[MF] I just found out the girl I’ve been fucking has a boyfriend

So I met this girl in class this semester and we’re lab partners in chemistry. She’s super hot and funny and we really hit it off. A couple weeks into the semester, she invited me to her apartment to work on a lab report we had to do. Admittedly, she’s smarter than I am so she did most of the work while I sat there like an idiot staring at her tits. By then, I was pretty hard and she noticed. She started by teasing me and it didn’t take long until we were taking each other’s clothes off. That was the first time we fucked and we’ve had sex almost every week since (sometimes twice). I mentioned becoming more, but she said that she didn’t want anything serious while she was still young and just wanted to be a fwb.

Things were great until I went to Five Guys for dinner with my roommates a couple nights ago and we happened to run into her. When we walked in the two of them were holding hands and she had her head on his shoulder. She didn’t notice me at first but then I said something to get her attention and I could see she started to panic. I didn’t say anything about it at the time because I didn’t want to cause a scene in public but when I got home that night I messaged her to figure out what was going on. Apparently, the two of them have been dating since the beginning of the summer. I couldn’t believe that we had been fucking each other for two and a half months but yet I never knew she had a boyfriend. She begged me not to say anything and promised to do whatever I say.

Now I’m conflicted. I never wanted to be the “other person” in a relationship and the moral side of me says to end it right now and tell her boyfriend (though I don’t know how I would do that since I don’t even know the guy’s name), but I’d be lying if I said some part of me didn’t find it a bit exciting having her promise to do what I say (and the sex is pretty great too). I’m not sure what I’m going to do moving forward

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zk3in8/mf_i_just_found_out_the_girl_ive_been_fucking_has


  1. Do the right thing.
    you would also expect someone to tell you if this thing happened to you.

  2. happened to me 2 times. women not telling me they had a bf for weeks. told the guys. dont regret it. i would want to know.

  3. While it’s certainly not cool that she is cheating on her boyfriend – you are her FWB, not dating. Unfortunate for you since it sounds like you caught feelings for her. I’ve been in the position of the boyfriend and it sucks. Best thing is to discontinue your arrangement with her. You don’t need to tell the boyfriend – nothing good for you will come of it. Sooner or later he will find out on his own. I wouldn’t take her up on her offer either. Good luck!

  4. tricky situation, i would just walk away, telling the boyfriend might turn nasty or cause more problems!!

  5. Wait until the semester is over. Keep fucking her until then. After you ace the class, drop her and let him know

  6. Keep fucking her. You owe her boyfriend nothing. Try mocking her boyfriend the next time that you fuck her too. Trust me, you will both love it

  7. You are the side chick at this point. You are not considered a romantic interest with a viable future.

    The right thing; break up with her and if you want to warn a brother do it.
    Or – do nothing. Ride it until it’s over.

  8. Seriously?

    You are considering blackmailing her for sex think about that or idk five seconds?

    Also yeah dude if you have to think about doing the right thing, then i suggest taking a hard look in the mirror and thinking about becoming the kinda scumbag who takes option 2

  9. That’s why it’s friends with benefits. Eventually she’ll make the decision either your in or out. In the mean time you’re getting sex with a hot ass babe and your project done.

  10. Keep it a FWB. Boyfriend doesn’t need to know and it’s not your place to tell him. Just enjoy it.

  11. To be fair…dating is casual, in a relationship is..a relationship. Sounds like she wasn’t clear in her definitions and intentions. If the relationship is serious respect that. If she still wants to see you, then it depends on your morality. At the end of the day her relationships isn’t your business or your problem.

  12. Don’t tell her BF. Never ever meddle with others’ relationships, it’ll come and sting you in the ass in ways you’ll never see coming.

    Just end things and walk away.

  13. Tell the guy dog, any brother deserves better than this, you’re both being used

  14. You’re in college. It’s best to live life and enjoy things. Easy come, easy go. Meet her on her terms. If you find someone you like let this one go. Until then you don’t stand to lose anything by getting it once a week or so. She’s the one that’ll lose out of it gets discovered.

  15. You sure got the full range of possible advices on this one. If you ask in /relationship advice you’ll get a higher ratio of ethical to horny replies.

  16. If you wouldn’t want it to happen to you, end it and tell the boyfriend. He deserves to know

  17. I might get down voted for this, but who cares. Keep the fwb relationship going as long as you can. Even after the semester is over.

    You said that the sex is great. Well she did say she didn’t want anything more than fwb. Sir her down and explain that you at one time considered wanting more in a relationship with her. But now we’ll keep it as fwb. No strings attached. Tell her you want it to continue for as long as possible. Even after this semester.

  18. Even by merely writing this post you’ve shown that you’re a thoughtful caring person who’s made of the right stuff.

    You are very young and have the rest of your life to be a boring and morally up standing adult.

    I too was in your position once and took the morale high ground. If I was given my chance again I would have kept thing going.

    Life is too short no to really.

    Don’t waste your youth and the chance to be irresponsible.

  19. Maybe he knows, maybe you can make her do stuff, that’s hot. And they both might also get turn on by it

  20. Honestly dog you guys are young and she’s already cheating so their relationship is never going to last in the adult world. Enjoy some kinky taboo sex then move on to someone ready to give you more of their time than she will.

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