[F40][NSFW][Dildo] Is ChatGPT a threat to writers? I had to try it out:

Is ChatGPT a threat to writers, I had to try it out:
“Write a 5000 word, erotic short story, in the first person, from the standpoint of a female called June, aged 40, she tries out a dildo, in the style of the book “Nice in June’ by David Timmsdale.”

June had been married for 15 years and had two children who were now in their teens and starting to spread their wings. Whilst this was a great cause for celebration for any family, it didn’t bring June the same joy that it may have done to others. Her marriage had been in a rut for so many years and it left her feeling unfulfilled and alone. Her husband had been too busy with work and other commitments to really show her any attention and it had taken away any connection they may have still had.It had been a long time since June had been intimate with anyone and she had grown to accept her boring, sexless marriage. But, she was still a woman with needs and she was determined not to let them go unsatisfied any longer. She had heard about sex toys and how they could be used to bring pleasure and satisfaction, so she decided to take the plunge and buy one.June had never owned a sex toy before and she was both excited and scared as she entered the store. She couldn’t help but feel like a fish out of water, as she nervously perused the aisles filled with items that she had no idea how to use. After much deliberation, she settled on a dildo, something she felt would be the most appropriate for a first timer like her. Armed with her new purchase, she ran back home to try it out in the privacy of her own bedroom.Once in her bedroom, June nervously shut the door and turned off the lights. She felt strange and a little scared, so she decided to take things slowly and just appreciate the sensation of touching and feeling the toy for the first time. She rubbed her fingertips across the smoothness of it and felt her body warming up in anticipation. June started to experiment and explore the different ways in which the dildo could bring her pleasure. She started by running it over her nipples, and then moved to rub it across her clitoris, before eventually easing it inside her. With each subtle movement, her body quivered with delight. She felt as if she was on a roller coaster of pleasure, as every single nerve ending in her body came alive.June added some lubricant to the dildo and then she pushed it inside her with more confidence. She found a rhythm that worked for her and soon she felt herself reaching the peak of pleasure. She threw her head back and closed her eyes, savouring every single moment, until her breathing returned to normal and the waves of orgasmic pleasure came to a close.June felt satisfied and relieved that she had managed to find a way to satisfy her needs without having to rely on someone else. From that moment on, the dildo became a firm favourite of hers and it became her go-to tool for pleasure. June had finally broken free from her boring sexless marriage and she felt like she had a whole new lease of life.This newfound appreciation for pleasure inspired June to explore her sexuality further. She began trying out different things with her dildo, such as different speeds and angles. She read more books and blogs about sex and how to make it more enjoyable, and before long she realised that she had an appetite for sexual adventure that she never knew existed.June’s liberation through the use of her dildo was a blessing. It allowed her to step out of her shell and become confident and comfortable in her own skin. It gave her the courage to explore her own sexuality in ways that she had never dreamed of, and it awakened her to the pleasure that can be found outside of a relationship. She no longer felt alone and lonely. Instead, she felt empowered and liberated. June thanked her dildo for allowing her to step out of her comfort zone and explore her own pleasure. She was grateful for this newfound freedom and partner in crime. She couldn’t wait to see where her newfound sexual liberation would take her. June smiled to herself, knowing that whilst there was still plenty of nice in June, she’d found a little bit of naughty too.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/10tyh8n/f40nsfwdildo_is_chatgpt_a_threat_to_writers_i_had

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