Getting a married mom to squirt on vacation [MF]

Thanks to everyone who has commented on my previous stories or messaged me privately. It’s been fun to share these various encounters with you all and “relive” them via storytelling. The feedback on my week in Cabo has been good, and I thought I’d just finish that off with where I started, our first day and night.

For those who didn’t read the prior editions, easiest background is the first four paragraphs of [this story]( *Go ahead and read those, I’ll give you a couple minutes…*

Okay, so we are dinner and having a good time. It was our first night of vacation, and spirits were good. Almost everyone we were traveling with had come on the plane and were at dinner that evening. When we left the restaurant, someone had the idea to go to a rooftop bar overlooking the water at our hotel. Apparently that was a popular idea to have, as when we got there, there was a surprisingly large number of people gathered.

While we had had drinks at dinner, once we got to the bar, the consumption of alcohol increased rapidly. I’m not a huge drinker, and really haven’t been since college and medical school, but even I was partaking. I think perhaps the celebratory atmosphere, coupled with for many their first real party environment since COVID had shut things down over a year prior dropped inhibitions. The latter factor seemed to apply to many if not most of the other groups there.

As had been my practice the past four or so months, I was basically operating with my head on a swivel. Looking to see if someone was looking, catching a smile and acting on it, and then putting myself out there repeatedly. I did figure though that if I didn’t end up finding a hookup, I could always venture to the marina area where I saw at least three strip clubs on our afternoon walkabout.

As the evening went on, we ended up mingling with a group of women there on a girls’ trip who all appeared to be around my age. I wasn’t totally confident in my prospects though, as it appeared they were all married, so I was still looking for other options. On my way back from the restroom, one of the women in the group grabbed me arm, saying, ‘We thought you left! You should do a shot with us!’ She was mid-30s, with a sort of thick / chubby body. Huge breasts and a big ass, and she definitely was flaunting those two assets with tight pants and a low-cut shirt and push-up bra. Average looks with dirty blonde hair, she pulled me to the bar where the other women had just gotten a round of tequila shots. ‘One more for him please!’ she shouted at the bartender.

When the drinks arrived, she moved right up against me and yelled ‘Salud!’ at the top of her lungs as we all took the shots. She then turned to me and said, ‘Ten years ago, I would have had you take that shot from my cleavage!’ She was definitely laying it on thick here. ‘I’m Jen!’ she said.

‘Jack’ I replied, before following with, ‘Where y’all visiting from?’

‘Carlsbad, near San Diego. Work friends, neighbors, that sort of thing. What about you?’ she asked. I gave her the rundown of why we were there. We were interrupted when several of them ran out to dance and pulled her as well. As she was heading out she said, ‘Aimee – watch our stuff’. I wasn’t quite ready to tie myself to Jen, not to mention I still had on an old pair of thin flip flops I had worn to dinner, and passed to stay at the bar where “Aimee” had also declined to join the group. She was typing out something quickly on her phone, but the length of it looked more like an email than a text. She appeared to be the only one not drinking as well.

‘Trying to get few last emails in late on a Friday?’ I asked. She looked up at me, somewhat startled.

‘Sorry, what was that? I was in a zone.’ As we made eye contact I noted she bore a striking resemblance to Emmy Rossum (to be clear, I am in no way suggesting this actually was Emmy Rossum). Same eyes, same wavy/slightly curly dark hair, same full lips. Really beautiful, mid-30s woman wearing a floral romper.

‘I could tell, you seem pretty busy for 10pm on a Friday night on vacation.’

‘It’s like no one back home can survive without me.’ She replied.

‘Personally or professionally?’

With a laugh, she said, ‘Both! My mother-in-law had to come in to help my husband watch our two-year old. I don’t think I’ll hear the end of that from either of them. And no one at work seems to be able to take initiative on anything without my explicit direction.’

‘Sounds like you need a drink. Not interested in doing shots like your friends?’

‘Tequila and I have a history. We seem to hook up every five years or so for one night, and I make bad decisions.’

‘That sounds like a fun story. You should tell it to me over shots! How long since the last time you and tequila hooked up?’

She laughed again, ‘About five years!’

‘Then we *definitely* need to take a couple shots.

‘Ok, but does it have to be tequila? Just the smell of cheap tequila makes me ill.’

‘Who said anything about cheap?’ I waved at the bartender on the other side of the bar, and as he made his way over I asked her, ‘Are you a plata, reposado, or anejo drinker?’

‘I literally don’t know what any of those are. Are those tequilas? I thought we just established that my only knowledge is that tequila and I don’t get along? But, I’ll try it, so whatever you recommend’

When the bartender arrived in front of us I said, ‘We want to do two shots each of Clase Azul plata, resposado and anejo.’

As he got the shots ready, Aimee looked at me, ‘Three shots each? Oh my god, there’s no way.’

‘Just a sampler to figure out what you like. Drink what you want, and besides, these are sipping tequilas. Let’s start with the plata.’

‘I’ll take your word for it. I feel like the longer its in my mouth, the harder it gets to get it down. Wait, I didn’t mean it to come out like that.’ We both broke into laughter as we grabbed our respective shots of the clear, light tequila. Raising our glasses we did a quick cheers before taking a sip. Aimee started with just a sip before slamming it back. ‘See, I tried sipping, but went with what I know.’

‘What did you think?’

‘Better than I remember, so kudos.’

‘Want to try the reposado?’

‘Sure, but I’m warning you, I’m a lightweight.’

‘Just got slow on the next one.’ I then walked her through the difference between the plata and the reposado. Again, we did a cheers, and this time, Aimee *almost* managed to sip it, but ended up downing half of it. ‘Care to share on your every-five-year bad decisions?’

‘Oh my god, so, let’s see, five years ago, went out with friends for my 30th birthday and ended up getting a tattoo that I would *never* have gotten sober.’

Looking at her in the romper, I didn’t see any tattoos, so naturally I asked, ‘Where’s the tattoo?’

‘Ha! That’s not something the public gets to see.’ She replied. *Intriguing I thought…* ‘And then 5 years before that, I actually came down here for my bachelorette party and did a wet t-shirt contest and lost, because of course you have to have boobs to win. And then when I was 20, I ended up having a one-night stand with a guy I met at a bar on Cinco de Mayo. So, yeah, bad decisions all around.’

I held up my glass, ‘To bad decisions!’ She echoed my toast and clinked glasses with me, but rather than sipping, tossed back the rest of the shot.

‘Ok, and the third one is what?’

‘Anejo, aged 25 months in whiskey casks. Definitely for sipping. Sniff it first, you can smell the difference in it’ Aimee brought it up to her mouth and nose and inhaled.

‘Hmm, that’s different. Okay, I can the see appeal to these. To new things’ she toasted.

‘To new things and new people’ I replied.

We sipped the añejo and Aimee said, ‘Hmmm, I think I liked the one before better. This one is a little strong tasting.’ We continued to sip as we talked a little more about what we both did. I learned she did something in finance that I don’t totally recall, but apparently had an important job that required her to be available. I told her I knew what that was like from being on-call from time-to-time.

Our chat was interrupted by the other women returning from the dance floor. ‘Aimee! You’re drinking! Does that mean work is done? Yayy!!’ one of them shouted.

Jen then asked the bartender for another round of shots for everyone. I passed on it, and Aimee tried, but Jen was insistent. ‘No, Aimee, you’re always the goody two-shoes, you’re doing shots with us!’ The waiter brought out another round of cheaper tequila shots and the women all slammed them. Aimee made a face and mouthed to me, “Ewww, that was *not* good.” When Jen ordered *another* round, Aimee again got my attention mouthing, “Help, not this stuff”. I got the bartender’s attention and told him to give Aimee the Clase Azul reposado.

Again, the women pounded the shots with a lot of cheering before they jumped back out to the dance floor. Aimee stayed back again and thanked me. We were resuming our conversation when she got a text. Looking at her phone she said, ‘Shit, work. I need to get on my laptop. Would you terribly mind watching their stuff while I’m gone. I’m hoping it won’t be too long, but in any case, nice meeting you. Thank you for the very educational lesson on how not to make tequila my enemy.’ I of course agreed, and figured I needed to figure out a plan for continuing my streak.

Aimee swung by the dance floor to tell the others she needed to work and that I would be watching their stuff. I hung at the bar, talked to my group and the bartender some more, and downed some waters to try to counteract the tequila. After a few songs, the women came over, thanking me for watching their stuff. They were going to head downtown to dance at livelier bars. One of them said they tried texting Aimee but she didn’t respond, so if I saw her, to tell her the plan. Jen came up to me again and said I should join them, making eyes that suggested her intentions weren’t necessarily pure.

After about 15 more minutes, I was just about to call it a loss at this bar and head out, either to meet up with the group of women, or find a strip club when Aimee came back. As she walked up, I took her in fully, not previously having the chance. She was probably about 5’4” or so, and quite slim. The floral romper had a criss-cross front that barely showed her rather pale skin at the top of her chest and literally no cleavage, and she had on a cute pair of sandals to accompany. She saw me at the bar and came up, ‘Hi! I think I got ditched.’ she said as she walked up.

‘They headed downtown. I think someone said to Cabo Wabo. They wanted me to tell you.’

‘Oh my god, did you stay here this whole time to tell me? That’s so sweet. Can I at least buy you a drink?,’ she asked as she was getting the bartender’s attention.

‘Totally not necessary.’ I replied, but she wasn’t deterred. ‘I’ll have one more if you’ll have one with me.’

‘OK, but I think I’m hitting my limit, or blew right through that’ she said giggling.

She ordered two more shots of the reposado, and I had the bartender get us two waters as well. When the shots arrived she said, ‘Do you have any idea what the best way to catch up with them is? Should I get a taxi?’

‘It’s just a few block walk, but I wouldn’t recommend going it alone. I can walk you down there.’

‘Oh! That would be so nice. I hate to put you out like that.’ She replied.

‘It’s really nothing. Okay, let’s finish these and close out.’ We did another toast and drank the two shots as the bartender closed out our tabs (this is how I figured out Aimee had a nontraditional spelling to her name). As we left the bar I realized I didn’t really want to head downtown in these flip flops. ‘Can we run by my room real quick to change shoes?’ I asked.

‘Oh for sure, no worries.’ We walked down to our villa, chatting as we did. It was her group’s first night in Cabo as well, and the unwritten rule of “Go Hard on the First Night” is apparently a universal one. The other couple in my villa were still out, so our place was empty when we arrived. Walking back to my bedroom, Aimee was taking in the whole room. ‘This is *much* nicer than ours. So interesting how differently everyone decorates them.’ She sat down on my bed while I rustled through my stuff to get another pair of shoes. I heard a “hicc” sound behind me, realizing Aimee had developed a small case of hiccups.

‘Want me to get you a water?’ I asked.

‘<Hicc>, that would be great, <hicc>…’ she replied. I went to our fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. Coming back to the room, Aimee had laid back on the bed still with her feet on the ground next to it.

‘You okay?’

‘Yeah, just trying to get rid of the hiccups, <hicc>and the room is just a little spinny.’

‘Sure you want to go downtown?’

‘Yeah, you gotta help me up though <hicc>!’

I moved in front of her as she raised an arm up. Gripping her hand, I expected her to try sitting up, more or less pulling herself up, so I was surprised when it was total dead-weight and instead of her coming up, I ended up coming down towards her. I caught myself just before landing on her. Aimee began giggling again, with us face to face inches apart. ‘Oopsie. That could have been bad <hicc>’ she said, with her hands now on my chest. ‘Wow, you’ve got a good body’ she said. I was definitely getting a flirty vibe here and started to lean in to kiss her. ‘<Hicc>’ right as I was about to, followed by her giggling. ‘Ok, help me up now’ breaking the spell. Getting up, I grabbed two hands, now bracing for the lack of effort I expected.

When she was standing, I handed Aimee the water. She drank most of the bottle, and seemed to be over her hiccups now. As I was getting my shoes on, Aimee asked, ‘Can I use your bathroom, I just realized I really need to go.’ I replied that of course she could, and Aimee went into the bathroom. Not 15 seconds later, the door cracked and Aimee peeked out saying, ‘Umm, this is embarrassing but can I get your help?’ Not knowing what she needed help with, I went into the bathroom, where she said, ‘So, I totally forgot that this romper is like a two person job. Can you undo the button at the neck? I think I can untie it, but I also need help with the zipper in the back. And no peeking at my tattoo!’

‘Ah, so *that’s* the secret bad decision tattoo!’ I replied. Aimee turned and I undid the button as she reached back and undid the tie for the criss-cross front. As I unzipped the bottoms, I did see the very top of the tattoo just peeking out of her grey cotton thong.

‘Thank you!’ she said as I walked out of the bathroom while she held the romper in place with her hands. A few minutes passed and I got another panicked ‘Jack! I need help again.’ Without thinking I opened the bathroom door to see her standing there in the grey thong with her back to me. I could see slightly more of the tattoo, which was sort of a tramp stamp, but basically where the crack of her ass started. It was a fairly modest thong and covered most of it, so all I could see was a small yellow upside down diamond. ‘Eeek, didn’t realize you were going to just walk in! I can’t figure this thing out. It made sense when I put it on tonight, but now it seems like it has more straps than I remember. Help!’ she said.

‘Okay, not sure what I’ll be able to do here. Do you want to hand it to me?’ She handed it to me and turned around, now facing me with one hand covering her breasts.

‘Don’t make fun of my itty bitties’ she said. I was looking at the dress, trying to figure it out, but glanced up as she said it.

‘I can’t even see anything’ I replied, honestly meaning it in a “don’t worry, you aren’t flashing” sense, but Aimee took it in a “you have nothing for me to see” way, and I could see her face drop. ‘You’re covering up, unfortunately, so you aren’t letting me check out your body.’ That luckily brought a smile, and she said, ‘Ok, honest opinion, do they just look ridiculous? I’m thinking about getting a boob job’ she said before moving her arm out of the way. They were amongst the smallest I had seen this year, probably a AA, and her light brownish/pinkish nipples and areolae were the most distinctive elements, with just the slightest bit of raised breast tissue. Still, she was really attractive, the slightest bit of post-maternity pooch, but overall her pale skin and slim figure all “worked.”

‘You’re gorgeous’ I told her. ‘Not everyone needs to be a C-cup.’

‘I would settle for a B to be honest. I thought they’d get bigger when Kaitlyn was born, but milk never came in. And I know my husband wishes they were bigger, among other complaints.’

‘I would just do whatever you want to do and not worry about what anyone else thinks. Like I said, you’re gorgeous.’ We stood there in the bathroom, her in a thong, me dressed, staring at one another, building incredible tension. Aimee broke that by moving towards me, dropping the dress on the tile floor, grabbing my shirt and pulling me towards her and leaning her head up and kissing me. Her tongue entered my mouth as my arms moved around her, my hand making their way down her back to her tiny ass.

We made out for what felt like 5 minutes straight, as Aimee’s hands felt my chest and abs over my shirt before sliding under. She seemed very interested in feeling my body, and I broke the kiss to unbutton my shirt and take it off. We were now skin against skin, although with the shorts I was wearing, I still had barely more on than she did. Aimee looked at my body and then up at me before pulling me back to the bed.
She fell back onto the bed, pulling me on top of her, wrapping her legs around me and kissing me again, her tongue aggressively entering my mouth. Aimee’s hips were rocking back and forth against me from below, and her hands were all over my chest and my arms, gripping me and rubbing me. ‘I love your body’ she said, ‘I feel so small beneath you.’ Before I could respond, she kissed me deeply again, rocking her hips up against me hard in a grinding motion and pulling me into her with her feet, still wrapped around my thighs.

I rolled over onto my back, pulling her up and on top of me while I did, bringing a coo from Aimee. She whispered in my ear before kissing me again, ‘That was so hot, I’ve always wanted to try rolling over like that.’ We made out more as she continued grinding, with her movements getting even more intense now that she was on top. Aimee again broke the kiss and got up off me. I saw that the bottom of her grey cotton thong had a stripe darkened with wetness. ‘I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. We really shouldn’t be doing this. It’s just… you called me gorgeous, and I don’t think I’ve heard something like that from Justin since before I was pregnant, and even then…’ her voice trailed off. ‘It’s just, well, it’s nice to feel wanted. And it’s fun to kiss you. But that’s all we should do.’

‘Ok, I’m good with just making out.’ I replied, thinking about whether I would have a chance to head back to the marina to one of those strip clubs. ‘But if you’re uncomfortable, we can be done.’

‘No, I *want* to keep making out. I can’t remember the last time I’ve kissed someone, even my husband like this. Can I get you down to your underwear though? I think It would be easier, and it’s only fair, you know?’ She said that last part as she reached down and undid the button and unzipped me, pulling the brushed cotton shorts down before I had a chance to warn her that I was commando. ‘Oh wow, you’re not, and you don’t… and you’re um, wow.’

‘Do you want me to put them back on?’

She hesitated, staring at my package. ‘Noooo, Umm, can I… touch it?’

‘Whatever you’re comfortable with.’

‘Ok, I just want to touch it. You’re so… smooth.’ She moved back towards me, sitting next to me on the bed, and reached her hand down. It barely brushed over the surface of my cock, and she lightly rubbed up and down before actually gripping it slightly and holding it. She pulled it upwards (towards her) and just sort of squeezed it a couple times. ‘You’re really, umm, hard.’

‘I am, I was having fun and like I said, you’re gorgeous.’

‘I’m sure this is the alcohol talking, I know I shouldn’t be here, I know I shouldn’t be doing this, but can I kiss you again?’

I sat up somewhat, leaning back on my elbows and moved forward a touch to kiss her. She was still to the side of me and didn’t let go of my cock as we kissed. Aimee brought her tongue into my mouth again, kissing me deeply before I felt her shift her weight as she moved a leg over the top of my, letting go of my cock and straddling me as she sat down upon it. I could feel the damp spot on her panties as it provided the only barrier between the warmth of her pussy and my shaft.

Aimee began to rock against me again as we kissed. Her tongue increased its flickering inside my mouth as her breathing increased in pace through her nose. She continued this for several minutes, breathing faster and faster until she whimpered slightly into my mouth. I felt an additional gush of wetness against me, and as Aimee pulled away from the kiss and sat up, I looked down to see the small wet spot on her panties was spreading now. She was sitting straight up, directly on my cock, hands on her knees, looking at me with her mouth parted, breathing heavily.

Aimee then got up, and I assumed the post-orgasmic moment of clarity had caused immediate regret. She stood there a moment, looking at me, breathing heavily, her bottom lip quivering slightly. I was about to ask if she was okay when she reached down to the waist band of her thong, and slid them down. Her pubic area was smooth and pale, and I could see the slightest bit of her labia and slit with the pronounced gap between her thighs. ‘Don’t get any ideas, I just needed to get those off. They were too wet.’

‘No worries. Do you want help with the romper?’ giving her the easy out there.

‘Did you want me to go?’ she asked.

‘Did I *want* you to? No, I just thought…’

‘Shh. Give me a second here.’ She paused in reflection. ‘Can I, um. I want to do something for you.’ Aimee moved down to her knees in front of the side of the bed, kneeling between my legs. ‘I hope this is okay. Just tell me if I need to do something different.’ She put her hand on my cock again, and moved her head forward, placing her lips on the head. She rubbed them around the head slightly before parting more and allowing the head to enter her mouth. Aimee used incredibly light pressure with her lips, but her tongue did snake around and flick the head quite a bit, echoing how she was kissing me earlier. The hand that was holding the shaft was gripped tight around me, while her other hand rested on my thigh.

Aimee continued slowly moving her mouth up and down, focusing on the head and the top inch or so of the shaft. After about seven minutes, she paused and said, ‘My jaw is getting a little sore. I’m so sorry. I know I’m not any good at this. I just…’

‘Aimee, it’s okay. Seriously, it felt great. And you look beautiful doing it.’

‘I just, you’re so smooth, and I wanted to see how it would be different. It’s just, nevermind…’

‘What? You can tell me’

‘Well, all of us went and got waxed this week together because off the trip. I came home and wanted to surprise Justin with it. I got a wax once when I was in college before I knew him, but super painful, so only did it once. But then on Wednesday, I came out of the shower and showed him, and instead of liking it, he laughed and said it made me look like a child.’

‘You definitely do not look like a child Aimee. You’re gorgeous.’ And she was. An absolutely beautiful face, her petite slim frame was toned. Her curly brown hair was framing her small breasts, her nipples firm with arousal. Between the gap, her inner thighs were wet, the light reflecting off them somewhat.

‘Justin said to me, “What if I came home and had done that. I’d look ridiculous.” But when I saw you like that, all I could think was “I want that. I want him.”

I rose up off the bed, moving towards her, and wrapped my arms around her, gently lifting her chin up and kissing her again. She kissed me deeply again, pushing against my body, my cock now pressing up against her belly firmly. ‘I feel so small against you,’ she said as she broke the kiss. ‘I’ve been with Justin for 12 years and he’s just two inches taller than me. It’s why I never wear heels. Even when I was in college, both guys I dated were under 6 feet. And all of them have been, you know, skinny. You’re just *bigger*.’ She kissed me again, her tongue once again running along my teeth and “fighting” my own. ‘Umm, do you have a condom?’

‘Yeah,’ I said, breaking our embrace, and walking into the bathroom to grab the box I had brought for the trip. I opened it and pulled one out. ‘Why don’t you lay down, I’d love to return the favor first.’

‘You don’t have to, I don’t need a lot of foreplay. Justin said I haven’t bounced back from Kaitlyn’s delivery.’ *Justin was really starting to get on my nerves.*

‘Who says it’s just for foreplay? I want to taste you. Besides, you got that wax, I want to feel how smooth you are.’

Aimee laid down in the middle of the bed. I could tell she wasn’t yet totally comfortable. Dropping the condom package next to me on the bed, I crawled up between her legs, parting them as I did. Aimee’s pussy was soaked, her thin labia parted. Placing my hands on her inner thighs, I gently kissed my way up to her outer labia before running my tongue up one side and down the other. ‘So smooth’ I said.

‘Wow, I can feel everything’ she responded. But once my tongue licked between her labia and up to her clit, Aimee stopped talking, instead, mostly just breathing heavily in between soft whimpers. She tasted good, a combination of slightly bitter, slightly salty, and a little sweet. I followed her whimpers to identify the technique that worked best on her, which ended up being more of a circular swirling around her clit with constant pressure accompanied with my chin pressed against the opening below.

As the pace of the whimpers increased, I continued the pressure until she let out a gasp. As she did, I felt another wet gush against my face. It wasn’t much but did leave a wet spot on the comforter below her about the size of a cantaloupe in addition to leaving my chin and lips soaked. All in all, it was incredibly sexy that she was able to let go like that.

I moved back, stroking my cock a couple times to get it back to a full erection. As I did, Aimee watched me, leaning back against the pillow. ‘Are you ready?’ I asked.- She didn’t say a word, just nodded as I ripped open the condom and rolled it down.

As I crawled up towards her, Aimee spread her legs a little wider before reaching down to grab my condom-covered cock as I approached. She brought it to the entrance to her pussy, as I hovered above her. I pushed my hips forward, as the latex covered head of my cock parted her labia. Aimee inhaled sharply through her nose as I did before breathing out through her mouth. Whatever her husband thought, she was still quite tight, and her labia were gripped around me as I pushed in.

‘Oh my god’ she said quietly while exhaling again. I paused for a few moments before pushing in more. Aimee said a few more “oh gods” quickly as the rest of my cock made its way into her.

‘Are you okay, do you want to stop?’

‘Oh, I’m definitely okay. This is just really, um, intense. You’re bigger than Justin, I just didn’t really know how much bigger until you were inside me. But, it’s good, I’m good.’

‘Are you okay if we move a little?’ I asked as I started to pull back some.

‘Ohhhhhhhhh, yeah, that’s good, oh. Wow.’ I began to thrust my hips slowly into and out of her. Aimee stopped talking, but continued the breathing and whimpering she had done during oral. Given how quiet she was vocally, you could really hear how loud the wet noises were from where we were joined. After about five or so minutes, Aimee interrupted me with, ‘There’s a spot that’s sort of rubbing or something. It’s feeling really intense, can we try a different position?’

She didn’t give a lot of guidance, but if she wanted to change things up, I of course wanted to accommodate that. Recalling her pleasure at the flip over move earlier, I reached under and grabbed her ass while thrusting all the way in before rolling us over so she was on top. As I did, Aimee moaned, ‘oh my god, yes, that is so hot!’

I let Aimee now lead. She didn’t so much ride me up and down as rock back and forth, the actual movement of penetration was probably only a half an inch to an inch of penetrative movement. Her clit was pressed down firmly against my pubic bone as she rocked. Aimee’s ragged breathing began again almost immediately and continued for another 4 or 5 minutes, sporadically interrupted with a whimper or “unh” sound.

I watched as she fucked herself on me, mostly with eyes closed, watching as her mouth opened and closed, almost to a grimace before she said, ‘Mmmm, I need to stop for a minute and change positions, it’s just too intense on that spot.’ Aimee got up off of me, the condom and base of my cock just soaked with wetness. She was on her knees, sort of kneeling on the bed.

I sat up and said, ‘Why don’t you move right here,’ gesturing to where I was just laying, noting we now had two melon sized wet spots on the comforter. She moved over, and I suggested she go to her knees.

‘OK, but give me a moment before we start again.’ As she moved to her knees I saw the tattoo on her lower back for the first time. It actually wasn’t so much her lower back as the crack of her ass just above her tailbone. The yellow diamond shape I saw before had the “slippery when wet” road sign on it.

‘So that’s the bad decision tattoo?’

‘Oh my god, yeah, it’s horrible isn’t it?’

‘I think it’s kind of cute, what’s the story?’

‘It’s a little awkward telling you a story while pointing my ass at you.’

“Not if I do this.’ I moved behind her and licked from her clit upwards to her vagina, and then kept going over her taint to her asshole.

‘Oh fuck!’ she responded. “I’ve never, umm’

I pulled away for a second. ‘Had your ass licked? I’ll keep going if you tell me your tattoo story.’ I went back to her ass, eliciting a moan. I slid two fingers inside her and rubbed her clit with my thumb, causing Aimee to moan even more. As she regained her composure, she told me the story of the tattoo.

*In summary, in college, she had taken a photo as a joke in front of a sign like that for her boyfriend, and it became a running joke amongst her friends. Whenever they were out and saw a similar sign, she’d jump out and take a photo with it. She’d always joked she should get it tattooed on her. So when she was out with friends from college around her 30th birthday, after way too many shots of tequila, the bad decision was made. She got it low enough that it wouldn’t show under a swimsuit, so it would be her (and Justin’s) little secret. Justin, however, was not a fan and said it was trashy.*

My tongue was now penetrating her asshole while I was fingering her. Aimee had to interrupt herself several times with moans, and as she finished the story, she said, ‘I want you in me again.’ I removed my fingers from her pussy and my tongue from her ass and moved up to my knees behind her. The detour had brought me down from what had felt like an imminent orgasm, but I was still hard, so my hope was that she’d be able to go for a while in this position.

As I positioned myself behind her, it became even more evident how slight she was. As I gripped her ass from behind, each cheek was slightly larger than my hands, but not by much. I spread her slightly as I moved my hips forward, my cock fully obscuring the pussy it was about to enter. The sheen of wetness covered her inner thighs and ass, and as I pushed forward, there was truth to her tattoo. There was still some resistance, but the wetness provided sufficient lubrication to allow me to slide in. Aimee made a grunt/whimper sound as I did before letting out a deep breath.

I began to slide in and out of her, Aimee started off in a typical doggy style position. Regardless of whatever beliefs her husband had put in her head about the tightness of her pussy after the baby two years ago, she was gripping my shaft on every thrust. From that angle the sound of her wetness and our movements was competing with her whimpering, which was getting louder and almost becoming a high-pitched grunt.

‘Unh, I can feel that again, ungh’ Aimee said as my thrusts sped up a little.

‘Do you want me to stop?’

‘Unh no, it’s a weird, ungh, feeling, but good at the same time’ she said, dropping her head to the bed and arching her back. She was gripping the comforter tightly as she did. I pumped into her for a couple more minutes before she adjusted again, now raising her body up, her hands now in the middle of the headboard.

Whereas with the previous positioning, I could feel the head of my cock sliding against the “back” wall of her pussy, when she rose up, I was distinctly sliding against the “front” wall, and as I did, Aimee’s grunts grew louder and more frequent, corresponding to each thrust.

The rapid crescendo of her moans told me I was doing something right, so I kept at it until she let out an even louder one and pulled her hips forward slightly. At the same time, her vaginal muscles contracted strongly, effectively ejecting me from her body. Aimee’s hands dropped and her back arched again as fluid sprayed out of her with great force and in great quantities, hitting my cock and lower torso, as well as spraying between my legs.

It was a wild scene, only taking a couple seconds before she paused, breathing heavily. I still hadn’t cum, so thought I would try to finish with her. Grabbing her hips again, I pushed myself in, causing Aimee to groan again. She was tighter than she was before, and she once again resumed the hands on the headboard positioned as I pistoned myself inside of her. It took a couple minutes for her to resume the moaning, but once it came, I could tell she was getting to the same place. I tried to hold off as long as I could, and as she began to contract again, I held on to her hips and came hard into the condom. My own orgasm was interrupted though as the contractions got to strong, forcing my cock out of her, and as I finished spurting into the latex, another stream of liquid came from Aimee, accompanied by a high pitched moan.

As I pulled back and moved off the bed, I took in the scene on the comforter. The wet spot extended at least three feet from where Aimee was still kneeling, although the widest portion of it was the foot or so behind here where my body blocked the shot. It was one of the most impressive scenes of squirting I had experienced that year. Aimee though, as she got up from her doggy style position looked back at the comforter with a face of horror. ‘Oh my god, I am SOOOOO sorry. I get wet usually, but that’s only happened to me once before in college when I was drunk. I had no idea it was going…’

I cut her off. ‘Aimee, it’s fine. That was so hot. Did you enjoy it?’

‘Yeah, I mean,’ a huge exhale, ‘A lot.’

‘Good, then nothing to worry about.’

‘What time is it?’ she asked, moving over to her phone. ‘Oh my god, I have like 10 missed texts and calls. My friends are freaking out. They think I got kidnapped or something. They are all back in the rooms and I wasn’t there.’

‘Well text them and let them know. I don’t want the Federales to burst in here to rescue you!’ She laughed, and quickly fired off a text. ‘What did you tell them?’

‘I said that we went looking for them but couldn’t find them and must have missed them. I *do* need to get going though. Can you help me with the romper?’ She was moving to the bathroom and grabbed a towel. ‘Do you mind if I use this to clean up a little?’

‘Of course not, go for it.’

Once she was clean, or at least dry, we got the romper back on her. She hid the soaked panties in her purse, and gave me a hug as she left my room. It was a somewhat awkward parting, as there was little said, and nothing about the night we just shared. I did see her and the other girls at the pool from a distance a couple days later, but we didn’t interact and I don’t know if she saw me. It was a good way to start that Cabo trip, and as I’ve noted in other stories, that trip was a fantastic one overall, both as a vacation, and for my sex life.



  1. My FWB is more of a “gusher” than a “squirter”. I can always find the right angle to make her soak the bed, couch, counter, table, etc…. It’s so hot.

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