My Graduation Night [M39/F22] [Age-gap] [Short-story]

How I learned I only need to fuck older men.


Dr. Wallace had been my academic advisor since freshman year and while at first there was a lot of tension between us due to him being a hard ass and me being free-spirited, we ended up bonding over my college career. He gave me research opportunities, insight on who to network with and wrote me outstanding letters of recommendations to my post-grad colleges. I ended up getting accepted into my school of choice despite my 3.8 GPA.

We became close enough where I invited him to my graduation dinner the night of my ceremony. My family and him were enjoying themselves discussing science, philosophy and how proud of me they were. It was pretty cringe worthy, but after a couple drinks I was joining in. At the end of dinner I felt Dr. Wallace slip his hand on my thigh under the table. My heart stopped and I didn’t know what to think. Dr. Wallace was handsome, there was no doubt about it, with a tall and slender body. But the idea had never seemed to cross my mind due to how close knit our professional relationship was. Once dinner ended we all parted ways and I stopped at the bar for one last hurrah.


As I walk outside to get into my Uber I feel a large hand grasp my shoulder. I look to the right and it was Dr. Wallace.

“Let me take you home, I have my car right around the corner.” Damn he looked good in a button up. I shrugged my shoulders and let out a delicate, “Sure.” A few minutes into the drive I realize he never asked for my address and before we know it we pull up into a driveway leading to a decently beautiful home.

“Mr. Wallace…”

“Harper, I want you to come in. I want to see finally see what your nice body looks like underneath that dress.”

I was in shock and couldn’t move let alone talk. Mr. Wallace had a wife. He had his career. I couldn’t understand what he was doing, but it suddenly made sense. I was no longer a student and I had no idea how his marriage was defined. All the favors he had done for me were not solely out of the goodness of his heart, he had been waiting for the day to fuck me. The signs were there, I was just too wrapped up in my studies and goals to notice his advances.


Mr. Wallace’s hand laid on the small of my back as he led me into his bedroom. The lighting was sexy and somewhat dim. I had never been with a man that was more than three years older than me and the idea of sleeping with him had my mind racing. It happened so quick I couldn’t tell if this is what I wanted. But as he sweetly grabbed my face and looked into my eyes with his charming smile it seemed natural to want to explore him.

His hands explore my hips down to my ass and squeezes me firmly. Our lips meet and I’m engulfed in his tall frame as he carrasses my body. He unzips the back of my dress and as it falls down so do his eyes over my body as my tits, panties and stockings became exposed. “What a nice tight body. Better than I imagined.” He picks me up and lays me onto the bed and pulls off my now sticky panties. He devours himself into my pussy and I came almost immediately with the quickness of his tongue and his fingers gently hitting my g-spot. My body shakes and I’m in awe as I’d never been able to orgasm from oral before. He’s smiling down on me and starts to pull off his shirt. His skin looked older but it he was still quite fit and his confidence in bed exuberated. His lips met mine softly and gently making his way to my sensitive nipples and knew exactly how to treat them. He lays down onto the bed and lifts me on top of him. My entrance lowers down on his cock and I let out a large moan. I slowly start to bounce on his thick cock. He grabs my hips and guides my body placing himself onto my g spot. I start to bounce faster to which he then holds my body in place and fuck me quick and hard. I’m screaming as he hits my g spot roughly over and over again and suddenly I start squirting onto his cock. His smile widens and he holds me still on top of him for a moment admiring my body as I admire his.

“Can I be a little rough, Harper?” I am nervous and excited at the same time and I decide I want him to fuck me exactly the way he sees fit. I trusted him. “Yes,” I let out slightly choked up. He pulled me off of him and set me on all fours, mounting me.

“Say green if you are feeling good, yellow if you need me to slow it down and red if I go too far.”

What? Green, yellow, red. I must have looked tense because he gave me reassuring kisses along my body. His cock pushes against my wet entrance and then quickly thrusting deep inside me. He starts thrusting into me ferociously to the point I can’t hold myself up anymore and I fall flat onto the bed screaming into a pillow. “Green,” I breathe out through my screams. He grabs my hair and wraps it around his hand. He continues to relentlessly fuck me pulling my head up from the bed once and awhile. I feel my legs start to quiver and he stops inside me. He lays on top of me and thrusts slow but deep hitting my cervix each thrust. He grabs my face pulling it to the side, passionately kissing me through my moans. “Such a nice, tight pussy. You’re amazing, Harper.” After several minutes of this he pulls out and flips me onto my back. He grabs my legs and my ass lifts off the bed. He starts to relentlessly fuck me as his thumb carasses my clit. My screams echoing the room and despite how exhausted my body felt I let out another orgasm. I became limp but he continued to hold me up and fuck me like a rag doll. “Is it safe for me to cum inside your pussy, Harper?” He grunts out quickly. “Yes, cum inside me, Dr. Wallace.” I feel his warm cum shoot inside me as he looks down on me, moaning loudly himself. He then slowly fucked his cum deep inside me until nothing was dripping out.


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