I went on my honeymoon with a woman who wasn’t my wife [M/F 20s] [oral] [sex]

“…and here you are sir, the Honeymoon Suite.” The bellhop swings open the door and proudly waves for us to walk inside, to review it’s luxury.

I flash Allie an awkward grin. She smiles, on the cusp of a giggle that’s been threatening release the whole flight down to Mexico, the whole van ride over to the resort. She pulls her shiny golden-framed sunglasses down and steps inside, surveying the space.

I follow her, the bellhop trailing behind me with the cart.

The room is expansive and well-furnished, with big bright windows on the far side. A full kitchen, living room, separate bedroom, with two balconies — facing different directions — one of which has a private hot tub.

As Allie walks up to a window, the bellhop leans in conspiratorially, his hand out for a tip. “You’re a very lucky man, sir.” He grins and nods at her with a knowing wink.

She slides open the door and steps out on the living room balcony, taking in the bright white beaches and sapphire ocean waters, boats and pleasurecraft dotting the horizon. The breeze picks at the strands of her platinum blonde hair, tugging them free from her wicker hat, wisping them across her yellow sun dress. She leans into the banister and peers down at the resort’s pool deck below, her butt to us, thick and round. Hints of a black thong show through the fabric of her dress.

I blush, force a quiet laugh. “Err, yeah, thanks.” I press some cash into the bellhop’s hand, and he turns to leave. He pauses at the door, turning to steal another glimpse of Allie. He winks at me, and then her and I are alone in the suite.

“So, um,” I say loudly, so my voice will carry out the door, “You can have the bedroom. I think the couch here folds down–”

Allie turns and comes back inside. “Huh? I couldn’t hear you, Lucas.” She’s incredibly cute, with pronounced cheekbones and piercing blue eyes.

“I was just saying, I’ll sleep here. You get the bedroom.”

She shrugs and tilts her head to the side. “If that’s what you want.” She grabs her suitcase, rolls it through the arched doorway. “What do you want to do first?”

Want to do? I don’t want to do anything… Tears well up on my face, and I wipe them off, force myself to put on a happy face. “There’s still a few hours before dinner,” I announce, “I was thinking of, uh, checking out the pools, I guess.” I set out the luggage rack next to the coffee table and zip open my bag. My bright blue-and-lighter-blue swim trunks are on top, the ones Kathleen gave me. I grimace.

“Care if I come with?” Allie’s voice echoes out from the bedroom amid the shuffling sounds of unpacking.

“Yeah, sure, if you want,” I say distractedly.

I hear her giggle. “Lucas. Of course I want.”

## ## ##

I lay back on the plastic slats of the lounge chair, the headrest tilted up only to the first notch. The afternoon sun does its best to dry me, yet water still drips down into my towel. Allie’s on the next lounger over, basking under the shade of a parasol, face in a book. Her white one-piece swimsuit clings to her slender frame, to the swell of her chest. The material draws out the pale white skin of her long limbs, and I force myself to turn away, to not ogle.

“How were the pools?” she says, not looking up from her book.

“Pretty fantastic, actually,” I say, “I was like a big kid up there, going down that waterslide over and over again.”

She chuckles. “Was that you whooping and hollering?”

“Sure was.”

She turns at glances at me, flashes me a grin. “Glad to see you unwinding a little, you’ve been so mopey. I mean, I understand why, but still. Nice to see you having fun, you know?”

I look away, embarrassed. “Err, thanks.”

“I got you a drink, by the way. Do you like pina coladas?” She nods at a plastic cup sitting on the small round table. It’s filled with a caramel-colored liquid and ice, a little slice of pineapple stuck to the brim. Two cups sit next to it, similar but empty.

Pina colada’s not my go-to, but I’m thirsty and thankful for the distraction. I guzzle it down.

“I also made reservations for dinner, at that fancy restaurant underneath the lobby?”

I set the empty cup down and close my eyes. “Nice. You meet someone?”

“Huh? No. For you and me.”

“Oh, uh. You didn’t have to do that.”

“Whaddya mean? They’re giving us a private table. It’s our honeymoon, after all.” She bursts into laughter at her own joke, then catches herself and goes quickly somber. “Plus, it’ll be good for you.”

I grimace.

Another round of pina coladas later, Allie announces. “C’mon, let’s go back to the room and get ready for dinner.”

“I thought it’s not for, like, two hours?”

“I need time to shower and do my makeup.”

I follow her back to the suite. “Look,” I say, “I appreciate what you’re doing for me. And I know I’m sad and all, but I’m still just processing, you know? I need time.”

She grins knowingly and slips into her bedroom, calling back through the doorway. “What am I doing for you, Lucas?”

“Encouraging me to, you know, do stuff.”

“To do stuff…” she echoes. I hear the patter of her feet on the bathroom tile, and then quiet rush of the shower. “I’m just being selfish, you realize?” she calls out.

“What do you mean?”

“I can’t hear you, come closer.”

I frown and step into her room. The bathroom was always going to a challenge. It’s large and marbled and luxurious, but there’s only one and it’s through the bedroom. I stop at the threshold and turn to face the vanity, away from the shower, and repeat myself, “What do you mean, you’re being selfish?”

The click and clatter of a soap bottle rings out. “I mean, I’m on this trip with you, and I want to have a good time. Not spend all day being sad. So don’t think I’m doing anything for you, ok?”

I scratch my head. “I don’t see the distinction.”

“Look,” Allie says, “It’s fucked up, what happened with Kathleen. But I don’t really know y’all. Are you enjoying the view?”

“Huh?” I’d been looking at myself in the mirror. But my eyes slide over, and beyond the shoulder of my reflection, I realize to my horror, is a perfect view of the shower. And through the steamy glass is Allie, naked and soapy, hot water streaming down her lithe form. Our eyes meet. “Ohmigod!” I blush, hiding my face as I dash away. “I’m sorry!”

“Get your ass back in here!”

“What? No!”

“Yes, right now,” Allie insists, “You’ve already seen me. Don’t make me come out there and drag you in here.”

I squeeze my eyes shut and stumble my way in to the bathroom.

“No,” she says, “What are you? Twelve. Open your eyes.”

I do, but I look away, gaze fixed to the floor. “I’m sorry,” I say again, “I didn’t mean to– I wasn’t even looking at you, really. I didn’t realize I even had a view of the–”

“Lucas,” she cuts me off, “Shut up.”


“And take your shorts off.”


“Fair’s fair. You saw me naked. Now I want to see some dick.”

“Really?” my voice squeaks.

“Yes really.”

“Uh… ok…” I struggle at the drawstring, fighting to untie the knot.

“Stop pussyfooting around and get them off already.”

I whimper. I grab my shorts by the waistband and shove them down, drawstring still tied, squeezing them down past my hips. As they make it past and fall to the floor, my dick pops out like it’s spring-loaded, at a totally inappropriate partial chub. I will it to behave itself.

“Nice,” she giggles.

“Can I go now?”



“Get in here.”

“Get in… where?”

“In here, you idiot. In the shower.”

I frown, look side to side. “But you’re in there.”

“Yeah,” she says dryly, “That’s the fucking point.”

“Oh,” I swallow. “Oh.”

I only met Allie a week ago. I was over at my sister Laura’s apartment, feeling sorry for myself. “Kathleen is such a bitch,” Laura said, “I can’t believe her.”

“Don’t call her that,” I said, “She’s just… confused.”

“Confused my ass,” Laura sneered, refilling our wine glasses. “You know, I never liked her, right? I can’t believe… only the day before the wedding. Who does that? Good fucking luck getting your deposits back.”

“I mean,” I said, “If it wasn’t right, at least we know now, and I’m not having to get a divorce a few years down the line…”

“No,” my sister cut in, “Stop justifying her selfishness. You’re supposed to feel mad. If Kathleen was actually kind or honest, she shouldn’t have agreed to marry you in the first plcae. Or she would have at least ended things sooner than this.”

I shook my head at Laura and chuckled. “Since when are you so protective of me?”

“Lucas, you may be a dork and an asshole. But you’re still my little brother. Family comes first. Isn’t that right, Allie?” She sipped from her glass.

Laura’s cute friend grinned at me from across the table, her blonde hair shimmering. “This girl ditched you at the altar?”

I sighed. “Not quite that dramatic…”

“So she waited until all your family was in town to tear your little heart out…” she shook her head. “That’s pretty fucked up.” She gave me a pitying look.

I drained my wine. All of Laura’s friends were hot, that’s just the circle Laura traveled in, and Allie was no exception. I’d never met her before, but I figured the only reason a hot girl like her was talking me was because of this drama. I didn’t need her pity. “No, it’s–” tears betrayed me, suddenly springing from my eyes, streaking down my face. So much for not being pathetic.

Laura was polite enough to draw attention away. “The real fucked up thing is, Allie, that the hotel for the honeymoon? That nice one down in Cancun? They just charged him the full amount yesterday. Too late to refund.”

Allie held out her glass for a refill. “Well, shit. No reason you still can’t go, Lucas. Cancun is fun to visit. You should do it.”

“What? By myself?” I was wiping away tears. “Yeah, that’s real fun.”

Laura obliged, opening a new bottle and topping up our glasses. “No, she’s right. You should go, Lucas. It’s a resort, you might meet someone there. Find a hottie to fuck away your misery.”

“I don’t… I don’t even…”

“Nah, who am I kidding?” Laura scoffed, “You don’t know how to pick up girls. Kathleen did all the asking, didn’t she? But they still got zip lines and kayaks and stuff.”

I wiped away a fresh set of tears. And then, an idea popped into my head. “You should come with me, be my wingman. Winggirl. Wingwoman. Whatever.”

“No, Lucas,” Laura chuckled, shaking her head, “I’m not going with you on your honeymoon. That’s weird.”

“Oh, come on,” I said, “You were just saying how much fun it is there. Please?”

“No!” Laura scowled, “I feel bad for you and all, but ask someone else. Ask one of your dorky little friends.”

I don’t know why I said it, maybe it was all the wine, or maybe it was the flirty grin on her face, but I turned to Laura’s friend. “Allie, do you want to go with me to Mexico?”

“Jesus, Lucas,” Laura rolled her eyes, “Not her–”

But Allie giggled and shrugged. “Sure.”

I blinked. “Huh?”

Laura frowned. “Yeah, what? Are you joking?”

“No,” Allie shrugged again, “Not joking. I can take time off whenever, my boss doesn’t care. And, hell, free trip to a tropical resort? Why would I turn that down?”

Laura’s hands slammed down on the table and she leaned in close to her friend. “Because it’s with my dorky-ass brother? That’s why?”

“Aww,” Allie grinned, eyeing me up and down, “He’s not that bad. Plus, you heard him, he needs a winggirl.”

“You can’t be serious.” Laura’s eyes were wide.

But Allie was serious, and a week after meeting her, I saw her for the second time in my life as she climbed out of a car at the airport. We changed the ticket over at the counter, and it was surreal, I barely knew what to say to her. On the flight, Allie sat next to me with a cheerful smile, reading her book, and I wondered how awkward this week was going to be.

And as I step my naked ass into the shower with this hot girl, the warm water running in rivulets down the curves of her sexy self, I had never dared let myself consider possible that I’d be the recipient of Allie’s affections.

I swing the glass door closed behind me, fussing with the seal to make sure water doesn’t leak out.

“Lucas,” she says.


“Relax. I’m harmless.”

I turn, and we make eye contact. Her grin remains friendly and pleasant as she takes my hand and places it on her breast. It’s warm and heavy and fills my palm. Automatically, I squeeze.

Her grin spreads.

I suck back a whimper as I look down. Her breasts stand perfectly from her chest, pert and full. Her skin is porcelain, shiny and flawless and pale. Her belly is flat, her waist narrow. I dare look even lower, past her round hips and between her legs. A pink and puffy pussy awaits, taut and waxed bare.

My breath catches, comes ragged.

“Do you think I’m hot?” she says.

My voice is barely more than a whisper. “Oh yes.”

“Hot enough to make you forget about ole’ what’s-her-name?”

The sting of Kathleen’s rejection rushes back in. “I–” I bring my free hand up, squeeze both of Allie’s breasts at the same time. I push the sting back out. “Yes,” I nod.

“Good,” Allie grins, reaching forward and wrapping her fingers around my shaft. There’s soap on her hand, and as she rubs it into my cock, I spring fully erect within three silky, powerful strokes. “For this trip to work,” she says, “There’s a few things you need know about me.”

I shudder and whimper as her fist pumps my cock. “Oh?” I have to force the syllable out.

“Yeah.” Her hand slides down, cups my balls. “Number one. I love giving head. Going down on a guy is just so much fun — the way you all act like I’ve just handed you a winning lottery ticket — I love seeing that look on your face.”

I gulp down a breath. “And number two?”

“I forget the rest.” She drops to her knees and looks up at me, the head of my cock inches from her lips. For once, she’s not grinning. No, her expression is deadly serious and seriously sexy, and my cock throbs in her grip.

The water runs down me, rinsing the soap away as her hands work my shaft. Now there’s erections, and there’s erections, and Allie’s definitely giving me the latter. My dick surges thick and fat and veiny, my head swollen and flush. My cock hasn’t been this hard in I don’t know how long — Kathleen and I hadn’t fucked much since we’d gotten engaged, I guess it was a tell-tale sign — and all this attention is making me dizzy.

Allie sticks out her tongue and slides it over the head of my dick. “Who woulda guessed that Laura’s little brother has such a fat fucking cock?” She kisses the tip, rubbing it against her soft, plush lips. “Do you want to cum in my mouth?”

I whimper.

“Or on my face?”

My mouth opens and closes before I speak. I try again, “Oh fuck yes…”

He grin returns. “That’s what I thought.” She licks from the base of my cock to the tip, then back. Her lips wrap around my shaved balls, sucking them into her mouth while her tongue dances around them, teasing them. She pops them free, only to suck them back in. My shaft rubs on her nose, against her cheek, over her eyes, and her gaze doesn’t leave mine.

I moan and place my hand on her scalp, petting her, running my fingers through her blonde hair. “You’re so sexy…”

She giggles, “Thanks,” and then my cock is in her mouth, her lips wrapped tight around my shaft. A wet gurgling sound comes from her throat each time she takes my cock in, bumping my head against the back of her mouth. She slides her lips back down my girth, stopping when they’re pursed around my glans, her tongue running wicked orbits around me.

She starts slow, taunting me with pleasure, each motion getting me off but leaving me knowing that even more awaits. I want it, I need it all, and my desperation shows on my face.

“Yes!” she exclaims, sucking down a breath while her fists takes a turn on my shaft, “That’s the look, exactly.”

I whimper and guide her face back down. She obliges, sucking on my cock with a building tempo and increasing fervor. It is divine, what Allie’s doing to my dick, and I want it to last forever. But I know I can’t. I try to draw it out, to distract myself, but I don’t want to. I don’t want to look away, to think about anything other than Allie’s lips and tongue and smile and eyes…

She knows. She pulls her face off my cock and squeezes my balls in one smooth motion. I pant as she strokes my shaft with a powerful grip, my glans against her tongue, her mouth open and waiting.

I hold on as long as I can, clinging to the edge. Yet it is inevitable, my orgasm. My balls clench, my cock throbs, I groan loud and low. The heights of pleasure explode inside me as cum sprays from my cock, jet after thick jet. I coat Allie’s face, the sperm sticky and deep on her cheek, her nose, her lips. It drips into her eye. She doesn’t mind. Her fist continues to milk me dry, to pump the spunk from me, now oozing onto her tongue.

I collapse against the wall, light-headed, ears roaring, deep in bliss.

She licks her lips and swallows. “How’d I do?” she grins up at me, my seed resisting the water’s attempts to wash it away.

“Holy fuck,” I moan, struggling to catch my breath, staring at her in awe. Seeing her like this… it’s filthy, it’s nasty, it’s beautiful.

She laughs. “Here. Let’s clean up and go grab some dinner, ok?”

I nod dumbly. “Uh-huh.”

We take turns washing. I watch Allie dry her hair and put on makeup, seeing for the first time how graceful and sexy are all her little movements. When I step from the shower, she’s leaning over the counter putting on lipstick, towel wrapped around her.

I yank her towel to the floor and run my hand down her back, stopping at her ass. I squeeze, groping her butt.

She gasps, looking at me in the mirror with eyes wide.

I kneel behind her and bury my face in her ass, licking her pussy.

“Oh!” she gasps again as my tongue slides between her lips and up into her sex. She leans over further, sticking out her butt, giving me easier access. “Oh, fuck! I didn’t… yes! Like that!”

She oozes with arousal sweet as honey. I slurp her down. My fingers dig into her ass, kneading her and squeezing her, loving every bit of the sensation. Her skin is hot and soft in my hands, her pucker taut and tempting. I slide a finger near to see how she reacts. She practically shoves herself onto it, moaning as it presses into her.

“Fuck me!” she begs, spreading her ass cheeks.

My cock — I don’t know how it got stiff again so soon, but it did. I stand and push my thumb in her ass as I guide my dick into her pussy.

She yelps as I drive myself into her, tensing and welcoming me in at the same time. I shove her into the counter, her makeup scattering and bouncing down the marble surface. I’ve never felt pussy so wet and so tight, and something snaps. Unleashed is the animal in me, and my growl becomes a roar as I grab Allie’s hips and fuck her like I’ve never fucked before. I hold nothing back, relentlessly pounding the full length of my shaft into her over and over and over, plunging into her until my balls slap against her.

She gasps and writhes beneath me, head turned to the side as her cheek presses into the counter. Her hands scramble for a grip, for some way to brace herself, but there’s nothing. “Fuck!” she cries out, “Fuck me! Fuck me…”

I push down on the small of her back, pinning her in place, enjoying the pleasure, letting it takes its time. In the shower, the whole blowjob lasted maybe five minutes, so desperate was I to cum. But now I’m not on such a hair-trigger, and although I pound her hard, I draw things out.

“You’re making me cum…” she whimpers, her body shuddering, her ass spasming.

And yet still I fuck her, relentless and ruthless, driven by the profound bestial need. All my frustration and anger and pain pour into my thrusts, all of my adolescent years of lusting after Laura’s hot friends while they teased and belittled me, all of my intense attraction to this beautiful woman. Her pussy clenches around my cock, urging it to fulfill its biological mission and pump her sex full of my virile semen.

And still I fuck her, not yet ready, not yet feeling complete in my domination of her, of her total subservience to the needs of my dick.

I wrap an arm around her, pull her to my chest, pinch her nipple hard. She gasps, her eyes wild, yet finding mine in the mirror. I see it, the look in her eye, the willingness to do whatever I say.

I lift one of her legs, brace it against the counter. She arches her back as my cock ravages her from the new angle.

Then I lift her other leg, suspending her in mid-air, using her own weight to fuck her deep. She clings to me, her hair splaying in my face as she scrambles for purchase. In the mirror, I watch my cock penetrate her, stretching her pussy wide anew with each thrust, her clit swollen and rubbing against my shaft.

“Grab my balls,” I hiss.

She reaches down, her fist closing around them.

I groan in pleasure, and then, suddenly, I’m there, orgasming. My cock twitches wildly, spasmodically, filling her pussy as her fist massages my balls dry. I’ve just cum, but my dick remains stiff as it as ever was, and I start thrusting again, watching my spunk smear from her pussy and down my shaft.

Allie shimmies free from my grip, panting as she finds her footing. She curls her body against mine, her fist again on my cock, her lips soft against my cheek. “Holy fuck, Lucas. Where did that come from?”

I shake my head. “I don’t know.”

We’re late to dinner, but the maitre d’ gives us a knowing wink. “Newleyweds, enjoying your honeymoon. I held your table, of course.” We give him weak grins, it must be obvious from our demeanor what we’ve been up to.

Allie sits across from me, fucking stunning in her black dress. “You look good,” I say, letting her see me appraise her, any bashfulness long forgotten.

She grins. “So do you.” Her eyes sparkle.

“The, um, sex–”

She giggles. “What about it?”

“It wasn’t… err, too much?”

The waiter shows up, drops off a pair of maragaritas and some chips.

Allie sips hers. “You kidding?”

“No, I don’t know, I…” I sip mine, “I’ve never done, err, like that before.”

She shoots me a careful look. “Don’t let it be the last time.”

When we get back to the room, I go down on her again, this time properly, making her climax with my face between her thighs. We fuck after that, nice and slow, with her on top riding me cowgirl style. I don’t sleep on the couch. She wakes me the next morning with a handjob, and after a quick visit to the breakfast buffet, we spend the rest of the day in the suite, going from the bed to the shower to the hot tub and back again. I fuck her in every hole she has, cumming so much my balls literally run dry, and when my dick runs limp I use my tongue. I’ve never had so much sex in my life, and I’ve no idea where I find so much stamina.

The rest of that week, it doesn’t get old, the sex with Allie. I keep thinking I’ll stop fucking her when I grow tired of it, but I don’t grow tired of it.

“I’m not bad for a rebound, am I?” Allie says. It’s the last night, we fly home tomorrow. I’ve got my hands folded behind my head, my balls covered in her spit. My cock, like it’s been for so much of the stay, is bulging stiff. She bats at it playfully.

“This has been the best time of my life,” I mutter, “Now, suck on it.”

“Oh, shut up,” she bats it the other direction, “That’s just your boner talking.”

“You’ve fucked my brains out,” I say, “My boner is all I have left.”

She giggles and wraps her lips around my sac, sucking my balls.

I whimper. “Please…”

“Alright,” she says, “Since you’ve asked so nicely.” And then she’s blowing me, sucking me like an expert, by now knowing exactly how to best get me off, how to draw it out.

“Ohh…” I moan, “Holy fuck…”

A half-hour later I’m cumming in her mouth. She shows me my spunk, letting it dip down her tongue before sucking it back in and swallowing.

I whimper and motion her to lay with me. She snuggles into my shoulder, running a fingertip around my chest.

The question has been bouncing around my head, each day with an increased acuteness. And finally it blurts out. “What happens when we go back home?”

“Nothing,” she says, “You’re a fun fuck, Lucas, but we’re not dating or anything.”

“Yeah, I know, but–”

“But nothing. You literally just went through a messy breakup. I didn’t come with you thinking I’d your rebound lay. I mean, I guess I knew it was possible, but it really wasn’t my plan. So that’s all it is, some meaningless sex to get you through a rough time.”

“I don’t know how to have meaningless sex.”

“You think you like me, Lucas, but that’s just the rejection talking. Believe me, you’ll look back at this in a few weeks or a month and you’ll understand.”

“Oh… ok,” I try to do what she says. “Can we, well, fuck again?”

“Lucas, once we get home, we probably shouldn’t–”

“No, I mean right now.”

Allie’s jaw drops. “You are the horniest guy I’ve ever met.” But she swings across me, straddling my chest. My fingers find her clit and start massaging. “Holy fuck…” she moans.

## ## ##

It’s two days later and I’m back at Laura’s apartment, sitting on the same chair at the same table holding the same wine glass.

Laura frowns as she pours wine. “So,” she says.


Laura’s frown intensifies. “How was it?”

“Uh, it was fine.”

“’Fine,’” Laura echoes incredulously. “You two got along ok, then?”

“I, um, yeah.”

Laura glares at me, a frown so intense it’s like her entire face is contorting. I know this look, know what’s coming. She says, “You hooked up with her, didn’t you?”


“Jesus, Lucas,” Laura shakes her head, “Well, good for you. Allie’s out of your league, but good for you.”

“She’s pretty.”

“Probably helped you stop thinking about Kathleen, though, right?”

“Who?” We laugh.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/10ssgm9/i_went_on_my_honeymoon_with_a_woman_who_wasnt_my


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