I once gave two brothers blowjobs in the same day, and one of them fucked me [MF]

I did this two years ago I think. They were going to have a party, and one of them asked me to help him get some food and drinks for it. We went shopping early in the day and after we were done we hung out for a bit. That’s when we hooked up and I sucked his cock. He let me take my time and really enjoy myself. It ended up laying nearly 45 minutes because I took my time. Normally I would have swallowed his cum, but he wanted it on my tits. So when he was close I pulled my top down and jerked him off onto me. He came so much. After that I want home to shower and change for the party. Later that night I hooked up with the other brother. He wanted to show me his new car, so we went for a quick ride, then we hooked up. I sucked his cock in the backseat, he didn’t last long at all and I swallowed his cum. Then he had me on my hands and knees and he fucked me so hard. He left marks on my hips from how hard he was fucking me. And I really loved it. He came inside me and after he pulled out I cleaned up his cock with my mouth. Then we went back to the party.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10w7bba/i_once_gave_two_brothers_blowjobs_in_the_same_day


  1. could you elaborate more on the part of how u guys hooked up?? like what conversation did u have before it just happened because its not just random as he is your brother

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