I took a Religious Woman’s Virginity part 1 [M] [F]

So this happened late 2019 early 2020, I was dating an extremely religious woman for was 23 I was 25 at the time. She didn’t want to have sex before she got married, but she was very open to other avenues. Shorter brunette hair, beautiful curvy body. Perfect D cup breasts and a lovely ass. Now our first date was very normal. We went to a sports bar, watched a Packer game and went back to her house. We got there, and we started making out on her couch. When I started to move forward she stopped me. And said she couldn’t go any further. I figured the first date, no big deal so we went back to just making out. And I went home later.

Next date was very similar, made a move to take it to the next step and she stopped me again. This time she explained it to me. She said she couldnt have sex before she got married, that she wanted to save herself for her would be husband. I said okay well we don’t have to have sex we can do other stuff. She gave me this puzzled look. I was confused by her look and she explained further that she hadn’t really done anything with a guy besides kiss. My eyes lit up, I told her so you get to explore your sexual side with me. She gave me a little smile and blushed real hard. I leaned in and kissed her very passionately. She pulled back, pulling her head up. I started to kiss her neck, I heard her let out a breath and shiver.

I could feel her hand on the back of my neck, my hands started to roam where they ended up unbuttoning her blouse. Exposing her bra, a beautiful white lace bra with an intricate design. I looked at her and said, don’t tell me you didn’t want me to see this. She smiled and undid the clasp. She let it drop revealing the most beautiful breast ive seen to this day. I started to kiss her down her neck to her chest and slowly suck and lick on her nipples. More shivers, and I could feel goosebumps forming on her skin. This only gets me more turned on so i give one of her nipples a little bite, she let out a little yelp. I stopped myself and looked up at her, she gasped don’t stop.

I didn’t flip her so she was sitting in front of me basically in my lap. My hands wandered to her pants line. I paused to let her adjust, she looked back at me and smirked, so I plunged my hand into her yoga pants immediately finding her pussy soaking wet. I slowly inserted one finger and felt how tight she was. I ran my finger slowly in and out along to the top of her pussy. I could feel her shaking her hands grabbing at whatever she could. Breathing slowly and deep I slipped a second finger in and she let out another gasp. She was so tight, I could barely contain myself. My second hand started to pull her yoga pants off. She pulled them off herself and stood up, and pulled me into the bedroom.

She laid down on her beautiful white bedspread and her tan skin stood out against the white sheets. She spread her legs as I climbed on top of her. She pulled my shirt off so she could feel the skin on skin. I started kissing her, I could see the fire behind her eyes. I started to finger her again, as I made my way down her body. I stopped just above her pussy and looked up at her, she gave a nervous nod and I started to lick her clit, I could feel the trembling and the shakes I was causing. I let it get to my head a bit. I felt her cum on my tongue and fingers again and again. After about 45 minutes I came up and laid next to her. She passed out on my chest.

Ill probably need a part 2

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10unatt/i_took_a_religious_womans_virginity_part_1_m_f


  1. Without the code block.

    So this happened late 2019 early 2020, i was dating an extremely religious woman for was 23 i was 25 at the time. She didn’t want to have sex before she got married, but she was very open to other avenues. Shorter brunette hair, beautiful curvy body. Perfect d cup breasts and a lovely ass. Now our first date was very normal. We went to a sports bar, watched a packer game and went back to her house. We got there, and we started making out on her couch. When i started to move forward she stopped me. And said she couldn’t go any further. I figured the first date, no big deal so we went back to just making out. And i went home later.

    Next date was very similar, made a move to take it to the next step and she stopped me again. This time she explained it to me. She said she couldnt have sex before she got married, that she wanted to save herself for her would be husband. I said okay well we don’t have to have sex we can do other stuff. She gave me this puzzled look. I was confused by her look and she explained further that she hadn’t really done anything with a guy besides kiss. My eyes lit up, i told her so you get to explore your sexual side with me. She gave me a little smile and blushed real hard. I leaned in and kissed her very passionately. She pulled back, pulling her head up. I started to kiss her neck, i heard her let out a breath and shiver.

    I could feel her hand on the back of my neck, my hands started to roam where they ended up unbuttoning her blouse. Exposing her bra, a beautiful white lace bra with an intricate design. I looked at her and said, don’t tell me you didn’t want me to see this. She smiled and undid the clasp. She let it drop revealing the most beautiful breast ive seen to this day. I started to kiss her down her neck to her chest and slowly suck and lick on her nipples. More shivers, and i could feel goosebumps forming on her skin. This only gets me more turned on so i give one of her nipples a little bite, she let out a little yelp. I stopped myself and looked up at her, she gasped dont stop.

    I didnt flip her so she was sitting in front of me basically in my lap. My hands wandered to her pants line. I paused to let her adjust, she looked back at me and smirked, so i plunged my hand into her yoga pants immediately finding her pussy soaking wet. I slowly inserted one finger and felt how tight she was. I ran my finger slowly in and out along to the top of her pussy. I could feel her shaking her hands grabbing at whatever she could. Breathing slowly and deep i slipped a second finger in and she let out another gasp. She was so tight, i could barely contain myself. My second hand started to pull her yoga pants off. She pulled them off herself and stood up, and pulled me into the bedroom.

    She laid down on her beautiful white bedspread and her tan skin stood out against the white sheets. She spread her legs as i climbed on top of her. She pulled my shirt off so she could feel the skin on skin. I started kissing her, i could see the fire behind her eyes. I started to finger her again, as i made my way down her body. I stopped just above her pussy and looked up at her, she gave a nervous nod and i started to lick her clit, i could feel the trembling and the shakes i was causing. I let it get to my head a bit. I felt her cum on my tongue and fingers again and again. After about 45 minutes i came up and laid next to her. She passed out on my chest.

    Ill probably need a part 2

  2. Man you left out on the best part! I want every detail of that 45 mins 😩 part 2 pls~

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