[mind control] [scandalous] There’s something sinister about scheming against your older sister, but when you’re Irish twins rivalries naturally burn hot.

*This is a continuation of a [story I started recently](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10qcvkw/mind_control_wetting_the_first_time_it_happened_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). You don’t have to read the original, but it does contain a couple mild spoilers.*

There’s something sinister about scheming against your older sister, but when you’re Irish twins rivalries naturally burn hot. We had bickered since before memory; I was always upset Rachel got everything first and she bore increasing resentment for what I got away with. For all that she complained about me, it was time to show Rachel just how much I could get away with. If all went to plan, I’d be stealing home plate.

See, it all started a month ago when I was going to the theater with my friend Sasha. I had touched her and snapped, and suddenly I was the one driving – both the car and Sasha. My entire mental existence was placed in Sasha’s toned out volleyball body while hers sat in limbo. Only her muscles remembered the experience, being sore in all sorts of places you wouldn’t expect from simply watching a comedy flick.

Since that day I had decided to spend all my time exploring my new found power: all I had to do was make physical contact and snap. It left me with minimal control over my body and complete control over my target’s. To them I was a higher being, making free use of all of their physical form. Returning required the same touch and snap. There did not seem to be any time constraints, although I had not pushed it past two hours at the theater.

I made myself a few rules. One, no kids. Just.. no. Two, only hotties. Why should a sacred spirit bestow their blessings on anything less? Three, no drinking or sleeping. I wasn’t sure if I would be pushed back out and float forever in some void, but I wasn’t about to find out.

It felt limitless, but at the same time incredibly hard to use. But I had to try. My first experiment came without forethought: a stranger at the grocery store. Her fashionista outfit was banging, and I could just imagine how fun it would be strutting around in her black leather miniskirt and matching purse. Maybe even pick out some vegetables.

I bumped into her intentionally. More than bumped, I snapped my fingers. Like last time it happened instantly.

Suddenly everything felt uptight. My bra was pulling hard against my breasts, pushing them up and giving them no room to wiggle. My blouse constrained my shoulders, limiting how I could move my arms. My skirt kept my legs locked together and a thong stretched tight against both creases.

I quickly realized this was going to be a short test drive. Leaving my body staring blankly at macaroni and cheese would cause problems. No time to go pick out a delicious cucumber. Unless..

With great concentration, I was able to walk both of us outside. Now which car was hers? I fumbled into her purse. Surely she had keys, right? Oh, now that’s interesting. I pulled out a tube that was the size of a lipstick container but was much heavier. Giving it a twist, it started buzzing. Maybe later. Finding the keys, I hurriedly walked down the parking lot in the baby steps my skirt and stilettos allowed. I deposited my body in the passenger seat of her hunter green Infiniti QX60.

Now for some fun. I intended to go back into the store, but just then a college guy in an untucked white button up whistled at me. “Hey baby, want a good time? What’s your name?” Crass. Did that ever work?

Today it would.

“I’m not telling,” more like I didn’t know. “You’d have to pound it out of me,” I winked at him.

“Name the place sweetheart.” He stepped up to me. Why did I always fall for the bold ones?

“Tell you what. Let’s play a little game. You pick a color, and if you’re right I’ll let you try.” I put my hand on my hip.

“Color of what?” He raised an eyebrow, casually running his hand down my arm. It was a rather cool day for the summer.. but I was warming up.

“Something supportive, holding up two rather impressive specimens of feminine beauty.” I used my best stuffy model impression to run one hand across my chest.

“Hmm.. black?” It was a fair guess, matching my blouse.

How the hell should I know what color bra I was wearing? “Let’s find out.” I unbuttoned the top of my blouse, one snap at a time. The shirt being so tight it eagerly opened with each one. With four undone my bra was visible. It was Ferrari red, with elegant lace patterns dancing around. I was as surprised as him to find that each cup had sheer eye slits across the middle, where a sheer material made my nipples red tinted more than hide them. Man, this chick fucks. He was star struck.

“Pounding is off, but I might have other ways of taking care of you.” I did one button back up. A woman showing too much cleavage in a grocery store parking lot is slutty. One showing her nipples is a whore.

“Let’s try again. This time something intimate…” I leaned closer, whispering in his ear. “..covering something wet.”

“Hmmm.. black.” It was a fair guess, matching my skirt. “Am I right?”

I bit my lip, then put both hands up my skirt. I pulled down the thong, sighing in relief as it popped out from between my cheeks. It was red, of course, to match the bra. Except for the front, which I had made dark red. I stepped out of it.

“Aww, too bad.” I handed him “my” underwear. In broad daylight. This chick was such a slut, surely he should play again.

“One more game, if you’re right I’ll let you have a little taste. Am I shaved?” A softball question, to be sure.

“Yes,” he said, and I wasn’t sure if he was guessing or wishing.

“Let’s find out. Where is your car?” I followed him to a black Ford Fusion. I climbed into the back seat. I pressed my back against the far side car door, hiking my skirt to around my belly, sitting bare assed on his car seat. He climbed in after me.

I spread my legs, with one foot stretched out against the driver’s seat and the other against the rear seat head rest. I slouched down, giving him a straight on view of the sweet spot. I’d never shown a boy my privates, and now I supposed I still hadn’t. It felt scandalous, making this other person spread eagle for a stranger. Naughty, knowing I could do whatever I wanted with her.

I looked down. A pretty little landing strip formed an arrow, pointing right to the doorway of her love tunnel. My love tunnel, for now. And boy was it an entrance. Inner and outer labia flopping out, with my excitement caused this fine lady’s cave to be hot and dank.

“Wrong again, and here I thought the third time was the charm.” I grinned at the boy as I reached into the purse, pulling out the self pleasure device I’d found earlier. “Well you can do yourself or whatever, I’ve got a date.” I flipped it on and without preamble pressed it right against the largest engorged clit I’ve ever seen.

It was fucking glorious, watching his face as I got myself off. He stared, then unzipped and sort of handled himself, but he had no erection and none was forthcoming. He seemed galled as my breath quickened and my hands took pleasure discovering my new body, and all the sensations it held.

“I’m so close, its too bad you’re colorblind!” He was furious then. He jumped me, pushing his soft member against my love monster. I cackled in his ear, grabbing him and grinding against it. Her pussy would be raw from the zipper tomorrow, but my only concern was getting drunk on power. And then I had an idea.

With his floppy cock against my pussy, I didn’t have to make any effort other than snapping. Suddenly we changed places. I looked down at the sultry vixen below me, then down further at the cock I had just obtained. We had swapped bodies and it was madness.

She looked at me with the eyes of a startled boy as my love lust caused my penis to grow into a rod. I used it on him gladly. I pressed it inside her, which took minimal effort with such an open and eager vagina. I pulled back, then thrust in again. And again. With the speed which only youth and unconcerned superiority can provide.

I’m not sure what he thought about being railed, but damn did having boy parts feel good. And a minute later, I felt the intense squeezing and irresistible need to cum. I shot my load inside him, well her vagina anyway. My dick pulsed sticky fluid inside as I thought about how to get back to myself.

I wasn’t sure if I had to hop back to her before myself but I did anyway. I scrambled back to her car, with the cum I shot inside her oozing out and down my legs. Before snapping back to my own body I pulled my skirt down to my ankles in case I had to run away. I snapped.

It was odd, looking at a woman who was suddenly realizing she was not only exposed, but also cream pied. I screamed, not because I was scared but because I wanted no part or blame from her reconciliation.

I was certain my plan would work now, I just needed to test one more thing.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10tyupo/mind_control_scandalous_theres_something_sinister


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