him again. He must have sensed a tension there because he hugged me again and placed his hands lower just above my ass. Before I finally stepped away he gave my ass a quick squeeze and laughed and apologized but he couldn’t help it. I was fighting the urge to wrap my leg around him and kiss him but was able to maintain control until he left.

I kept that small moment between us while my boyfriend and I immediately started talking about the night and then having sex.



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