A lie had me humiliated in front of my new friends. [F/FFMMM] [21-26] [Humilation] [First time] [Lost bet]

So, for a visual, I’m 19, female, 5’5 and kind of tiny. I barely fill out a C cup and am pretty thin with dark hair. With that out of the way, a few months back I was walking in the park when it snowed around where I live and met a group of guys and gals throwing snowballs at each other. Happy to have some social interaction, I asked if I could join and got absolutely creamed by them. The boys didn’t hit me hard but my fucking god the girls did not hold back. One just kind of tossed them at me and laughed, but the others seemed to be going for blood.

An hour later and me freezing my ass of being soaked in freezing wet snow from head to toe we exchanged numbers and I went back to my flat and warmed up to a hot cup of tea and watching my shows.

Fast forward to last weekend and one of the girls invited me to come hang out. Now, I’m usually very happy with my alone time during the weekend but I had been reading far too many lovely stories on here and honestly, really wanted to get railed and my fuck buddy down the hall was gone for the weekend. I agreed and figured nothing would happen but wanted to be daring. A friend I talked to said I should go in a mid skirt with long socks, a plug in my ass, tight shirt and a big coat and tuck panties in my coat if it was too much. It didn’t help I had basically been edging all morning.

So sure. What the hell. Why not? I wanted to make new friends and why not be a bit daring? I had been trying to get into it more and more and she was a pretty big help in that so, I did. Feeling the cool air blow up my dress against me, reminding me that I was bare as I walked was kind of nerve wracking. I kept thinking there’s no way they would know, it’s not a big deal, don’t worry about it. Over and over and over again in my head.

This big guy greeted me at the door, it was his flat. Jeff, tall, black short hair, dumb looking, eyed me down and up and smiled, welcoming me in. For a brief moment in my head I thought he knew, he knew I wasn’t wearing panties and I had a plug in. I felt my cheeks heat up not just because it was warmer in the room but thinking about him announcing I was here, then lifting my skirt to everyone to let the world know my perverted little secret.

He didn’t. But it was hard to focus.

Jeff took my coat, the gentleman, and I suddenly felt self-conscious about the fact I was in a tank top with no bra which was very obvious and now my nipples were poking through like they needed air. Fuck. He didn’t say anything though, I saw his eyes stick to my tits then the big guy walked me in, introducing me to everyone and I took a careful seat on a chair to the side of them making sure I didn’t flash anyone. Jeff took a seat in a big chair and they chatted about something I was out of the loop on.

Everyone was wearing jeans and a shirt. Not identical, but I was clearly different from them. Amanda was this blond that sat next to me in another chair. Sporting tight blue jeans, a thick black belt and a black shirt with a band on it. She had no issue looking me over and smiled. Looking at her and Jessica, a quiet girl that dyed her hair blond with a cute nose and a pink shirt and also blue jeans, I could see the outline of their bras.

I had a hard time paying attention thinking about how bare I felt compared to them, the plug I had in me was making sure I was well aware of it and I was dressed so differently than they were. Even my hair, back in a pony tail, was different to their loose shoulder length casual style.

My friend texted me, asking how it was going and as I was replying sent me several lewds that really hit my kinks. The fucking bitch had no idea if someone could see my phone and I had to pull my phone back a moment to try and respond and ignore this chick getting fucked hard against the couch. Amanda looked over at me from my caution and then fucking tried to see my screen.

Just how stupid and exposed and risky this all was had been getting to me too. I had been learning about how much I love exhibition and this was checking all the boxes. Surrounded by people, I stood out, my fucking nipples wouldn’t stop poking through my thin as fuck tank top and I could feel how wet I wasn’t just getting, but I felt soaked.

She got the hint, raised a brow at me and went back to talking to the guys. The conversation was kind of boring, but I tried to talk, eager to make friends, Jeff was a gent of a host and fetched drinks which was nice. My ass glued to my chair out of fear of leaving a wet spot. I didn’t know what to do about that, every time I moved the plug wiggled and I was seriously having a hard time thinking.

Texting my friend didn’t help either, told her what’s going on and how it was nice but kind of boring and she fucking texted me talking about how much I would love it if they just had their perverted way with me, the girls stripping me down and showing me off for the boys, holding me down as they fucked me to their satisfaction.

The conversation had changed to the guys bragging about sex. And their dicks, how many they fucked. I don’t know how but they managed to turn sex talk into an actual turn off and it helped me get my senses. Fucking finally. All I have wanted to do was fuck myself with my vibrator at home until I came and I was able to listen and try to figure them out.

I tried to start small talk with Amanda and Jessica, I complimented their outfits which was genuine, I don’t know why but they talked about mine and I said I was wearing leggings. I don’t know why, The socks went way up my thigh so I could lift my skirt a bit and say they were leggings but, yeah, lied. I don’t know what came over me but now…

Now they were asking how they didn’t look like leggings. Amanda even reached over to pull up my skirt a bit saying, “Really?” And didn’t go further thank fucking god but then they talked about. I doubled down and Jessica was like, “I guess? That’s a weird thing to lie about.”

This got the guys attention, Jeff catching me with a question, “Are you wearing a bra?” There was no way I could lie about that, it was clear I wasn’t and said no. My heart raced though, I secretly wished Amanda would call me out on the leggings and ask me to prove it or something but she didn’t. It would be so humiliating, in front of basically strangers, if I lifted my skirt they would surely demand to lift it high enough to know for sure they were in fact, leggings.

Then Jeff asked, “Are you wearing panties?”

No, they were in my coat that he took and hung up and just said, “Yes.” And my heart pounded in my chest. My cheeks heated and fuck fuck fuck I was soaked. My cunt ached so damn much in that moment.

“Prove it.” He drank his beer, “I don’t think you are.” Everyone, everyone had their eyes on me. The only one not wearing a shirt and jeans. The new girl. My mind hazed trying to figure out how the fuck I could get out of this when Amanda chimed in to back off with the sex talk.

Jessica damn her spoke up, “I mean, she’s wearing leggings and panties it’s easy to prove right?”

Oh my fucking god. At this point I think Amanda figured me out, but Jessica was fucking right and now I just looked stupid and a liar. So I did what any, smart, sensible person would do. “Wanna bet that on that?”

Yes that’s right. Like a dumb fucking slut too horny to think straight I upped the stakes. Hoping, hoping I could either make such a stupid deal out of it that it’ll drop or I raise the stakes enough where he’ll back down.

He thought about it too, looking at me and the girls then me again with a smile. Fuck he knew. There’s no way he knew. I’m fucking myself with a plug in front of them there is no way he knew any of that. He nodded and said, “Yeah, bet you 20 you’re not.”

Wasn’t going to cut it. This needed to risk something more than money. “How about you dance like a chicken in your underwear for us.” Okay good, it was stupid and he would look stupid and my heart was pounding in my ears and against the chair. I was so nervous it was hard to keep my hands from shaking.

Jeff however laughed, “If you aren’t, you have to get us drinks in the underwear you’re not wearing.” He had me there.

“You’ll serve us drinks in your underwear and do whatever we say.” My heart pounded. I didn’t realize just how bad I fucked up until after I said it. What I had just agreed to and Jeff struck me as a guy who would do it for fun. Not just a dare, but just fucking around.

The bastard raised his beer and said, “Back at you, deal. Now prove it.”

I swear my heart was going to beat out of my chest. I froze, what the fuck could I do? Just walk out? Amanda said it needed to stop, this was dumb but Jessica said I made the bet and would like to see Jeff act like a chicken and stuff. At some moment though, the room got quiet and they all looked at me and they all realized I was lying my ass off.

I tried to think of making the excuse to go to the bathroom but it would look silly getting my panties from my coat first. As I sat there, looking stupid, so fucking stupid and horny and dumb, Jessica reached over and started lifting my skirt.

No one said a word as it went higher, and higher. Like pealing away a sheet from the bed and seeing your lover there, naked, ready for you, she was revealing to everyone that not only was I not wearing leggings, but no panties either. My knees were closed so they couldn’t really see anything, but when Jeff really saw this, he laughed hard and so did the boys.

I hoped they would just let it go, I hoped they would make me suffer for it. But Jessica damn her stood up and had me stand and said, “You lost the bet.” Then lifted my shirt up, up, over my tits then against my armpits, I wanted to be a brat about it secretly hoping to be punished for it and she just pulled it up, forcing my hands up and tossing it to the side. She then pulled down my skirt and left my socks on.

Somehow, I felt more naked with my thigh high socks like that, reminding me how naked I was. Standing nude. Jeff pointing out how wet I was. I could feel it too, against my thighs, I wasn’t just drenched but my thighs were wet too.

Jessica though wasn’t done, she stood behind me and gave my ass a slap then laughed, “Guys! She’s wearing a plug!” And I wish the world gobbled me up that very moment. She spun me around and bent me over to show me off. I was too mentally shocked about it to know what to do and just stood there, hearing them laugh.

Jeff clapped his hands and told me to fetch them all beers and I quietly obeyed. Jessica took my cloths and kept them near her. Amanda not saying a word. I don’t know if she was pissed or what but how she looked down at me hurt.

For the next 30 minutes they had me strut around the flat like their own personal toy. I danced like a fucking chicken on the table for them and they wouldn’t stop laughing. It such a blur. At some point I had bent over every lap except Amanda’s for some kind of fuck up and spanked and fingered. Jessica fucked me with the plug and slapped my cunt for them. She even had me spread my legs and talk out of my pussy like it was a fucking puppet. Their hand felt every inch of me as I obeyed them and did as I was told.

Amanda tried to put the breaks on it all but both Jeff and Jessica doubled down on the bet and how I need to stop lying from now on and had the bright idea that I should suck them off. I wanted them to fuck me, I was so fucking horny drunk that I just wanted to get railed. I hated and loved it. It was so conflicting. But Jessica, fucking Jessica wasn’t just happy about the idea, she wanted to use my head to fuck the boys dicks. I loved and hated her.

Jeff was the first to go, he didn’t give a shit either, told me to do all the work pulling his dick out and Jessica just did the rest. She had me lick his balls clean and suck and then pushed me down hard. He actually wasn’t that big, but I acted like I was gagging on it. He was over quick haha. He talked big about lasting hours in bed earlier and somehow I felt like I beat him here.

The fat guy was really shy about it and I felt bad for him. I don’t even know if he even had a girlfriend, and now he has me with his friend using me as a toy for him. He was really nervous and said he was okay and I honestly felt bad for him in the moment.

Jessica however didn’t seem to care. She just snarked at him about how he needs to grow up and then it was the next guys turn. Who had been pretty quiet, smaller than Jeff and shy. I honestly hoped he had some kind of monster cock or something to shut Jeff up but nope. He did have a nice dick though and it was clean. He also didn’t smell like ass which was really nice.

I did my best to make sure he lasted longer though and started rubbing myself as I sucked him off so I could brag about him lasting longer but it was close. He came so suddenly and fast that I gagged a moment trying to set up to swallow right without choking. Jessica had been a bit nicer with him and made me lick him clean after and let me cum, kneeling between his knees.

That finally had everything wind down enough where Jessica gave back my cloths and we all kind of had a laugh about it. It seemed so surreal what just happened and I had a lot of questions but really I just wanted to head home and cum until I passed out.

So hopefully I made new friends and they invite me over next time. I told them I had fun if we can hangout again sometime and they seemed happy, well, except Amanda, the one who invited me over. So I don’t know. We’ll see.

I hope you all liked it. I just, had to write about it and all you lovely people seem to have such amazing stories and I’m happy to hopefully add to it. I’m sorry it was so long haha.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/10xf3v1/a_lie_had_me_humiliated_in_front_of_my_new

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