A Caged Bimbo Bambi Makes The Perfect Bet (m/f 30s, gaslighting & girl in a cage)

Waking up in my cage, I felt like I was the luckiest Bimbo in the World. It was my first time getting to sleep at my Master’s feet like that, and knowing that he bought me a cage, and let me sleep under his bed…! Well, as a Bimbo I knew I had done my job. He wanted to be sure my wet and waiting pussy was always within an arms reach from him. He needed to keep me in restraints because he knew Bimbos have the tendency to wander. I felt truly cared for for the first time in my Bimbo Life.

My musings were soon interrupted by the sounds of Sarah telling Derek all about the very disturbing dream she’d had the night before. “It’s just like it’s happening all over again, Derek. It’s so real…” she said and tried helplessly to continue before he hushed her persistently into a silence. Bambi could hear her swallowing back sobs as Derek began to softly speak in a measured voice.

“It’s not real though my love. It was just a dream. Listen, I’ve been meaning to bring this up and I guess I should have sooner, but you haven’t been taking your medication my dear. You missed your last three doses.”

A brief but pronounced silence resonated within the room, until the bed shifted suddenly and Sarah spoke in a cry. “I have been taking it though! I have! You KNOW that I have! You saw me take it before bed, remember? Don’t you remember?” Her crying started to intensify and her wailing began to fill the room. “I know that I took it Derek, I know that I did. Please believe me…. Please… I don’t want to take any more…”

Derek let out a big exaggerated sigh and spoke firmly with a surprising burst of volume that shook even Bambi locked safely away in her cage.

“Sarah, you better listen to me now and listen to me good. Calm down right this second. You know this is unacceptable behaviour and I won’t tolerate it. I’m only going to tell you this once.” Master’s threat must have been effective as Sarah’s raw wailing immediately tempered down into a quiet whimper. Derek’s voice then changed into one of smooth buttery reassurance.

“I’m sorry baby,” he began, “I’m sorry I had to raise my voice with you. But what you are saying simply isn’t true and I have to tell you that you aren’t acting right. I took your pills from you so we could avoid having this argument; don’t you remember that?”

I could only hear silence, and then another deep sigh as Derek continued.

“It’s okay baby, it’s okay, I can see that you don’t remember, but that’s exactly why your memory can’t be trusted; that’s exactly why you need your pills! Look how confused you are. So you need to trust me when I tell you that it’s time for your medicine Sarah. You’re going to feel so much better once you take them. And we can remember that you took them together this time, OK?”

There was a long drawn out pause, and I knew Sarah well enough to sense that she was calculating how to best talk back, but before she could get out any words I heard the bed creak as Derek rolled on top of her. A pill bottle rattled distinctly and then all I could make out was what sounded like a long deep drink and large gulp as Derek began to coo at her.

“Thank you honey. You’re such a Good Girl. You’re my Special Good Girl Sarah. You’re going to feel so good now baby, I promise.” I heard a muffled little gasp as Master penetrated her sharply and began pumping his cock into my friend slowly, making the bed groan above me as he continued to speak gently to her while his dick fucked her methodically.

“That’s right Sarah, that’s right. Just be a Good Girl and keep doing what I tell you to do. You’ll be OK, you’ll be OK. Let’s try to put a baby in you now. I think you just need my cum in your tummy honey. Let’s make you a Mommy now, huh? Would you like that baby?”

I heard Sarah squeal with delight and submission at this suggestion and I thought to myself how this was the so-called “making love” I was once so jealous of, this listless and empty mechanical motion meant to reassure a directionless wannabe Bimbo and propagate the nuclear family. It lasted no more than 5 minutes at most and when it slowed to its mournful and sterile end, Sarah got up to take a shower and wash the sweat and cum off her body.

The moment the sound of water came out of the bathroom, Bambi felt her cage get ripped out from under the bed with a violent motion, as her Master unlocked its gate and lifted her out for one quick Bimbo ride. He had just long enough to pump her full of cum before Sarah was finished in the bathroom.

His cock was engorged with cum now as it could only sputter out a few forced drops for his sad, sorry excuse of a Bimbo named Sarah. It was thick and dripping cum for me of course, and as he railed it deep and hard into my Bimbo Body I could feel his balls continue to produce more and more semen for me as Sarah’s shower seemed to go on for ages. How was she ever going to be a Mother when all of Derek’s cum belonged to me now?

As soon as the sound of water stopped coming from the bathroom, Master forced his throbbing cock out of me. It was too bad because he still had more cum to put inside of me that morning. I could feel that his body still had so much more to give. However we could hear Sarah humming to herself as she got dressed so Master unlocked the dildos in the corner of my cage and took two out. “You’ve been good,” he said simply and quietly.

He pulled the ball gag out of my mouth and before I could take a breath, inserted one of the dildos so deep that it hit the very back of my throat. He then pushed me down back into my cage and stuck the other dildo into my dripping and achey pussy. “It’s almost time for school,” he said as he locked up my cage and stuck his Bambi Bimbo Doll back under the bed.

From my blog: https://bambisleepbimbobrainwash.wpcomstaging.com. Last time I made some empty threat about not posting for awhile (I know the community was devastated) but I forgot that I still had this story before any bad(der) stuff starts. Please consider reading & supporting my blog, thank you!!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/10w8nui/a_caged_bimbo_bambi_makes_the_perfect_bet_mf_30s

1 comment

  1. Ah shit… title was supposed to be Perfect Pet guys, but yknow, Bet works well enough too haha

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