Shared Pt. 1 [FMM] [19-21] [Threesome, Tension]

The noise of the bar created an almost claustrophobic effect, overlapping voices speaking over eachother and shouting across tables, incomprehensible among the crowd unless it was your ear they were talking into.

Visually, it was a honeyed blur of browns and blacks with the occasional burst of colour from a dress or bright cocktail, a cozy, but busy mess of shapes that all melded into one in the peripheral vision of the girl waiting at the bar. 

Clara leant forward, heels rising ever so slightly off the ground, trying to catch the eye of the painfully slow bartender who seemed unmotivated by the clamouring, impatient row of students. The tired man’s eyes finally lock with her own greys for a second, before flicking down to the small girls chest. He’d guiltily avert his gaze a second later, asking her what she wanted, but in that second he couldn’t help but drink in the nineteen year old’s pale, freckled skin as she smiled back at him eagerly.

Petite, dainty, sleight. Those were the kind of words people used to describe the cute law student. When they were trying to flirt anyway, which was the case tonight. Perky little breasts pushed against the tight material of her white, lacy crop top, visibly braless. The crop top showed off a tight, fit tummy above a pair of black fishnets riding high under some black shorts and big boots for the cold. She was dressed sexy tonight. Deliberately so, but the cheerful smiling face and short red hair made her seem more cute than anything else.

“Don’t worry, you can get me back later. I got this one.” A voice from above her left shoulder as an arm reaches across and pays for her drink with a tap. Packed in tight, she can feel the frame of the young man behind her, pressed up against the cute redhead. His hand alights on her waist , a little apprehensively. 

“I’ll bring them over, Luke’s about to lose our seats.”

His name was Cian… or maybe Liam? She hadn’t heard him properly the first time and was more than a little buzzed. 

“Aww thank you!” She artificially raises the pitch of her voice as she turns to smile up at him and dances away through the crowd, mounting the tall stool at the table she was sharing with the two boys and watching as Cian raised the two drinks over his head to get them through the crowd. She’d lost her friends within about thirty minutes, but that was fine. If they were worried, they hadn’t messaged her, and she was more than happy to just fall in with a few strangers and find her fun there.

Having settled into her seat, she uncrossed and recrossed her legs, a tiny smile teasing the corners of her mouth as she watches Luke fight the urge to look. She’d ended up talking with the two of them while she was waiting for her last drink. ‘Cian’ had made a joke about the noisy, coked up lad ahead of them who was elbowing people out of the way and she’d ended up settling at an empty table with them. 

Cian was tall, a little lanky, with short, straight dark hair and the beginnings of a beard, as well as a black jacket over a grey button up shirt. He was a little more confident than Luke, who was an inch shorter but a little more muscular, with blonde hair slicked back and a clean shaven appearance with a tight white t-shirt and jeans.

They’d been friendly, but she could tell. Where their eyes wanted to go whenever she turned in her seat or leant forward to hear better, that though they weren’t brave enough to push it, there was that dim hope in the backs of their minds that the pretty girl they’d lucked into talking to might want to go home with one of them. 

“Did your friends ever get back to you?” Luke made an attempt to keep the conversation going. 

“Nope.” She takes her drink as Cian arrives and sips. She’d never messaged them in the first place. “Theyre probably gone, so I guess you’re stuck with me.” She laughs.

“Hey, we’re not complaining.”

“Aww I’m flattered.” She places an exaggerated hand on her cheek and feigns shock for a second before giggling. “I’m worth a drink to keep around?” 

“What happened to getting me one back?” Cian jokes.

“What happened to being a gentleman?” Was her sarcastic reply. “Besides I’m leaving after this one.”

Both their shoulders visibly dropped a centimete , hinting at their inner disappointment. 

“Aww, you’re heading home?” It was cute, how sincerely sad they seemed. “I was only joking about the drink.”

She smiles and sips her cocktail down to halfway. 


“Depends on what?” 

“On if you boys are okay with sharing.”

“Sharing…?” They’re bith leaning in, their larger frames dwarfing the smaller girl, faces eager. She should probably have dragged out the tease longer, but she was sick of beating around the bush. 

“Me.” She replied matter of factly.”

There’s a moment of shocked pause, but only a moment. 

She can feel the hunger, that desperate, sweaty desire, she sees them lean forward an extra degree, maybe to make sure they’d heard the pretty student correctly, maybe to re-evaluate her pale, smooth curves with their eyes.

“Sounds good to me.” Luke almost immediately replies. Quickly enough, and definitively enough that they had to have already discussed this. 

“If you’re sure you can keep both of us entertained at once.” Cian teases.

“Mm” she takes extra care putting her red lips around the thick paper straw this time, grey ayes flicking between the two captivated young men. “I wouldn’t dress like this in zero degree weather if I’m not slutting out. I think I can handle you two pretty easy. Maybe you’ll keep *me* occupied when I’ve tired Luke out, huh?” She winks with a heavily makeupped eye.

“Or will you make an effort to surprise me?”

She finishes her drink , pushing it away from herself and the boys abandon their unfinished pints. 

“You two live close right?”



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